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Master of Applied Science & Engineering: Comput...

Beat Signer
September 18, 2024

Master of Applied Science & Engineering: Computer Science & Master of Science in Applied Informatics

General information about the Master in Computer Science programmes at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium.

Beat Signer

September 18, 2024

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  1. 2 December 2005 Master of Applied Science & Engineering: Computer

    Science Prof. Dr. Beat Signer Prof. Dr. Beat Signer Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2024–2025 Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2024–2025 Mail your questions to: [email protected] Mail your questions to: [email protected] Download this presentation: https://dinf.vub.ac.be/docs/welcome_mtics_2024.pdf Download this presentation: https://dinf.vub.ac.be/docs/welcome_mtics_2024.pdf Master of Science in Applied Informatics
  2. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 2 September

    19, 2024 Are You at the Right Place? Master of Science in Applied Sciences and Engineering: Computer Science/Master of Science in de Ingenieurswetenschappen: Computerwetenschappen (2 years, English/Dutch) ▪ advanced CS programme, in-depth scientific study of the field ▪ jointly organised by Faculty of Sciences and Bio-Engineering Sciences and Faculty of Engineering Master of Science in Applied Informatics/Master of Science in de Toegepaste Informatica (1 year, English/Dutch) ▪ applied CS programme ▪ organised by the Faculty of Sciences and Bio-Engineering Sciences Master of Science in Applied Sciences and Engineering: Applied Computer Science (MACS) (2 years, English) ▪ for students without a background in Computer Science ▪ more applied ▪ organised by the Faculty of Engineering
  3. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 3 September

    19, 2024 On the Menu … ▪ Part 1: Institutions Behind the Master Programmes ▪ Part 2: Structure of the Master Programmes ▪ Part 3: Practical Issues Download this presentation: https://dinf.vub.ac.be/docs/welcome_mtics_2024.pdf Download this presentation: https://dinf.vub.ac.be/docs/welcome_mtics_2024.pdf
  4. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 4 September

    19, 2024 Organising Departments & Institutions Department of … Department of Computer Science Department of Electronics and Informatics Department of … Faculty of Sciences and Bio-Engineering Sciences Faculty of Engineering Faculty of… VUB Artificial Intelligence Lab (AI) Software Languages Lab (SOFT) Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab (WISE)
  5. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 5 September

    19, 2024 Organising Departments & Institutions … ▪ Department of Computer Science (DINF@VUB) ▪ dinf.vub.ac.be ▪ Faculty of Sciences and Bio-engineering Sciences (WE) ▪ Pleinlaan 9, 3rd floor (AI and WISE) and building F,10th floor (SOFT) ▪ Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Management and Analytics (DAMA) and Software Languages and Software Engineering (SOFT) specialisations ▪ Department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO@VUB) ▪ www.etrovub.be ▪ Faculty of Engineering (IR) ▪ Pleinlaan 9, 2nd floor ▪ Multimedia (MM) specialisation ▪ Some courses are organised in collaboration with the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) ▪ French-speaking sister university (courses given in English) ▪ Campus de la Plaine and Campus du Solbosch
  6. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 6 September

    19, 2024 CS Research Labs@VUB ▪ Artificial Intelligence (DINF-AI Lab) ▪ ai.vub.ac.be ▪ Software Languages and Software Engineering (DINF-SOFT) ▪ soft.vub.ac.be ▪ Web & Information Systems (DINF-WISE Lab) ▪ wise.vub.ac.be ▪ Multimedia (ETRO) ▪ www.etrovub.be Professors of these research labs teach the courses + You will normally do your thesis work in one of these labs
  7. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 7 September

    19, 2024 Acronyms WE(orWE-BIR) Faculty of Sciences and Bio-Engineering Sciences, https://www.vub.be/en/about-vub/faculties-institutes-and- campuses/our-faculties/sciences-and-bioengineering- sciences IR Faculty of Engineering, https://www.vub.be/en/about-vub/faculties-institutes-and- campuses/our-faculties/engineering DINF Department of Computer Science, we.vub.ac.be/en/computer-science-department ETRO Department of Electronics & Informatics, www.etrovub.be AI Artificial Intelligence Lab, ai.vub.ac.be SOFT Software Languages Lab, soft.vub.ac.be WISE Web&Information Systems Engineering Lab, wise.vub.ac.be
  8. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 8 September

