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Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — An...

June 23, 2022

Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations Among Math Identifiers / lrec2022

Grounding the meaning of each symbol in math formulae is important for automated understanding of scientific documents. Generally speaking, the meanings of math symbols are not necessarily constant, and the same symbol is used in multiple meanings. Therefore, coreference relations between symbols need to be identified for grounding, and the task has aspects of both description alignment and coreference analysis. In this study, we annotated 15 papers selected from arXiv.org with the grounding information. In total, 12,352 occurrences of math identifiers in these papers were annotated, and all coreference relations between them were made explicit in each paper. The constructed dataset shows that regardless of the ambiguity of symbols in math formulae, coreference relations can be labeled with a high inter-annotator agreement. The constructed dataset enables us to achieve automation of formula grounding, and in turn, make deeper use of the knowledge in scientific documents using techniques such as math information extraction. The built grounding dataset is available at https://sigmathling.kwarc.info/resources/grounding-dataset/.


June 23, 2022

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  1. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations Among Math Identifiers — Takuto Asakura, Yusuke Miyao, Akiko Aizawa LREC 2022 1 / 15
  2. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Grounding of Formulae [Asakura+ 2020] 1. Finding groups of tokens which refer to math concepts E.g. , α, cos, ∑ , =, ×, etc. 2. Associating a corresponding math concept to each group Our contribution: Built a dataset for automating the grounding ▶ Manually annotated 12,352 math identifiers in 15 papers ▶ Revealed scope switch of identifiers is frequent and complex 2 / 15
  3. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Grounding of Formulae [Asakura+ 2020] ≈ Description Alignment + Coreference Resolution ▶ A task to associate description for each math identifier occurrence ▶ There are some existing work [Aizawa+ 2013, Alexeeva+ 2020, etc.] 3 / 15
  4. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Grounding of Formulae [Asakura+ 2020] ≈ Description Alignment + Coreference Resolution Coreference in Natural Languages Bob told Alice that he wants to study NLP. Coreference Coreference in Formulae The result of running the machine learning algorithm can be expressed as a function y(x) which takes a new digit image x as input and that generates an output vector y, encoded in the same way as the target vectors. The precise form of the function y(x) is determined during the training phase (PRML, p. 2) 4 / 15
  5. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Difficulty and Necessity of Formulae Grounding ▶ Various ambiguities similar to natural languages [Kohlhase+, 2014] ▶ A symbol (token) can be used in several meanings ▶ Syntactic ambiguity E.g. ƒ( + b) ▶ Formulae cannot be understood without reading surrounding texts ▶ Common sense and domain knowledge may be required E.g. π is Archimedes’ constant Usage of character y in the first chapter of PRML (except exercises) Text fragment from PRML Chap. 1 Meaning of y . . . can be expressed as a function y(x) . . . a function which takes an image as input . . . an output vector y, encoded in . . . an output vector of function y(x) . . . two vectors of random variables x and y . . . a vector of random variables Suppose we have a joint distribution p(x, y) . . . a part of pairs of values, corresponding to x 5 / 15
  6. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Source of Grounding (SoG) Bases of grounding of formulae inside or outside documents: inner Surrounding texts, formulae E.g. apposition noun, def = outer Common sense, domain knowledge E.g. Wikidata Things annotated — Information that will be needed for automation ▶ Math concepts are the ground truth of the grounding ▶ Sources of grounding will be extracted first for automating 6 / 15
  7. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers MioGatto — The Annotation Tool [Asakura+ 2021] Math Identifier-Oriented Grounding Annotation Tool ▶ Special annotation tool for building our grounding dataset ▶ Available as an open source software (MIT license) https://github.com/wtsnjp/MioGatto 7 / 15
  8. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Annotation Method Annotators We recruited 10 student annotators (paid) ▶ in various fields: NLP × 4, Logics × 2, Mathematics × 1, Physics × 1, Astronomy × 1 ▶ in various grades: high school × 1, undergrad × 1, Master × 5, Doctoral × 3 Method ▶ Annotation targets are math identifiers E.g. , θ, sin ▶ The target papers are basically selected by annotators ▶ Annotation guideline is provided for the annotators https://github.com/wtsnjp/MioGatto/wiki/Annotator’s-Guide 8 / 15
