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A powerful allow-list of what can happen on your page which mitigates many attacks - Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: Helps process-isolate your page - Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: Blocks others from loading your resources cross-origin - Origin-Agent-Cluster: Changes process isolation to be origin-based - Referrer-Policy: Controls the Referer header - Strict-Transport-Security: Tells browsers to prefer HTTPS - X-Content-Type-Options: Avoids MIME sniffing - X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: Controls DNS prefetching - X-Download-Options: Forces downloads to be saved (Internet Explorer only) - X-Frame-Options: Legacy header that mitigates clickjacking attacks - X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: Controls cross-domain behavior for Adobe products, like Acrobat - X-Powered-By: Info about the web server. Removed because it could be used in simple attacks - X-XSS-Protection: Legacy header that tries to mitigate XSS attacks, but makes things worse, so Helmet disables it