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CSCD27 Malicious Software

November 21, 2016

CSCD27 Malicious Software


November 21, 2016


  1. Action 
 - performs unsolicited operations on the system •

    Rabbit exhausts the hardware resources of a system until failure • Backdoor allows an attacker to take control of the system bypassing authorization mechanisms • Spyware collects information • Spamware uses the system to send spam • Ransomware restricts access to system’s data and resources and demands for a ransom • Adware renders unsolicited advertisement
  2. Infection - penetrate a system and spread to others Replication

    - copy itself to spread • Virus contaminates existing executable programs • Worm exploits a service’s vulnerability Subterfuge - based on user’s credulity • Trojan Horse tricks the user to execute the malicious code
  3. Control - activate the malicious code • Backdoor communicates with

    command & control servers allowing an attacker to control the virus • Logic Bomb activates the malicious code when certain conditions are met on the system
  4. Chronology • 70's - The era of the first self-replicating

    programs • 80's - The era of maturity and first pandemics • 90's - The era of self-modifying virus and macro viruses • 00's - The era of Trojan horses and internet worms • 10’s - The era of cyber-warfare viruses
  5. The era of the first self-replicating programs (70's) ANIMAL (a

    popular game) • Replication through the filesystem • No effect Creeper (and Reaper) on Tenex OS (Arpanet) • Replication through a modem and copied itself to the remote system • Displays the message
 I'M THE CREEPER : CATCH ME IF YOU CAN The Rabbit program • Replication through the filesystem • Reduces system performance till crashing Simple Joke Disruptive Destructive
  6. Anatomy of a Virus A virus can be • a

    malicious code embedded in an existing program and replicates itself by infecting other programs through the filesystem or the network • a program that exists by itself and replicates through the filesystem or network Infection vector how the virus penetrate the system The payload what the virus does
  7. Resident vs. Non-resident Non-resident virus ➡ The virus becomes inactive

    as soon as the infected program terminates Resident virus ➡ The virus remains in memory even after the infected programs terminates
  8. Apparition of boot sector viruses Elk Cloner (Apple II) in

    1982 • An infected computer would display a short poem on every 50th boot Brain (IBM/PC) in 1984 • The disk label is changed to “Brain” and an advertisement text is written in boot sectors
  9. 1987 - the beginning of pandemics Jerusalem (MS-DOS) • Destroys

    all executable files on infected machines upon every occurrence of Friday the 13th SCA (Amiga) • Displays a text every 15th boot • 40% of the Amiga owners were infected Christmas Tree EXEC (IBM/PC) • Displays a snow flow animation • Paralyzed several international computer networks in December 1987
  10. The first anti-virus softwares (end of 80's) Virus scanner (detection)

    • Signature based - 
 Using a signature database of existing viruses • Behavior based
 Looking for suspicious code patterns that can be used by viruses Virus removal tools (sanitation) • Cleaning the memory and the filesystem
  11. Avoiding detection Cascade (1987) • The virus encrypts itself with

    a cryptographic key and changes this key when replicating itself ✓ Each instance of the virus does not look the same
 ➡ This is the emergence of polymorphic viruses
  12. The era of self-modifying virus (90's) The Chameleon family (1990)

    Ply (1996) • DOS 16-bit based complicated polymorphic virus with built-in permutation engine
  13. Anatomy of a “polymorphic” virus A polymorphic virus mutates when

 (but keeps the original algorithm intact) • By using cryptography • By injecting garbage code • By doing permutations within certain instructions or block of instructions • By using code obfuscation technique
 How to detect it? ➡ By detecting code patterns used for the self-modification
  14. Metamorphic Virus A metamorphic virus can reprogram itself • by

    using different instructions • and by using different strategies to implement a functionality
 Zmist (2000) • First metamorphic virus Simile (2001) • First a multi-OS metamorphic virus
  15. Macro Viruses A macro virus is written in scripting languages

    used by some office applications (can be cross-platform) • Written in VBS, embedded in a MS-office document, activated when the document is open (autoload function) 
 Concept (1995) Melissa (1999) • March 26 1999, Melissa shut down e-mail systems that got clogged with infected e-mails
  16. Anatomy of a Trojan horse A Trojan horse is a

    program that disguise itself as a legitimate program or file
 ➡ In most cases, Trojan horses replicate themselves through emails
  17. The big stars among trojan horses VBS/Loveletter ILOVEYOU (2000) •

    Caused 5.5 to 10 billion dollars in damage
 Sobig (2002) • Sobig.F set a record in sheer volume of e-mails
 MyDoom (2002) • Broke the record set by Sobig.F
  18. Anatomy of a worm A worm exploits a security flaw

