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GDG Vietnam Webinar #1 - Kotlin Asynchronous Fl...

GDG Vietnam Webinar #1 - Kotlin Asynchronous Flow, A beginner guide for RxJava people

Starting with Kotlin Flow Api from the background of RxJava2 context, this talk will help you have a simple comparison of concepts and the ground technical pillars that share between the 2 options.

Toan Tran

March 07, 2020

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  1. About speaker Hello! I’m Toan Vice President, Mobile @Lazada (Looking

    for Android folks to join me!) https://medium.com/@toantran toan_mobi toantran-ea
  2. Agenda 1. Why I mention RxJava here? (Target audiences) 2.

    Revisit coroutine concepts. 3. Idea 4. Key takeaways
  3. Why I mention RxJava here? - The perfect duos. Loader

    pattern? IntentService? Create threads? Java Future?
  4. Revisit coroutine concepts Suspending functions CoroutineBuilders (async, launch, runBlocking) CoroutineScopes

    (Activity, Application, viewModel, etc) CoroutineDispatchers (Main, IO, Defaut, Unconfined) Coroutine