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Docker Workshop @Twitter - How to use your own ...

Victor Vieux
November 06, 2013

Docker Workshop @Twitter - How to use your own private registry

Victor Vieux

November 06, 2013

More Decks by Victor Vieux

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Outline •  Index vs Registry •  Installing your own private

    registry •  Using the registry •  Demo: Deployment with zero downtime •  Questions
  2. Registry •  https://github.com/dotcloud/docker-registry •  Open source, written in Python • 

    Manage actual images files. •  Multiple storage backend: – Local – S3 – Google Cloud Storage – etc…
  3. The old way: Ubuntu #> apt-get install build-essential \ python-dev

    libevent-dev \ python-pip libssl-dev $> pip install –r requirements.txt
  4. The old way: Red Hat-based systems #> yum install python-devel

    \ libevent-devel python-pip \ openssl-devel $> pip install –r requirements.txt NOTE: Open RHEL and CentOS you will need the EPEL repositories enables.
  5. Using the registry $> docker push <namespace>/<name> •  Docker uses

    the namespace to know where to push, if the namespace is an url, it will push on this url #push <image> in the namespace <namespace> to the index $> docker push <namespace>/<name> ! #push the <name> to your a private registry <url> $> docker push <url>/<name> •  Same mechanism for docker pull
  6. Example: push busybox to your registry # Rename add a

    new name to the busybox image $> docker tag busybox my.registry.com:5000/busybox ! ! ! # Push the image to your registry $> docker push my.registry.com:5000/busybox !
  7. Local development •  App running in prod http://vieux.fr/ •  Build

    local !$> docker build –t=gcm . •  Test local $> docker run –p 49200:8080 gcm !http://localhost:49200 •  Change some files •  Rebuild & test $> docker build –t=gcm . $> docker run –p 49200:8080 gcm
  8. Push to production •  Tag image in order to push

    it $> docker tag gcm registry.vieux.fr:5000/gcm •  Push image to local registry $> docker push registry.vieux.fr:5000/gcm •  On production server, download image $> docker pull registry.vieux.fr:5000/gcm •  Start the new container $> docker run –d –p <image>
  9. Seamless update •  List running containers •  Update nginx config

    to proxy the new one #> emacs /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default •  Restart nginx #> service nginx restart •  See the changes live http://vieux.fr/