  9. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Annotation Results — Dataset Overview Dataset for formulae grounding No. Domain #words #types #occr #concepts Avg. #candidates #sources 1 ML 10976 40 937 104 6.4 232 2 NLP 4267 42 266 73 2.6 30 3 NLP 3563 38 433 79 2.5 34 4 Logics 3567 46 1648 64 1.9 30 5 Algebra 13154 141 4629 424 5.2 180 6 NLP 2881 25 162 30 2.7 12 7 NLP 5543 31 203 47 2.6 36 8 NLP 4613 23 217 27 1.1 28 9 NLP 6255 34 510 74 2.7 27 10 NLP 5415 73 1175 167 3.3 60 11 NLP 4451 33 237 61 2.9 34 12 NLP 4261 31 186 39 1.7 25 13 NLP 2257 23 124 27 1.2 18 14 Astronomy 10032 59 1064 129 4.2 97 15 Astronomy 4863 41 561 73 2.3 95 Sum — 86098 680 12352 1418 — 938 https://sigmathling.kwarc.info/resources/grounding-dataset/ 9 / 15
  10. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Dataset Analysis (1) Inter-annotator agreements Inter-annotator agreements (to Annotator A) Annotator A B C D E Agreement (%) — 96.5 87.4 92.1 84.2 Cohen’s κ* — 0.94 0.80 0.87 0.75 #SoGs 232 — — 249 257 Overlap (%) — — — 80.3 93.4 * Weighted average according to the #occr ▶ Five people independently annotated Paper 1 ▶ Mah concepts are annotated by all ▶ Sources are annotated by Annotator A, D, E ▶ Both agreements and Cohen’s κ for math concepts are high ▶ Text spans that are recognized as SoGs are hevily overlap 10 / 15
  11. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Dataset Analysis (2) Scope Switches Paper 1 𝐷 E 𝐿 𝑁 𝑇 maximize 𝑝 𝑞 𝑡 t 𝑤 𝑥 x 𝑧 z 𝜃 𝜙 D §1 §2 §3 §4 §5 §6 §7 Paper 15 𝐸 HS IS LS 𝑁 𝑅 𝑆 𝑇 𝑉 𝑊 𝑗 𝑘 𝑙 H 𝒓 §1 §2 §3 §4 §5 Scope switches — changes of math identifier meanings ▶ 89.5% of them occur within a single section ▶ The scopes of identifier can back and forth 11 / 15
  12. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Dataset Analysis (3) Source of Grounding Examples of grounding sources In the case of a single variable , the Gaussian distribution can be written. . . (p. 78, PRML) Analyses on annotated 938 SoGs ▶ 76.5% of them are pre SoG ▶ Distance between identifier and SoG is 14.7 words in average cf. Median is 0–4 Typical SoGs are apposition nouns Position of SoG 718 220 0 200 400 600 800 pre post Identifier — SoG distance Distance (#words) 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 1 2 <10 <100 >=100 12 / 15
  13. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers Future Work Reducing annotation costs ▶ Difficult to annotate a paper by multiple annotators → we could not get inter-annotator agreements for all papers ▶ Still not enough data to compare among different domains ▶ Too many math formulae in papers about Mathmatics and Physics → We need some automation. Create only dictionaries first ▶ Notations are especially trickey in papers for math logics → Disambiguation for numbers and operators are needed Further unanswerd research questions ▶ Are there differences between annotation by authors and readers? ▶ Can people who are not specialized for the domain also perform the annotation? 13 / 15
  14. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers The Strategy for the Grounding Automation 3-step of Automation 1. Detecting/Retrieving inner-document sources of grounding → Pattern matching + POS tagging 2. ‘Dictionary’ generation by clustering the sources → Short text clustering [Jiaming+, 2017] may be applicable 3. Associating each occurrence with the entry in the ‘dictionary’ → Pattern matching + POS tagging + text classification Source Detection Dictionary Generation Associating Repeat & Improvement Proposing Dataset &OIBODFNFOU &WBMVBUJPO 14 / 15
  15. Building Dataset for Grounding of Formulae — Annotating Coreference Relations

    Among Math Identifiers References ▶ Akiko Aizawa, et al. “NTCIR-10 Math Pilot Task Overview.” In Proceedings of NTCIR-10 (2013). ▶ Maria Alexeeva, et al. “MathAlign: Linking Formula Identifiers to their Contextual Natural Language Descriptions”. Proceedings of LREC 2020. ▶ Takuto Asakura, et al. “Towards Grounding of Formulae.”. In Proceedings of SDP 2020. ▶ Takuto Asakura, et al. “MioGatto: A Math Identifier-oriented Grounding Annotation Tool.” In 13th MathUI Workshop at 14th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (MathUI 2021). ▶ Christopher M Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (2006). ▶ Xu, Jiaming, et al. “Self-taught convolutional neural networks for short text clustering.” Neural Networks 88 (2017). ▶ Michael Kohlhase and Mihnea Iancu. “Co-representing structure and meaning of mathematical documents” (2014). 15 / 15