    19, 2024 Acronyms … VUB Vrije Universiteit Brussel, www.vub.be ULB Université Libre de Bruxelles, www.ulb.be OER Teaching and Examination Regulations InfoGroep CS Student Association, infogroep.be Canvas Learning Platform, canvas.vub.be ECTS European Credit Transfer System IRMO International Relations Office 4F Secretariat of the Faculty of Sciences (F.4.05) PL9 Pleinlaan 9 DAMA Data Management and Analytics, wise.vub.ac.be/dama/ WeAreVub Student Portal, wearestudent.vub.be
  9. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 9 September

    19, 2024 VIPs A close-up of a person smiling Description automatically generated Prof.Dr.Wolfgang De Meuter Department Chair [email protected] Prof.Dr.Beat Signer Programme Director Exchange Coordinator [email protected] Prof.Dr.Elisa Gonzalez Boix Chair Exam Commission [email protected] Kevin Pinte DINF Coordinator [email protected] Reen Tallon Learning Path Counselor [email protected] Sharon Eeckhout Learning Path Counselor [email protected] Marjan Maes Internationalisation [email protected] Prof.Dr.Geraint Wiggins Deputy Programme Director [email protected]
  10. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 10 September

    19, 2024 On the Menu … ▪ Part 1: Institutions Behind the Master Programmes ▪ Part 2: Structure of the Master Programmes ▪ Part 3: Practical Issues
  11. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 11 September

    19, 2024 Structure of the Two-Year MA Programme ▪ 120 ECTS (~ 2 academic years), official programme ▪ Exam schedules might play a role in your choice ▪ You can graduate in ((January xor July) or September) special registration for January! Courses Year ECTS 7 mandatory courses 1 * 30 research training & thesis 2 30 mandatory courses from specialisation 1 + 2 30 or more electives from specialisation electives from other specialisations, other electives 1 + 2 rest * You can postpone some of these until year 2 ** If you wish to do more than 120 ECTS, you have to pay more and must pass all courses
  12. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 12 September

    19, 2024 30 ECTS Thesis in Specialisation 30 ECTS Electives 30 ECTS Compulsory Structure of the Two-Year MA Programme Methods for Scientific Research (3 ECTS) Declarative Programming (6 ECTS) Scientific Integrity (3 ECTS) Software Architectures (6 ECTS) Data & Information Management (6 ECTS) Theory of Computation (3 ECTS) Information Theory (3 ECTS) 30 ECTS Specialisation Mandatory and elective courses of a given specialisation Electives Research Training (6 ECTS) and Master’s Thesis (24 ECTS) in a given specialisation Mobility Window
  13. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 13 September

    19, 2024 Multimedia Software Languages&Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence Four MACW/CS Specialisations Machine Learning Game Theory Computational Biology Natural Language Processing Computational Intelligence Data Management and Analytics Big Data Management Scalable Big Data Analytics Deep Learning and Recommendation Human-Information Interaction Information Visualisation Language Design and Implementation Development Tools and Methods Abstraction and Composition Program Analysis Program Evolution Image Processing Data Compression Computer Vision Speech Synthesis and Coding Video Technology AI Lab WISE Lab, AI Lab and SOFT SOFT ETRO
  14. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 14 September

    19, 2024 Details About Specialisations ▪ Artificial Intelligence ▪ detailed programme on caliweb - https://caliweb.vub.be/?page=plan&id=00262&anchor=0000000613&language=en ▪ example of course distribution over two years - https://dinf.vub.ac.be/docs/Programme_Ma_CS_AI.pdf ▪ video about Artificial Intelligence specialisation - https://seminars.infogroep.be/2023-2024/master-seminars/infosession-AI.mov ▪ additional information on AI website ▪ Multimedia ▪ detailed programme on caliweb - https://caliweb.vub.be/?page=plan&id=00262&anchor=0000000614&language=en ▪ example of course distribution over two years - https://dinf.vub.ac.be/docs/Programme_Ma_CS_MM.pdf
  15. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 15 September

