in multiple files process splitSequences { input: path 'input.fa' from output: path 'seq_*' into records """ awk '/^>/{f="seq_"++d} {print > f}' < input.fa """ } // Simple reverse the sequences process reverse { input: path x from records output: stdout into result """ cat $x | rev """ } /FYUGMPXͷߏཁૉɿ1SPDFTTͱ$IBOOFM 4 Process ɾೖྗɺܭࢉɺग़ྗΛ ɹهड़ Channel ɾೖग़ྗσʔλ͕௨Δ ɹʮྲྀ࿏ʯΛهड़
in multiple files process splitSequences { input: path 'input.fa' from output: path 'seq_*' into records """ awk '/^>/{f="seq_"++d} {print > f}' < input.fa """ } // Simple reverse the sequences process reverse { input: path x from records output: stdout into result """ cat $x | rev """ } /FYUGMPXͷߏཁૉɿ1SPDFTTͱ$IBOOFM 5 Process ɾೖྗɺܭࢉɺग़ྗΛ ɹهड़ Channel ɾೖग़ྗσʔλ͕௨Δ ɹʮྲྀ࿏ʯΛهड़ ೖྗ ग़ྗ ܭࢉ ೖྗ ग़ྗ ܭࢉ
in multiple files process splitSequences { input: path 'input.fa' from output: path 'seq_*' into records """ awk '/^>/{f="seq_"++d} {print > f}' < input.fa """ } // Simple reverse the sequences process reverse { input: path x from records output: stdout into result """ cat $x | rev """ } /FYUGMPXͷߏཁૉɿ1SPDFTTͱ$IBOOFM 6 Process ɾೖྗɺܭࢉɺग़ྗΛ ɹهड़ Channel ɾೖग़ྗσʔλ͕௨Δ ɹʮྲྀ࿏ʯΛهड़ ೖྗ ग़ྗ ܭࢉ ೖྗ ग़ྗ ܭࢉ