for Digital Built Britain (デジタルツインと情報マネジメントに関する原則整備) Docklands area in Dublin, Ireland 1 3 ing of the digital twin of the city was realized by the com- pany Blindflug Studios with the game “(re)format Z:”, a game about the Reformation in Zurich (Fig. 5). The history of the Reformation is embedded in a dystopian cyberpunk version of the city. In this way, people who would oth- erwise not be interested in the topic are to be addressed. It has been decided to create the game in 3D as this is the best choice for an immersive experience. To be able to complete the project “(re)format Z:” within a short time- frame and to ensure that an accurate representation of the city is created, the 3D buildings of the City of Zurich have been used. The model contained the external shape of the houses including the roofs and the elevation data of the ground. A high degree of detail was to be achieved. The building data have been used as a basis. The detailed version has been created directly on the model, with a newly developed system, which allows the multiple reuse of elements such as windows and doors. With the “toolbox” of about 100 indi- vidual components the centre of Zurich’s old town, including The Geoportal simplifies the collection and assembly of spa- tial data. The desired topics can be selected for certain areas and then automatically requested. Currently, more than 200 spatial data sets are available in raster and vector format. The geoportal enables the systematic and automated viewing of all geodata on the Internet. Also, the automated update of data and metadata and the connection to the OGD portal are guaranteed. The customer can order not only urban but also canton’s data via a “Single Point of Contact”. The geoportal is online since the end of 2019 (GeoPortal 2019). 5.4 Zürich Virtuell (Virtual Zurich) Virtual Zurich opens a window (viewer) on the digital twin. The viewer is intended to facilitate the visualization of 3D components. In the future, the 3D models can be viewed and used interactively in the Intra- and Internet via a web inter- face (Fig. 6). The requirements of the GIS City of Zurich are incorporated into the implementation. In addition to public access, there will also be exclusive rooms. These exclusive Fig. 5 Excerpts from the game “re(format) Z:” and develop- ment tools (source: Blindflug Studios) (re)format Z:チューリッヒのデータを使ったパズルゲーム
Schooling, J.M., & Parlikad, A.K. (2021). A socio-technical perspective on urban analytics: The case of city- scale digital twins. Journal of Urban Technology, 28(1-2), 263-287. ケンブリッジのデジタルツインのフレームワーク 地域のアクターや想定ユーザーの位置づけ EV充電のシナリオ︓周辺地域を含めた空間的な開発 EV充電のシナリオ︓都市内部の⾼密度化
km² ⼈⼝︓ 5.1万⼈ デジタル南砺 ⾯積︓ 668.6 km² ⼈⼝︓ 4.8万⼈ • Seto, T., Sekimoto, Y., Asahi, K. and Endo, T.: Constructing a Digital City on a Web-3D Platform: Simultaneous and consistent generation of metadata and tile data from a multi-source raw dataset. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances on Resilient and Intelligent Cities (ARICʻ20), 9 pages, 2020.11 • 瀬⼾寿⼀・関本義秀・朝⽇孝輔・遠藤隆浩「多次元データと外部データ連携を融合させた地⽅都市における デジタルシティ基盤の構築」、地理情報システム学会講演論⽂集、29、10p. 、2020.10 • 瀬⼾寿⼀「都市のデータ化と地理空間情報」、電気学会誌、141 (1)、pp.23-26、2021.01.
X 各種ゾーニング(都市計画データ)X 新規施設・地区計画 = 将来の都市計画 X 病院・介護福祉施設 X 地域の⾼齢化 = 地域医療の場の確保・・・などなど X ハザードマップデータ X 3D建物モデル = 地区単位での影響⼈⼝の算出や 避難所の適正配置の検討 X 公共施設 X 公共交通(動的データ) = 主要施設へのアクセシビリティ X 観光施設 X 休⽇の⼈の流れ = イベント等における適切な誘導 X ⼦育て関連施設 X 若年⼈⼝⽐率 X バリアフリー = 親⼦で通える場所の整備 ・・・などなど 現在の地域を把握する︓各種統計データ 将来の地域を想像する︓ 将来の(⼈⼝)推計データ
for the future is of a geospatial ecosystem in which virtually all members of the global community ubiquitously interact with each other directly or indirectly, leveraging quality and reliable location-based information and powerful geo-analytics which are communicated through dynamic geomedia. This vision 都市のデジタルツイン(CDT)を⽀える︖GIS・地理空間情報 〈⽇本におけるGISの展開〉 • ⽇本では阪神淡路⼤震災等を契機に普及 • 「位置」に関する情報を有したデータ(=地理空 間情報)を総合的に管理するために整備するシス テム・サービス(主に2次元データ) • データを地図上に視覚的にまとめる+分析するこ とで地域⽐較や計画の提案など→「統合型GIS」 〈システムからデータへ︓地理空間エコシステム〉 1.データの不⾜分野の把握、既存データの鮮度・ 粒度(解像度)・履歴(経過年数)等の向上 2.同種のデータ(デジタル地図や位置情報)の異 なる組織同⼠でのワンソース・マルチユース化 3.異種のシナリオ(A案・B案…)を合理的に導き、 意思決定に備えるか︖ • DT開発・維持における⼈材育成が課題(GGIM, 2021) • 「統合型GIS」から「横断型地図」へ(藤村,2021)