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Swift and Concurrency: The Plan for World Domin...

December 18, 2020

Swift and Concurrency: The Plan for World Domination


December 18, 2020

More Decks by yhkaplan

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  1. Domains — Apple platform GUI apps — Server-side — Machine

    Learning — Systems Programming — ! World Domination ⚔ 2
  2. What is Concurrency — Parallel — Doing multiple pieces of

    work at the same time — Async — Work that doesn't block the calling thread — Concurrency — Doing more than one piece of work at a time, with overlapping and non-overlapping work — Preventing unnessary waiting — Atomicity/atomic/non-atomic Atomicity is a safety measure which enforces that operations do not complete in an unpredictable way when accessed by multiple threads or processes simultaneously. — source 3
  3. Current State — ✅ Threads, semaphores, and locks — ✅

    Queues & DispatchGroups — ✅ Callbacks — ✅ Reactive/FRP (RxSwift, Combine, ReactiveSwift) — ✅ Promises (SwiftNIO, PromiseKit, Combine.Future) — ⏳ General Concurrency (Tasks) — ⏳ Async/await — ⏳ Actors 6
  4. — Callbacks (completion handlers) are — complex — error-prone func

    processImageData(completion: @escaping (Image?) -> Void) { loadWebResource("data-url") { dataResult in guard case let .success(data) = dataResult else { completion(nil) return } loadWebResource("image-url") { imageResult in // I got tired of typing } } } 9
  5. — Write asynchronous code as if it were synchronous —

    Succint and easy to reason about func processImageData() async throws -> Image { let dataResource = await try loadWebResource("some-url") let imageResource = await try loadWebResource("another-url") let imageTmp = await try decodeImage(dateResource, imageResource) let imageResult = await try resizeImage(image) return imageResult } 10
  6. General Concurrency — What's wrong w/ this code? func makeDinner()

    async throws -> Meal { let veggies = await try chopVegetables() let meat = await try marinateMeat() let oven = await try preheatOven() let dish = Dish(ingredients: [veggies, meat]) return await try oven.cook(dish) } 11
  7. — async let makes separate, concurrently executing child tasks —

    All async functions run as part of an async /task/ — Carry schedule info like priority and act as interface for cancellation and such — Try is written at call-site of the constant — On completion, the constants are initialized func makeDinner() async throws -> Meal { async let veggies = chopVegetables() async let meat = marinateMeat() async let oven = preheatOven() let dish = Dish(ingredients: await [try veggies, meat]) return await try oven.cook(dish) } 13
  8. Actors — Eliminate data races w/ compiler checks — Set

    of limitations called actor isolation — For example, instance properties can only be accessed on self — Conversely, immutable value type properties don’t require isolation — To call an instance method that mutates self, make that method async 14
  9. Swi!'s Actor isolation plan 1. Basic isolation model — For

    value types only — value types are true copies and not references to the original object in memory, therefore, safer to deal with 2. Then full isolation model — for state in reference types etc 15
  10. Actor classes — Add actor keyword before class — Atomic

    updates — Enforce /actor isolation/ on mutable instance properties — Internally, each class instance has something like its own queue actor class BankAccount { // imagine this // private let backAccountQueue = DispatchQueue(name: "BankAccount", qos: .background) private let ownerName: String private var balance: Double // requires async func transfer(amount: Double, to other: BankAccount) async throws { balance = balance - amount await other.deposit(amount: amount) } } 16
  11. Global actor — Don’t require limiting an actor to a

    specific class — Annotations that can be fixed to variables and functions — Singleton actor that only has one instance of a global actor in a given process — EG: @UIActor for main thread — actor classes on the other hand can have many instances // Usage @UIActor func showUsers() {} // Definition @globalActor struct UIActor { static let shared = SomeActorInstance() } 17
  12. Language Comparison — Go — Goroutines, locks, wait groups and

    more — Rust — Borrow checker has great guarentees — Async/await, locks, channels — Verbose and less declarative (lower-level "older- brother" to Swift) — Source 19
  13. Go Example // Worker represents the worker that executes the

    job type Worker struct { WorkerPool chan chan Job JobChannel chan Job quit chan bool } func NewWorker(workerPool chan chan Job) Worker { return Worker{ JobChannel: make(chan Job), quit: make(chan bool)} } func (w Worker) Start() { go func() { for { select { case job := <-w.JobChannel: // ... case <-w.quit: // ... } } }() } // Stop signals the worker to stop listening for work requests. func (w Worker) Stop() { go func() { w.quit <- true }() } — I think something similar can be done w/ sync.WaitGroup — Source 20
  14. In Swi!? actor class Worker { func do(job: Job) async

    { // ... } func stop() async { // ... } } — Also, Swift has generics ! — Source 21
  15. Conclusion — Swift will jump to a top-class concurrent language,

    making it even better for Apple GUI platform development — Apple's push for distributed systems — Swift's complexity will increase, so hopefully the pace will slow down after concurrency — Progressive disclosure helps — Worrying "Which feature to use?" is both a joy and a curse — Swift won't replace Go, Rust, Java, Ruby etc, but instead complement them more — More choice of concurrent-savvy languages is a win for us all — If successful on Swift, Actors may spread to new languages 22
  16. Reference — 2017 Swift Concurrency Manifesto — Forums — Roadmap

    — Async/await — Structured Concurrency — Actors & actor isolation — Actor memory isolation for “global” state — “Actors are reference types, but why classes?” — Evolving the Concurrency design and proposals — Merged code — Concurrency Roadmap͔Β֞ؒݟΔSwiftͷະདྷͷҰଆ໘ 24