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How to Grow Your Community - Case Study of Cod...

How to Grow Your Community - Case Study of CoderDojo in Japan: Reaching to 200+ Dojos

These are the slides prepared and used for Scratch Conference Europe 2019. https://scratchconferenceeurope.raspberrypi.org

NOTE: This includes cut-out slides that are removed in my actual talk.

Me: https://twitter.com/yasulab

cf. 6 insightful talks at Scratch Conference Europe!

Yohei Yasukawa

August 25, 2019

More Decks by Yohei Yasukawa

Other Decks in Education


  1. ҆઒ ཁฏ Yohei Yasukawa
 CEO of YassLab Inc. & Co-founder

  2.  + in total   TFTTJPOT Let’s look inside

    Japan ‑ Early days ➡ Recent days
  3.  + in total   TFTTJPOT In the early

    days ➡ Recent days ‑ Early days
  4. Some kid says about learning:
 “Web, Books, and CoderDojo” When

    you find something interesting: 1. Google it by Web 2. Search it by Books 3. Ask it by CoderDojo
  5. 8IZNFOUPSJOHBU$PEFS%PKP  “Attending CoderDojo pushes up my motivation to learn

    more and more. In this community you meet various people in ages, fields, and hobbies. You will discover new things in yourself from such a diverse community.” cf. i:Engineer, Persol Technology https://persol-tech-s.co.jp/i-engineer/human/coderdojo
  6. cf. https://www.slideshare.net/MasanoriNezumiya/coderdojo-79835899 CoderDojo ݑষ Dojo Dojo Dojo Dojo Dojo Dojo

    Dojo Dojo Dojo Dojo CoderDojo Japan CoderDojo Foundation Each dojo can take action based on ݑষ Illustrate how ݑষ works
  7. Illustrate how ݑষ works We often use ‘Park’ as a

    metaphor for ݑষ cf. https://coderdojo.jp/#welcome ެԂ
  8. %FDB%PKP JO0LJOBXB w/ support by Urasoe city http://www.city.urasoe.lg.jp/ docs/2019080100065/ %PKP#VEPLBJ

    JO)JSPTIJNB w/ governor’s video message http://www.coderdojo- hiroshima.com/budokai/2017-fall To enhance Autonomy & Cooperation cf. Workshops in Informatics Education: An Open Programming Workshop, CoderDojo is Expanding with "Autonomy" and “Cooperation”, Information Processing Society of Japan (Junya Ishihara, 2017)
  9.  + in total   TFTTJPOT ➡ Recent days

    ‑ Early days Recent Days: “Collaboration”