• 2019年4月の終わりの日経新聞や, 経産省, 内閣官房の資料で 「引用」 • 一橋大学イノベーション研究センターの Working Paper として 昨年発表 • Yamaguchi, Nitta, Hara, and Shimizu (2018) Staying Young at Heart or Wisdom of Age: Longitudinal. Analysis of Age and Performance in US and Japanese Firms., IIR Working Paper,
R&D rigidity. • The technological distance construct, proposed by Jaffe (1986), was originally intended as a measure of the degree of similarity between technological investment portfolios (which Jaffe called ‘technological positions’) of two different firms. • Thus, we estimated R&D rigidity by calculating the similarity between a firm’s current and previous technological investment portfolio. The more similar a firm’s current and previous portfolios, the more rigid its R&D resource allocation. Technological distance was calculated as follows.
• = 1 , 2 , ⋯ , • F it is 1 ☓ j vector, NP it denotes the number of patents obtained by firm i in year t and NP ijt is the number of patents obtained by firm i in field j in year t • Technological distance (P it ) between firm i’s technological position in year t (F it ) and year t-1 (F it-1 ) is obtained from • = Τ ∙ −1 ′ ∙ ′ −1 ∙ −1 ′ 1/2 • Technological distance assumes a value between 0 and 1, and it is unity if the two vectors are identical, which implies that the firm did not changes its investment profile at all between t-1 and t, and zero if the two vectors are orthogonal, which implies that the firm changed its technological position completely.
Entrepreneurship," THE TASKS OF ECONOMIC HISTORY (Supplemental Issue of THE JOURNAL OF ECONoMIc HISTORY), VI (1946), 1-15 Oscar Lange, "A Note on Innovations," Review of Economic Statistics, XXV (1943), 19-25 F. W. Taussig, Inventors and Money-Makers (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915). Fritz Redlich, The Molding of American Banking—Men and Ideas (New York: Hafner Publishing Company, 1947). Robert A. Gordon, Business Leadership in the Large Corporation (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1945). F. J. Marquis and S. J. Chapman on the managerial stratum ,of the Lancashire cotton industry in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, LXXV, Pt. III (1912). 293-306. 前方引用 後方引用 ・後方引用からわかること -- どのような先行研究が活用されたのか -- いつ公開された先行研究を活用したのか -- 論文を執筆するにあたり、「科学的源泉」 はいったいなんだったのか ・後方引用からわからないこと -- 引用されていないけど、重要だった「科学 的源泉」 -- 引用されていないけど、参照された先行研 究 (in context.) ・前方引用からわかること -- 論文自体の重要性 -- 「巨人の肩の上に立つ (Standing on the shoulders of the giants) 」 -- 知識の伝播過程 -- 論文自体が「古くなっていない」か ・前方引用からわからないこと -- ほんとうにその論文は重要な論文なのか (引用されること自体が, 論文の重要性を示し ているのか) -- 後発の論文にとって重要な科学的源泉が, 直接的には引用されていない場合も 2020/11/25 99