    (often of a network service) to infect the machine and replicates itself through the network
 ➡ Very fast infection (does not need the user to be activated) ➡ Has a payload as well (more or less harmful)
  19. Factors • The wide adoption of internet • The global

    network is a good medium for virus pandemics • The multiplication of internet applications and services • Fast publication of program vulnerabilities • Slow release of corrective patches • Slower adoption of these patches (not automatic)
  20. Code-Red (2001) • Exploits a security flaw (buffer overflow) of

    Microsoft IIS web server (MS01-033) patched one month earlier • In few days, 359 000 machines infected Nimda (2001) • Exploits another security flaw of MS-IIS • The Internet’s most widespread worm so far
 (the most part of the infection was done in 22min) Klez (2001) • Exploits a security flaw of Microsoft Internet Explorer layout engine used by Outlook and IE • Infection through email attachment however the user does not have to open this attachment to get infected
  21. SQL-Slammer (also called Sapphire) (2002) • Exploits a security flaw

    in MS-SQL servers for which a patch had been released six months earlier (MS02-039) • Infected 75,000 machines in 10 minutes causing caused a massive denial of service and dramatically slowed down global Internet traffic Sasser (2002) • Exploiting a buffer overflow of Microsoft LSASS on Windows 2000 and XP systems • Many companies had to shut down their services
  22. Blaster (also known as Lovesan) (2003) • Exploits a security

    flaw in DCOM-RPC services on Windows 2000 and XP • Was supposed to do SYN flood on August 15, 2003 against port 80 of windowsupdate.com Welchia (also known as Nachia) (2003) • Exploits the same security flaw than Blaster • Corrects the security flaw by patching the system
  23. Conficker (2008) • Exploits a security flaw in NetBIOS •

    Disables auto-update • Embeds a dictionary password cracker and a backdoor to turn the machine into a “bot” • Believed to be originated from Ukraine and/or Russia
  24. The first web-worm Santy (2004) • Exploited a vulnerability in

    phpBB and used Google in order to find new targets • It infected around 40 000 sites before Google filtered the search query used by the worm, preventing it from spreading
  25. The emergence of XSS worms An XSS worm exploits a

    cross site scripting (XSS) within a website (see lecture on web security) Samy (2005) • Targeting MySpace (social network) JTV.worm (2008) • Targeting Justin.tv (video casting) Twitter.worm (2010) • Targeting Twitter (micro-blogging)
  26. The first cyber-warfare virus W32.Dozor (July 2009) • A virus

    that created a botnet dedicated to perform a DDoS attack South Korea and US government website on July 4th • Believed to be originated from China and/or North Korea
  27. Stuxnet (Sept 2010) • A very sophisticated virus that targets

    SCADA systems (supervisory control and data acquisition) • Believed that it took down 4000 nuclear centrifuges in Iran • Believed to be originated from the USA and Israel Flame also called Skywiper (May 2012) • An espionage virus that embeds sophisticated spywares • Believed to be originated from the USA 
 (Olympic Games defense program)
  28. Another trend - Ransomware Reveton (2012) • Displays a message

    from the law enforcement agency saying that you have pirated software and child pornography on your machine • Ask you to pay a fine using a prepaid cash service CryptoLocker (2013) • Encrypt specific files on your machine with a 2048 RSA key • Ask you to pay a ransom with Bitcoins “Ransomware attacks grew by 500% in 2013 and turned vicious”
 source : Symantec Internet Security Threat Report 2014
  29. The stupid trend of hoax viruses A hoax virus 1.gives

    you the method to detect and remove the virus (often a real and important system file) 2.asks you to transfer this email to your contacts What are the effects? • Hoax virus are harmless (almost) 
 and do nothing by themselves (but users do) How to remove it? • Delete the email :)
  30. Why? “Malicious Software and its Underground Economy” joint work with

    Omar Abou Selo (undergrad at CMU) in 2014 Original research problem ➡ how easy is it to hire a hacker or get cutting-edge hacking tools on the internet (hacker’s forums)? Conclusion ➡ creating a new malware is as simple as assembling pieces 
 available online
  31. How to create a new malware? 3 step process 1.

