2. Architecture: one executable can represent several services 3. Security: making services with minimum privileges 4. Stability: crashing one process doesn't affect another
Copy configuration plist to appropriate system location* 2. Change plist owner to root 3. Add plist to lauchd (load or bootstrap) 4. Put service's executable to location, defined in configuration plist 5. Run client! *System locations — user agent for current user: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ — user agent for all users: /Library/LaunchAgents/ — daemon: /Library/LaunchDaemons/
Parameters could be: 1. Arithmetic types (int, char, float, double, uint64_t, NSUInteger, and so on) 2. BOOL 3. C strings 4. C structures and arrays containing only the types listed above 5. Objective-C classes, that implement the NSSecureCoding protocol (e.g. NSString or custom classes). 6. NSArray, NSDictionary and other collections with objects, conforming to NSSecureCoding. 7. Only one block (reply block), that returns Void and receives parameters of types, listed above.