    19, 2024 Details About Specialisations … ▪ Data Management and Analytics ▪ detailed programme on caliweb - https://caliweb.vub.be/?page=plan&id=00262&anchor=0000001998&language=en ▪ example of course distribution over two years - https://dinf.vub.ac.be/docs/Programme_Ma_CS_DAMA.pdf ▪ video about Data Management and Analytics specialisation - https://seminars.infogroep.be/2023-2024/master-seminars/infosession-DAMA.mp4 ▪ additional information on WISE website ▪ Software Languages and Software Engineering ▪ detailed programme on caliweb - https://caliweb.vub.be/?page=plan&id=00262&anchor=0000000615&language=en ▪ example of course distribution over two years - https://dinf.vub.ac.be/docs/Programme_Ma_CS_SOFT.pdf ▪ short presentation at the end of today’s session
  16. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 16 September

    19, 2024 Composing Your Master Programme ▪ Requirements for obtaining the diploma (verified at the end of 2nd year) ▪ you need to pass for 120 ECTS (deliberation rules allow for some failed courses up to the weighted point deficit (WCD)) ▪ all mandatory courses (30 ECTS) ▪ all mandatory courses of your specialisation ▪ at least 30 ECTS in your specialisation (including mandatory ones) ▪ thesis & research training (6+24 ECTS) in your specialisation ▪ Typical first year ▪ take all/most mandatory courses (30 ECTS) ▪ other courses, within and/or outside your specialisation (30 ECTS) ▪ choice of specialisation is preliminary (final decision in second year)
  17. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 17 September

    19, 2024 Composing Your Master Programme … ▪ Electives (all but 6 ECTS) need to come from the Computer Science curriculum ▪ www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/all-study-programmes-vub/bachelors- and-masters-programmes-vub/applied-sciences-and-engineering- computer-science/programme (or Dutch equivalent) ▪ Some courses require prior knowledge ▪ carefully read course descriptions ▪ Special electives with limited access (see later)
  18. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 18 September

    19, 2024 Case 1: "I Know What I Want: XX" ▪ Think about the balance between 1st and 2nd semester ▪ Think about courses asking for prior knowledge ▪ Make sure that chosen courses do not overlap in timetable ▪ Postpone courses to the 2nd year if necessary ▪ Do not take too much course work in the 4th semester First Year All mandatory courses (first semester) 30 ECTS Most mandatory courses of the XX specialisation 18 ECTS Two elective courses of the XX specialisation 12 ECTS Total first year 60 ECTS Second Year Research training and thesis with XX professor 30 ECTS Missing mandatory course of the XX specialisation Electives (possibly related to thesis) 6 ECTS 24 ECTS Total second year 60 ECTS (varies from 18–24 ECTS)
  19. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 19 September

    19, 2024 Case 2: "I Cannot Decide Yet …" First Year All mandatory courses 30 ECTS Some mandatory courses of the YY specialisation 18 ECTS Some mandatory courses of the ZZ specialisation 12 ECTS Total first year 60 ECTS Second Year Research training and thesis with ZZ professor 30 ECTS Rest of “mandatory” courses of the ZZ specialisation 18 ECTS Electives based on personal preferences 12 ECTS Total second year 60 ECTS
  20. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 20 September

    19, 2024 Electives With Limited Access ▪ Certain Master-level electives were already taken by many students during their Bachelor studies. They obvi- ously cannot choose them again → "Electives conditional to the agreement of the examination committee” ▪ However, in case you lack the knowledge taught in the courses in blue, you "must" take those in year 1 of your Master’s programme (depending on your specialisation) ▪ Artificial Intelligence ▪ Machine Learning (1002080CNR) ▪ Data Management and Analytics (DAMA) ▪ Web Technologies (1019888BNR) ▪ Human Computer Interaction (1023841ANR)
  21. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 21 September

    19, 2024 Electives With Limited Access … ▪ Software Languages and Software Engineering ▪ Higher Order Programming (4020432ENR) ▪ Advanced Programming Language Concepts (1005176BNR) ▪ Multimedia ▪ Multimedia Processing Tools (1013729BNR) ▪ Registration via the form 'Registration remedial courses’ with limited access (only for MSc in Computer Science) (https://form.jotform.com/221985733293364) or contact [email protected]
  22. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 22 September