    Create the malware’s payload 2. Make the malware undetectable 3. Spread the malware
  32. How to create a new malware? 3 step process 1.Create

    the malware’s payload
 a.k.a building a RAT 2. Make the malware undetectable 3. Spread the malware
  33. What a malware do • take control of the victim’s

    device turning it into a zombie/bot • act as a spam relay or DDoS relay • steal personal information 
 including passwords, credit card numbers, banking credentials • click bot : generating web traffic • … and so on
  34. Remote Access Tool (RAT) Basically a remote administration tool with

    • stealth features • and specific functionalities such as : • camera controller • hardware destroyer • password / credit card loggers • … and so on
  35. DIY RAT - program a RAT yourself Pro ➡ Free

    ➡ Personalized Cons ➡ Time consuming ➡ Requires good expertise of the targeted system
  36. Buy a RAT as a COTS* Some RAT Builders •

    Zeus (2007) initially $700, now open source • DarkComet (2008), open source • BlackShades (2010) can now be purchased from an official company $49 - $56 * Commercial Off-The-Shelf
  37. How to create a new malware? 3 step process 1.

    Create the malware’s payload 2.Make the malware undetectable
 a.k.a packing a malware 3. Spread the malware
  38. How antiviruses detect malware? 2 techniques 1. Static Analysis ➡

    Scan program comparing it to a collection of signatures How to bypass it ? encryption and code obfuscation 2. Dynamic Analysis ➡ Run program in a sandbox and infer from its behavior How to bypass it? detect the sandbox environment 
 and employ trigger based behaviors
  39. DIY packing - make the code undetectable yourself Pro ➡

    Free ➡ Personalized Cons ➡ Time consuming ➡ Requires good expertise of cryptography, code obfuscation and execution environment
  40. Buy a Crypter as a COTS Some available Crypters •

    Byte Crypter $35 for 3 months, $60 for lifetime • Datascrambler $20 for 3 months, $40 for a year • BlackShades Crypter from an official company $60 for 3 months, $100 for a year
  41. A look at Datascrambler Functionalities include: • Start malware on

    startup • Block sandbox from monitoring • Kill other bots on victims pc • Protect from botkiller • Delay for dynamic analysis • Persistence • Binder
  42. How to create a new malware? 3 step process 1.

    Create the malware’s payload 2. Make the malware undetectable 3. Spread the malware
  43. Spread the malware using social engineering ➡ Trick people to

    download and install the malware • tutorial about hacking that makes you install the malware • video/chat player to access exclusive content or talk to exclusive people • pirated software on P2P networks Pro ➡ Free Cons ➡ Difficult to get cautious people infected ➡ Limited impact
  44. Spread the malware using through a webpage ➡ Exploit a

    browser/plugin vulnerability to automatically download and install the malware on the victim’s device Pro ➡ Everyone with a vulnerable browser can be infected ➡ Can be used for massive infections and targeted ones Cons ➡ Requires good expertise of the target browser, its vulnerabilities and how to exploit them
  45. Buy an Exploit Bundle/Kit and associated services 1. Exploit bundle

    : $25/day, $400/month, up to $3,000 ➡ program to embed into a webpage 2. Bulletproof host : $15–250 per month ➡ hosting service to bypass any kind of IP filtering
 anti-spam, anti-virus, anti-malware, law enforcement,
 search engine anti-malware service and so on 3. Traffic : $4–10 per 1,000 unique hits ➡ attract people to visit the infected webpage
  46. Examples of Exploits Kits http://contagiodump.blogspot.com/2010/06/overview-of-exploit-packs-update.html • Blackhole (2010, latest version

    in 2013)
 19 CVEs mainly targeting Java and Adobe products
 http://community.websense.com/blogs/securitylabs/pages/black-hole-exploit-kit.aspx • Redkit (2013)
 4 CVEs mainly targeting Java
  47. Buy installs of your malware ➡ Use a spreading service

    also called Pay-Per-Install (PPI)
 $12 – $550 per 1000 infections Pro ➡ Easy ➡ Can be selective about 
 the geolocation of the hosts Cons ➡ Pricy
  48. Conclusion Creating a malware, making it undetectable and spreading it

    would normally be difficult and require a good deal of expertise However, the cyber underground market makes this process accessible to the mass given a small amount of money
  49. Consequences Antivirus “is dead” says Brian Dye, Symantec's senior vice

    president for information security. "We don't think of antivirus as a moneymaker in any way." Symantec Develops New Attack on Cyberhacking 
 The Wall Street Journal
  50. Other findings The cyber underground market offers many services •

    Buy Youtube views, Facebook likes, Twitter followers • Hacker for hire • Botnet rental • DDoS services • Spamming services • “Update” your college grades
  51. Excellent Reference “Russian Underground 101” Max Goncharov, Trend Micro Incorporated,

    2012 http://www.trendmicro.com/cloud-content/us/pdfs/security-intelligence/white-papers/wp-russian- underground-101.pdf