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The need for speed – transforming insurance int...

The need for speed – transforming insurance into a cloud-native industry

Die Versicherungsindustrie steht vor großen Herausforderungen: Neben etablierten Prinzipien der Skalenökonomie müssen mehr und mehr Prinzipien der Geschwindigkeits- und Plattformökonomie berücksichtigt werden. Ein wesentlicher Schritt auf dem Weg in eine Geschwindigkeitsökonomie ist die agile Transformation des Unternehmens, um schnelle Reaktionen auf ver ändertes Kundenverhalten ermöglichen. Der Vortrag zeigt, welche Schlüsselrolle Cloud- und Plattformtechnologien in diesem Transformationsprozess einnehmen und wie sich schnell sichtbare Erfolge erzielen lassen.

Josef Adersberger

January 21, 2019

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  1. 1 © Copyright Allianz SE Dr. Andreas Nolte, Jörg Treiner

  2. 2 © Copyright Allianz SE INSURANCE IS THE NEXT INDUSTRY

    IN DANGER OF BEING DISRUPTED BY TECH-PLAYERS OR STARTUPS InsurTechs grow fast – they are both friend and foe Furthermore, tech players player are positioning themselves to disrupt Investments into InsurTechs since 2012 of InsurTechs disintermediate the customer of InsurTechs enable the value chain and cooperate
  3. Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier 5 We bring insurances into

    the digital age and free them from commodity efforts, to focus on their differentiation in the market. Mission
  4. Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier 6 Syncier – Leading Digital

    Insurance Platform Insurance Preconfigured and highly automated Insurance solution Lead your core insurance setup into the digital age Marketplace Open and two-sided marketplace for the insurance industry and its partner Leveraging the growth possibilities of digital ecosystems Cloud Cloud native tech-nology for regulated enterprises Bringing insurance IT to the cloud Analytics Customer data analytics, prediction and personalization Enable data driven business
  5. Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier 7 PaaS Core Insurance Solution

    State of the art core insurance platform fulfilling all core insurance processes with integration possbilities into standard peripheral systems High Scalability Syncier.Insurance with a proven scalabillity (> 20 Mio. contracts und > 20.000 users). Additionally our PaaS approach supports global implementation and reach Marketplace Two-sided marketplace which connects consumers and providers of valued-added insurance services, e.g. AI-based fraud detection services. Developed once- many times used Syncier.Insurance business logic is developed once and can be reused in many scenarios. This enables short time-to-market and innovation. Comprehensive and unlimited feature set Our Syncier.Insurance-features are product-agnostic, multi-lingual and support multi-currency capabilitites. Complete policy management Syncier.Insurance offers a state-of the art, highly standardized policy management which supports high process automation across all channels. Our Syncier.Insurance solution opens the door to platform economy in the insurance industry
  6. Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier 8 Customer Layer • Contains

    customer-specific functions, logic and data. Country Layer • Contains logic and configurations for certain markets and countries (such like regulatory demands) • Covers every requirement of LOBs such like health and life insurance. Examples: Language, currencies, tax regulation, APIs for specific channels Core • Open Platform for insurers, which enables them to develop a variety of open source services • Standardized core covering features for each insurance lob • Used by each customer (including Allianz entities) Syncier.Insurance PaaS Solution … Core (Open Source) … … … … … … … Syncier.Insuran ce Three-Layer PaaS architecture of Syncier.Insurance combines the power of open source with flexible tailoring capabilities for different markets and specific customers
  7. Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier 9 End-customers Business Providers InsurTechs

    Insurer Others Business consumers Open Insurance Marketplace Syncier.Marketplace Insurers InsurTechs Software provider Others API By Default • Unlimited possibilities in creation of new value chains • Digital services portfolio, accessible via API or SDK • Cloud-native hosting runtime Open By Default • Open for everyone • Supports open source and industry standards (e.g. Accord, BiPRO,..) • No downside lock-in The Open Insurance Marketplace plays a key role for ecosystem connectivity S d Software Provider Platform Capabilities Shared marketplace capabilities facilitating the service exchange, e.g. ▪ billing ▪ metering
  8. 11 Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier Software is eating the

    world, but it is a heavy meal! Frictions within hierarchical structures Agile and cloud programs are stuck in PoC status Keeping on track with emerging technologies Customer Centricity is more a symbol than a value which drives daily actions
  9. 12 Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier Accelerating the wheel of

    (continuous) change …enabled by five key levers… Cloud Agile Development Digital Operating Model Lean Customer Experience 1 2 3 4 5 …and scaled out through End-to-End Innovation Funnel Needs Idea Scoping Implementation Rollout & Ops Digital Factory Setup Agile Development Platforms Skills & People Developer & Engineering Centricity Co-Location
  10. 13 Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier Team of the Digital

    Factory (DF) @ AZD Allianz Technology Respective units External partners Agile Training Center (ATC) Munich ~ 200 places ~ 100 places Agile Training Center (ATC) Stuttgart Agile Centers Kaiser X Labs Global Digital Factory • Exchange on methods • Joint development of digital products #2 Nobody will wait for you. Case Allianz Study Allianz Germany: Three development center and more than 400 product engineers working on >20 products ~ 80 UX engineers ~50+ places (setup phase)
  11. 15 Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier Agile infrastructure: Build &

    operate software like cloud native companies higher resiliency lower OPEX continuous value delivery Cloud Native Platform
  12. 16 Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier Challenge #1: High efforts

    to get productive and stay state of the art
  13. 17 Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier Challenge #2: How to

    stay unaffected in times of cloud & container wars? Pivotal -> IPO -> ? Amazon vs. Microsoft vs. Google vs. Alibaba CoreOS -> RedHat -> IBM Solution: A community-driven, open source, agnostic cloud native platform for regulated enterprises
  14. Insurance as a Service. ©Syncier 18 Talk to us! Dr.

    Andreas Nolte Syncier GmbH [email protected] Jörg Treiner Syncier GmbH [email protected] Dr. Josef Adersberger Syncier Cloud, Syncier GmbH & CTO, QAware GmbH [email protected]