    19, 2024 Internship ▪ Internship Computer Science (4016125ENR) (6 ECTS) ▪ current offers: https://dinf.vub.ac.be/internships/ ▪ Duration: at least 18 working days ▪ Often taken during the summer period between the first and second year ▪ If you are interested, contact Denis Steckelmacher ([email protected])
  23. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 23 September

    19, 2024 MA Thesis & Research Training ▪ InfoGroep organises "Get to Know the Labs" seminars in March/April ▪ Thesis topics will be published in late April/early May ▪ https://dinf.vub.ac.be/thesis ▪ registration deadline: October 15 ▪ You can only register for the thesis after you acquired at least 45 ECTS (~ "2nd year")
  24. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 24 September

    19, 2024 ▪ English-taught version launched in 2023/2024 Artificial Intelligence Master of Science in Applied Informatics Methods for Scientific Research Reinforcement Learning Current Trends in Artificial Intelligence Declarative Programming Natural Language Processing Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning Master Thesis (15 ECTS) Register (regular) electives via SelfService and electives that need approval via https://form.jotform.com/221992562424358 Big Data Technology 48 ECTS Compulsory 12 ECTS Electives Methods for Scientific Research Data and Information Management Security in Computing Information Visualisation Cloud Computing and Big Data Processing Multicore Programming Master Thesis (15 ECTS) Register (regular) electives via SelfService and electives that need approval via https://form.jotform.com/221992562424358 48 ECTS Compulsory 12 ECTS Electives
  25. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 25 September

    19, 2024 Master of Science in Applied Informatics … ▪ For students who plan to finish their studies in one year ▪ make sure that you find a topic and supervisor for your Master’s thesis as soon as possible - available topics: https://dinf.vub.ac.be/thesis/ - registration deadline: October 15
  26. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 26 September

    19, 2024 Exchange Semester Abroad ▪ Possibility to study a semester abroad ▪ best during 3rd semester of Master studies - follow most of the mandatory courses at the VUB during first year ▪ top European universities via Erasmus+ programme - University of Warwick, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), CY Cergy Paris University, TU Munich, University of Konstanz, Bauhaus University Weimar, Potsdam University, TU Dresden, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg, University of Ljubljana, Babeş-Bolyai University, … University of Warwick, United Kingdom CY Cergy Paris University, France Technische Universität München, Germany Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain University of Potsdam, Germany
  27. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 27 September

    19, 2024 Exchange Semester Abroad … ▪ non-EEA destinations - Canada, South Korea, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan, Chile and Morocco ▪ General courses or specialisation in areas not offered at the VUB ▪ Opportunity to widen your horizon ▪ Explicitly mentioned on your final diploma Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany University of Konstanz, Germany
  28. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 28 September

    19, 2024 Exchange Semester Abroad … ▪ General information event later this year organised by IRMO (planned on November 4, 12:00–14:00) ▪ Information about possible destinations (also non-EU) ▪ https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/all-study-programmes- vub/personal-development-during-your-studies/studying- abroad/eu-destinations-erasmus-exchange/exchange-outgoing- in-computer-science-vub ▪ General information ▪ https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/all-study-programmes- vub/personal-development-during-your-studies/studying-abroad ▪ Contact persons ▪ Faculty coordinator for internationalisation, [email protected] ▪ DINF exchange coordinator, [email protected]
  29. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 29 September

    19, 2024 On the Menu … ▪ Part 1: Institutions Behind the Master Programmes ▪ Part 2: Structure of the Master Programmes ▪ Part 3: Practical Issues
  30. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 30 September

    19, 2024 Appointment Message to ALL students who did NOT do their Bachelor (or 'Schakel') at the VUB ! Make an appointment with Kevin Pinte [email protected] To check your background knowledge for the Master courses
  31. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 31 September

