This is a presentation from microXchg Berlin 2018.
Whether you just started with programming or you're a professional: Chances are good you will not be happy with at least some of the code that you have written in the past. Mostly because you have some new perspective or learning. At the same time you must always keep in mind that legacy systems often drive business and are not easily replaced.
We will discuss bad decisions, discipline and how we used to generate more technical debt then can be handled. In this presentation we would like to share our personal story about how we tackled the legacy challenge in a pragmatic way, without jumping on the µ-services train for very good reasons. Despite not following all the current hype topics, we still ended up with a well automated and modern system architecture. We present our learnings and approaches for moving forward with a small team replacing the legacy puddle of mud with a new, shiny monolith over time.