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Exploit Development

Exploit Development

Vulnerability Development as Program Composition

Trail of Bits

May 08, 2014

More Decks by Trail of Bits

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  1. Stack Overflows —  For an explanation of stack overflows, I

    will use some slides from my friend Artem Dinaburgs guest lecture at GATech. —  Artem is a cool guy and you should look him up online later
  2. What is a Stack Overflow? —  Write past the end

    of a stack buffer —  Overwrite return address —  Hijack control flow on return Write direction in yellow. Return Address VAR0 VAR1 … … 0xF000 0xE000
  3. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: 1996 —  Control Flow —  Overwrite

    return address (always static) —  Jump to shellcode (static location) —  Shellcode —  Persist —  Knowledge: None —  Bugs Needed: 1
  4. Defense: Stack Cookies —  Goal: Prevent control flow hijacking via

    return address overwrite. —  Add secret value before return address —  Verify the value before jumping to return address —  First described in 1998 —  Introduced in GCC and MSVC in 2003. Return Address VAR0 VAR1 … … 0xF000 0xE000 Stack Cookie
  5. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: 2003 StackCookies —  Control Flow: — 

    Guess stack cookie (very hard) OR —  Exception handler (Windows) —  Overwrite function pointer (rare) —  Shellcode —  Persist —  Knowledge Needed: Stack Cookie —  Bugs Needed: 1 - 2
  6. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: 2003 Overwrite Exception Handler Cause an

    Exception Execute Shellcode Complete Compromise
  7. Defense: DEP —  Goal: prevent introduction of foreign code. — 

    Mark memory pages as non-executable by default. —  Protections always existed, just not enforced. —  New hardware development. —  Mainstream Windows & Linux support in 2004.
  8. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: 2004 DEP —  Control Flow: — 

    Guess stack cookie (very hard) OR —  Exception handler (Windows) —  Overwrite function pointer (rare) —  Shellcode: —  Find address of APIs (easy – if they are imported) —  Create stack frame to +X buffer (easy) —  Execute shellcode —  Persist —  Knowledge Needed: Stack Cookie —  Bugs Needed: 1 to 2
  9. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: 2004 Overwrite Exception Handler Cause an

    Exception Create Fake Stack Frame to Execute Code Execute Shellcode Complete Compromise
  10. Defense: ASLR —  Goal: prevent the attacker from re-using code

    and locating their own malicious payload. —  Randomize load locations of libraries and the program image. —  Randomize stack addresses —  Randomize heap addresses
  11. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: 2007 ASLR —  Control Flow: — 

    Guess stack cookie (very hard) OR —  Exception handler (Windows) —  Overwrite function pointer (rare) —  Shellcode: —  Find address of APIs (hard – if they are imported) —  Create stack frame to +X buffer (hard) —  Execute shellcode —  Persist —  Knowledge Needed: Stack Cookie, Module Address, Shellcode Location —  Bugs Needed: 2
  12. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: 2007 Overwrite Exception Handler Cause an

    Exception Locate API Addresses Locate Shellcode Create Fake Stack Frame to Execute Code Execute Shellcode Complete Compromise
  13. SafeSEH/SEHOP —  Goal: prevent control flow hijacking via exception handlers.

    —  Two different technologies to verify integrity and semantics of exception handlers.
  14. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: 2008 SafeSEH/SEHOP —  Control Flow: — 

    Guess stack cookie (very hard) OR —  Overwrite function pointer (rare) —  Shellcode: —  Find address of APIs (hard – if they are imported) —  Create stack frame to +X buffer (hard) —  Execute shellcode —  Persist —  Knowledge Needed: Stack Cookie, Base Address, Shellcode Location —  Bugs Needed: 2
  15. Exploiting a Stack Overflows: Interlude —  In reality, attackers just

    stopped exploiting stack overflows. —  Moved on to greener, more exploitable, pastures. —  But, hypothetically speaking…
  16. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: 2008 Fake Exception Handler Integrity Overwrite

    Exception Handler Cause an Exception Locate API Addresses Locate Shellcode Create Fake Stack Frame to Execute Code Execute Shellcode Complete Compromise
  17. Sandboxing —  Goal: Prevent application compromise from leading to complete

    system compromise. —  Separate application privileges —  Limit what APIs applications may call —  Mandatory Access Control
  18. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: Present Sandboxing —  Control Flow: — 

    Guess stack cookie (very hard) OR —  Overwrite function pointer (rare) —  Shellcode: —  Find address of APIs (hard – if they are imported) —  Create stack frame to +X buffer (hard) —  Execute shellcode —  Persist —  Sandbox Escape —  Knowledge Needed: Stack Cookie, Base Address, Shellcode Location, Sandbox Escape —  Bugs Needed: 3
  19. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: Present Fake Exception Handler Integrity Overwrite

    Exception Handler Cause an Exception Locate API Addresses Locate Shellcode Create Fake Stack Frame to Execute Code Execute Shellcode Escape from sandbox Complete Compromise
  20. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: Soon Mandatory Code Signing —  Control