    19, 2024 Enrolment & Becoming a VUB Student ▪ student.vub.be/en (tab 'Administration') ▪ Enrol via the online application or via the student administration centre ▪ deadlines: 1st semester: October 15, 2nd semester: February 28 ▪ Get your student card ▪ Create your VUB NetID ▪ e-mail address ▪ student SelfService (cali.vub.be) ▪ online learning platform Canvas
  32. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 32 September

    19, 2024 Registering for Courses ▪ Register for your courses ▪ via the student SelfService ▪ via [email protected] (special cases) ▪ deadlines: 1st semester; October 15, 2nd semester: February 28 ▪ Problems? ▪ check https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for- students/study-guidance/study-path/study-path-counselor- sciences-and-bioengineering-sciences ▪ walk-in meetings: F.4.16, Mondays 13:00–16:00 and Thursdays 10:00–13:00 (from September 16 until October 18) ▪ Deviations from standard curriculum ▪ application form (e.g. 'Special Electives With Limited Access') available at https://form.jotform.com/221985733293364
  33. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 33 September

    19, 2024 Registering for Courses … ▪ International students travelling with VISA ▪ MUST register for at least 54 ECTS per academic year! (except in the year when you finish your studies) ▪ an ‘Absent’ for a course is no longer a problem for an extension ▪ required study progress - 120 ECTS programme: min. 60 ECTS received after 2 years, studies finished after 3 years - 60 ECTS programme: studies finished after 2 years ▪ Attention! ▪ in order to graduate, you must pass ALL the courses that you registered for ▪ for example, if you registered for 123 ECTS and passed for 120 ECTS, you cannot graduate!
  34. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 34 September

    19, 2024 Registering for ULB Courses ▪ Register the ULB course at the VUB ▪ Fill in the form https://form.jotform.com/222665902304048 ▪ deadlines: 1st semester: October 31, 2nd semester: February 28 ▪ register as early as possible to get access to the online platform
  35. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 35 September

    19, 2024 Starting Point and InfoPunt ▪ Starting Point ▪ temporary helpdesk ▪ building A (containers) ▪ 9:30–16:30 - September 9 until October 15 ▪ for various questions - student administration - ICT (VUB account, WiFi, …) - course enrolment - health insurance - international students ▪ InfoPunt ▪ entrance of building D InfoPunt, entrance of building D
  36. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 36 September

    19, 2024 Canvas Learning Platform ▪ VUB Learning Platform, canvas.vub.be ▪ use your VUB NetID ▪ automatic access to workspace for registered users ▪ announcements by professors and teaching assistants ▪ download documents (course notes, slides, …) ▪ uploading & handing in assignments ▪ registering for oral exam slots ▪ …
  37. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 38 September

    19, 2024 Common Programme Space on Canvas !!! Mandatory to register! https://canvas.vub.be/enroll/NJTGPX
  38. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 39 September

    19, 2024 Academic Calendar ▪ 1st semester ▪ 1 week without classes (ULB) ▪ 13 weeks of classes ▪ 2 weeks winter holiday ▪ 4 weeks of exams ▪ 1 week without classes ▪ 2nd semester ▪ 8 weeks of classes ▪ 2 weeks spring holiday ▪ 5 weeks of classes ▪ 1 weeks for studying ▪ 5 weeks of exams ▪ 2nd exam session ▪ 4 weeks of exams vub.be/en/about-vub/key-data-vub/academic-calendar
  39. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 40 September

    19, 2024 Timetables https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for-students/class-and-exam-schedules/class-schedules
  40. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 41 September

    19, 2024 Exams ▪ Type of examination/evaluation specified in course description ▪ caliweb.vub.be ▪ select the appropriate programme ▪ carefully read the course descriptions! - written or oral (or both)? - online or on-campus? - open or closed book? - projects(s), written assignments? ▪ can also be accessed from the Canvas course page ▪ Exam schedules ▪ student.vub.be/en/timetables-and-exam-schedules#exam-schedule ▪ read emails and Canvas messages carefully
  41. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 42 September

    19, 2024 Exams … ▪ An academic year has 2 exam "sessions" (~ 2 attempts) ▪ 1st exam session - 1st exam period in January (1st semester courses) - 2nd exam period in June (2nd semester courses and full-year courses) ▪ 2nd exam session - all courses, unless description explicitly mentions that there is no 2nd session! ▪ Scores announced at the end of exam session ▪ score ≥ 10/20 → course passed, you obtain the ECTS ▪ score < 10/20 → course failed
  42. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 43 September

