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[PubConf] What Is the Point Of Microsoft? by Li...

[PubConf] What Is the Point Of Microsoft? by Liam Westley

Liam Westley's Ignite Deck from PubConf London 2016

Todd Gardner

January 16, 2016

More Decks by Todd Gardner

Other Decks in Technology


  1. What is the point of … ‘What is the point

    of …?’ is a BBC Radio 4 documentary series about institutions and their purpose in the modern world. In the past they have tackled such institutions as; Formula 1, The Methodists, The Lord Mayor Of London, Michelin Stars, The Football Association. So I thought why not look at … Microsoft. this talk?
  2. Enterprise development Java or more specifically the JVM (which includes

    JRuby, Clojure, Groovy and Scala) and .NET framework are the dominant enterprise languages for creating server side software. However, do not underestimate the ability of dynamic languages such as JavaScript, Python and Go to permeate the enterprise architecture at all levels. Typescript is the Microsoft response in the world of scripting on the server.
  3. .NET – more than languages • CLI – Common Language

    Infrastructure • Abstraction of high level languages from hardware • .NET Framework is an implementation of the CLI • CIL – Common Intermediate Language • This is IL – the hardware independent language suitable for running in the CLR • CLR – Common Language Runtime • Virtual machine that runs the IL • ‘Roslyn’ –.NET compiler for C# and VB • Native compilation will be reality
  4. Open Source - Microsoft Steve Ballmer, 2001 ‘GNU GPL is

    a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches’ Bill Gates, 2008 Open source, he said, creates a license ‘so that nobody can ever improve the software’
  5. .NET Foundation • dotnetfoundation.org • .NET Core 5 • .NET

    Compiler Platform (“Roslyn”) • MSBuild • ASP.NET 5 • ASP.NET SignalR • MEF • Entity Framework 6 • Xamarin.Mobile • Windows Phone Toolkit • Couchbase Lite for .NET
  6. .NET Core 5 .NET that runs on more than Windows,

    didn’t Microsoft already do this?
  7. Public cloud services • Amazon AWS • $5.2 billion, 50%

    of public cloud market • Rackspace public cloud • est $1.8 billion, 8% of public cloud market • Microsoft Azure • 6% of public cloud market • $6.3 billion, but includes Office 365, CRM online For comparison; Apple iTunes/Services stood at $18.5 billion, Facebook at $12.5 billion and Netflix at $5.5 billion
  8. Cloud – Azure • Docker • Containerisation of applications •

    Already supporting Docker in Linux images • Docker coming soon to Windows via Hyper-V, and will likely come to Azure first • Azure Service Fabric • cloud management • SQL Server, TFS, CRM, hosted Sharepoint • SASS will also be a big driver
  9. Windows • Linux/Chrome O/S versus Windows … or is it

    versus Windows or OS/X? • Windows 10 – make or break • free upgrades have driven heavy adoption at home • Surface and Surface Book show how Win 10 can work • Windows Server • Still great at hosting SQL Server, Exchange, Sharepoint, App Servers, and containerisation may help • But isn’t this only becoming SASS?
  10. Mobile – Windows Phone • Windows Phone • < 3%

    market share • 10% in Europe • Low in US and Japan • Windows 10 (for Phone) • Universal application model • As good as Office as iOS and Android • Continuum might not be enough to save it
  11. Mobile – iOS and Android • Office applications now launched

    • OneNote now joined by Word, Excel and Powerpoint • On iOS and Android tablets • Full fidelity and full editing capability • Outlook for iOS • Previously known as Accompli • Brings serious handling of e-mail, especially Exchange based e-mail • OneDrive, Skype
  12. Summary • Enterprise language and runtime that is increasingly being

    made open source • Office won, get over it • Cloud • driven by Office 365 and Microsoft services • Windows • saved by the hardware, OEM’s are crap • Windows Mobile …. ahem • Really, Office has won