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20130727 Packerの紹介 (Python Developers Festa 201...

August 02, 2013

20130727 Packerの紹介 (Python Developers Festa 2013.07)

introducing packer, mentioning installation, usage and extension.


August 02, 2013

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  1. 9

  2. 10 Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images

    for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. Platform A Platform B Platform C Machine Image A Machine Image B Machine Image C
  3. ઃఆϑΝΠϧ {      "builders":  [{        

     "type":  "amazon-­‐ebs",          "access_key":  "YOUR  KEY  HERE",          "secret_key":  "YOUR  SECRET  KEY  HERE",          "region":  "us-­‐east-­‐1",          "source_ami":  "ami-­‐de0d9eb7",          "instance_type":  "t1.micro",          "ssh_username":  "ubuntu",          "ami_name":  "packer-­‐example  {{.CreateTime}}"      }],      “provisoners”:  [          “type”:  “shell”,          “scripts”:  [              “initial-­‐install.sh”          ]      ],      “post-­‐prosessors”:  [{          “type”:  “compress”,          “format”:  “tar.gz”      }]   }   21
  4. 1BDLFS1MVHJOT •  packerίϚϯυ͸ඪ४Ͱ΋ϓϥάΠϯΛୟ͍ͯ ͍Δ    25 $  ls  

    packer   packer-­‐builder-­‐amazon-­‐ebs   packer-­‐builder-­‐digitalocean   packer-­‐builder-­‐virtualbox   packer-­‐builder-­‐vmware   packer-­‐command-­‐build   packer-­‐command-­‐fix   packer-­‐command-­‐validate   packer-­‐post-­‐processor-­‐vagrant   packer-­‐provisioner-­‐file   packer-­‐provisioner-­‐shell   શ෦ϓϥάΠϯ
  5. 1BDLFS1MVHJOT •  ֦ுΛ௥Ճͨ͠Β$HOME/.packerconfig  ʹ௥ Ճͷ֦ுΛॻ͍͓ͯ͘   –  ઈରύε  or  ૬ରύε

     or  PATH͕௨͍ͬͯΔͱ͜Ζ   –  ඪ४ίϚϯυ΋ಉܗࣜͰϋʔυίʔυ͞Ε͍ͯΔ   27 {      "builders":  {          "custom-­‐cloud":  "packer-­‐builer-­‐custom-­‐cloud"      },      "commands":  {          "spam":  "packer-­‐command-­‐spam",    "egg":  "packer-­‐command-­‐egg"      }   }  
  6. 1BDLFSશମͷίʔυߏ੒ •  ύοέʔδͩͱҎԼͷͭ •  QBDLFSQBDLFS –  1BDLFSͷίΞɾ֦ு։ൃͷͨΊͷύοέʔδ •  QBDLFSQBDLFSQMVHJO – 

    ϓϥάΠϯ֦ுͷJOUFSGBDFͷఆٛͷΈ 29 github.com/mitchellh/packer/packer     github.com/mitchellh/packer/packer/plugin  
  7. #VJMEFSͷ֦ு 30 Packer Plugins type  Builder  interface  {    

         Prepare(...interface{})  error          Run(ui  Ui,  hook  Hook,  cache  Cache)  (Artifact,  error)          Cancel()   }   •  1SFQBSF ઃఆϑΝΠϧͷಡΈࠐΈͱલॲཧ –  ͍͍ͨͯ͸map[string]interface{}  Ͱ౉͞ΕΔ     •  3VO ϚγϯΠϝʔδͷ࡞੒Λߦ͏ –  Artifact  JOUFSGBDFΛ࣮૷ͨ͠TUSVDUʹϚγϯΠϝʔδʢͷϝλσʔλʣ  •  $BODFM $USMDͳͲ͕ԡ͞Εͨ࣌ͷޙॲཧ
  8. $PNNBOEͷ֦ு 31 Packer Plugins type  Command  interface  {    

         Help()  string          Run(env  Environment,  args  []string)  int          Synopsis()  string   }   •  )FMQ packer  COMMAND  -­‐-­‐helpͰग़ྗ͞ΕΔϝοηʔδ •  3VO ࣮ࡍͷίϚϯυͷ࣮ߦ –  ىಈதͷ1BDLFSͷ΄΅͢΂ͯͷ৘ใΛͱΕΔ •  CVJMEFS 6* $BDIF QPTUQSPDFTTPS QSPWJTJPOFS •  4ZOPQTJT packer  -­‐-­‐helpͰग़ྗ͞ΕΔ୹͍ϝοηʔδ   –  50จࣈఔ౓  
  9. 34 Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images

    for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. Platform A Platform B Platform C Machine Image A Machine Image B Machine Image C
  10. 36