    19, 2024 Exams … ▪ I failed a course ▪ redo the exam in 2nd session ▪ take the course (or alternative) in the 2nd year ▪ (you can do a 5th semester if necessary, requires extra enrolment) you must register to finish in January ▪ Rescheduling in case of force majeure ▪ only allowed in specific situations - https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for-students/exams-and- deliberations/exam-regulations ▪ if you get ill, always ask your doctor for a certificate and submit it to the Faculty secretariat @4F
  43. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 44 September

    19, 2024 Plagiarism ▪ Any exchange, copy or reuse of "artefacts"* without proper referencing will be sanctioned by the faculty ▪ Dedicated tools are used to screen your artefacts! *image taken from Google :-)
  44. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 45 September

    19, 2024 Plagiarism … ▪ The Teaching and Examination Regulations also provide some more information about plagiarism and the use of Generative AI such as ChatGPT (e.g. Article 118§2) ▪ […] Any form of fraud that constitutes an infringement of scientific integrity, including the use of statements or texts produced by generative AI applications without stating original sources, or simulating or falsifying research results, are also deemed to constitute irregularities in the context of this article. […] Plagiarism means the use of other people’s work, adapted or otherwise, without careful acknowledgement of sources. Plagiarism may relate to various forms of works including text, images, music, databases, structure, lines of thought, ideas. […] ▪ Check information on Common Programme Space ▪ A Canvas course on ‘Responsible Use of Generative AI’ will be available soon …
  45. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 46 September

    19, 2024 Facilities: WiFi ▪ VUBnet ▪ university-wide hotspots provided by the VUB ▪ use VUB NetID ▪ IG-Airlines ▪ best option in computer rooms in building E ▪ use VUB NetID ▪ Eduroam ▪ hotspots at many universities (in Belgium and abroad) ▪ use VUB NetID ▪ append "@vub.ac.be" to username when not at VUB/ULB
  46. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 47 September

    19, 2024 Facilities: InfoGroep ▪ CS student organisation ▪ building E, 1st floor, infogroep.be ▪ Services ▪ maintenance of computer rooms in building E - Windows/Linux and macOS - for lab sessions and individual use - use your VUB NetID ▪ supply copies of course notes, slides, … ▪ offer some books at discounts rates ▪ can provide help with certain computer-related issues ▪ nerdy stuff & social integration with DINF
  47. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 48 September

    19, 2024 Facilities: Library & VUBtiek ▪ Library access is free ▪ buildings B and C, 1st floor ▪ student.vub.be/en/library ▪ student card can be used to borrow books ▪ online access to scientific journals ▪ Course material (e.g.books) ▪ Standaard student shop, building B ground floor ("VUBtiek") ▪ bol.com ▪ amazon.com.be ▪ …
  48. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 49 September

    19, 2024 Representation in VUB Structures ▪ VUB is a democratic university ▪ student participation at all managerial levels ▪ Studentenraad (Dutch) ▪ https://www.vub.be/en/about-vub/vub-university-future/world- needs-you/studentenraad-project-world-needs-you ▪ International Student Platform (English) ▪ https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/why-study-vub/living-and- studying-vub-campuses/student-life/international-student-platform ▪ Programme Board/Opleidingsraad ▪ if you are interested, please contact the programme director ([email protected]) ▪ Other boards and councils ▪ Faculty, PR, department, …
  49. Department of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Beat Signer 50 September

    19, 2024 Getting Information ▪ About a specific course ▪ teaching assistant, professor, canvas.vub.be ▪ Timetables, exam schedule, forms, … ▪ Faculty of Science and Bio-Engineering Sciences ▪ room F.4.05 (secretariat "4F") ▪ Exceptions to curriculum, special electives ▪ Reen Tallon and Sharon Eeckhout, [email protected] ▪ International students & Erasmus exchange ▪ Marjan Maes, [email protected] ▪ Remaining questions (after using the 4 sources above!) ▪ Kevin Pinte, [email protected] (DINF coordinator)