    Flow: —  Guess stack cookie (very hard) OR —  Overwrite function pointer (rare) —  Shellcode: —  Find address of APIs (hard – if they are imported) —  Create stack frame to disable code signing (very hard) —  Allocate executable buffer —  Execute shellcode —  Persist —  Sandbox Escape —  Knowledge Needed: Stack Cookie, API Address, Shellcode Location, Code Signing Exploit, Sandbox Escape —  Bugs Needed: 4+
  21. Exploiting a Stack Overflow: Soon Fake Exception Handler Integrity Overwrite

    Exception Handler Cause an Exception Locate API Addresses Locate Shellcode Create Fake Stack Frame to Escape from Sandbox Create Stack Frame to Disable Code Signing Execute Shellocde Complete Compromise
  22. Stack overflows: wrap-up —  This is the progression of stack

    overflow stuff on Windows —  Let’s look at some of the telltale signs of stack canaries —  What are some ways that you could do a stack canary incorrectly? —  Would this be an amusing CTF challenge? —  What is the concept that this all reduces to?
  23. What about heap overflows? —  Oh boy —  Inherently more

    complicated —  An additional layer of indirection —  Again, some help from Artem
  24. Heap Overflows —  Write past C0 and overwrite part of

    C1 —  free(C0); //merge C0 and C1 C0: USED C1: FREE C2: USED C0: FREE C2: USED
  25. Heap Overflows —  Overwrite heap metadata to gain code execution.

    —  Get a write-what-where —  C0->blink->flink = C1->flink —  C1->flink->blink = C0->blink —  *(what+4) = where *(where+0) = what
  26. Exploiting Heap Overflows 2004 —  Control Flow —  Chunk Coalesce

    Write-What-Where —  Shellcode —  Persist —  Knowledge: —  Memory Layout (relatively static) —  Writeable Address (data section) —  Function Pointer (static via import table) —  Bugs Needed: 1
  27. Heap Protections —  Safe Unlinking —  Not in popular use

    until 2007 —  entry->blink->flink == entry —  entry->flink->blink == entry —  Non-Executable Heap (DEP) —  Heap Cookie
  28. Exploiting Heap Overflows 2007 —  Control Flow —  Complex Metadata

    Overwrites —  Function Pointer —  Shellcode —  Need stack pivot (control of address to control of stack) —  Persist —  Knowledge: —  Location of stack pivot (static, if it exists) —  Memory Layout (relatively static) —  Writeable Address (data section) —  Function Pointer (static via import table) —  Bugs Needed: 1-2
  29. Exploiting a Heap Overflow: 2007 Carefully groom the heap Overwrite

    Heap Metadata Trigger Write4 Create Stack Frame To Execute Shellcode Execute Shellcode Complete Compromise
  30. Heap Protections —  Heap Address Randomization —  More Metadata Verification

    —  Termination on Metadata Inconsistency —  Metadata Encoding —  Pointer Encoding —  ASLR
  31. Exploiting Heap Overflows 2012 —  Control Flow —  Ridiculously Difficult

    Metadata Overwrites —  Function Pointers —  Shellcode —  Need stack pivot —  Persist —  Knowledge: —  Address of stack pivot (random) —  Very Specific Memory Layout (very hard) —  Writeable Address (random) —  Function Pointer (random) —  Bugs Needed: 2
  32. Exploiting a Heap Overflow: 2007 Very Carefully groom the heap

    Overwrite Function Pointer Leak Heap Address Leak API Address Create Stack Frame To Execute Shellcode Execute Shellcode Fix heap to prevent crashes Complete Compromise
  33. Current Heap Protections —  Separate data and metadata —  Guard

    pages between allocations —  Add random offsets to allocated data —  Randomize allocation algorithms to prevent deterministic heap layouts.
  34. Exploiting a Heap Overflow: Current —  The diagram would be

    too big to show here, but its really really hard. —  Hope for application data overwrite or a function pointer overwrite. —  C++ objects come with a lot of function pointers.
  35. In CTFs —  CTFs frequently use reduced versions of real-world

    problems —  Having contestants attack real-world software would be —  Boring —  Very very difficult —  Too much like real work —  Upside: Don’t have to work through ginormous attack trees —  Downside: exploiting is more solving a “puzzle” that is mostly in the head of the problem author
  36. Exploit development workflow —  Exploit development starts when you get

    a crashing input and a desire to get a shell —  Use a debugger —  Write things down and draw diagrams —  Account for things you know about the conditions in the target program —  In the real world, we don’t like to leave things to chance —  In CTF, 60% of the time, it works every time —  Now is better than later
  37. Exploit development workflow —  Have some notes —  Have a

    script that produces the crash —  Describe as much as you can, to yourself, about how input data reacts with the vulnerable program —  Work iteratively to get control over crashes —  Vulnerability identification is generally a solo activity, exploit development can be more conductive to pairing up
  38. Thought process —  Crash – read or write? —  What

    object was being acted upon? —  How much control do I have over the source / destination? —  What objects are adjacent to where I can control reading / writing?
  39. General theme —  Control flow hijacking exploits have a common

    theme —  Find a way to write into something you shouldn’t —  Find how to connect that write to some code sequence that does what you want —  If no single primitive exists to do last two, find composition of primitives that does —  If no such combination of primitive exists either —  You are looking at the wrong thing —  You are not doing CTF and have started doing this for a living. My condolences