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Recommendation systems on microservices - produ...

Recommendation systems on microservices - productivity & reproducibility

Data Driven Developer Meetup #1 https://d3m.connpass.com/event/98934/ で発表した資料です。Wantedly People では、推薦システムを microservices として実装することで productivity を向上しつつ、再現性を担保するために project template を導入しています。#d3m

Agata Naomichi

September 11, 2018

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  1. ©2018 Wantedly, Inc. Naomichi Agata Software engineer at Wantedly, inc.

    Server side + Machine learning @ Wantedly People Github Twitter @agatan @agatan_
  2. ©2018 Wantedly, Inc. aggregator Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy ༑ୡͷ-JLFͨ͠ΞΠςϜΛఏࣔ ڠௐϑΟϧλϦϯά

    ਓؾ౓ ͭͳ͕Γ৘ใ͔Βͷਪન Recommendation Overview ݁ՌΛू໿ re-ordering logging ฒߦॲཧ A/B
  3. ©2018 Wantedly, Inc. Pros. ⾣։ൃͷฒྻ౓͕ߴ͍ ⾣A/B ςετ͕͠΍͍͢ ⾣ લஈαʔόͰৼΓ෼͚Δ͚ͩɻධՁͷͨΊͷLogging΋લஈαʔόʹू໿Ͱ͖Δɻ ⾣

    ݸʑͷਪનϩδοΫͰ͸ࣗ෼ͷਪન಺༰ʹ͍͚ͭͯͩߟ͑Ε͹ྑ͍ ⾣ͩΊͩͬͨͱ͖ʹࣺͯ΍͍͢ ⾣ lೖΓ૊Μͩ࢓૊ΈΛ࡞ͬͯmerge → ධՁͷ݁ՌɺࣺͯΔ͜ͱʹͳͬͨz ⾣ ։ൃ଎౓͕͸΍͍ͱrevert ΋Ұۤ࿑ lݴޠ͕͕ͪ͏͔ΒmicroservicezͰ͸ͳ͍
  4. ©2018 Wantedly, Inc. Project Template for ML ⾣ cookiecutter-data-scienceϕʔεͷProject TemplateΛ࡞ͬͨ

  5. ©2018 Wantedly, Inc. Project Template for ML ⾣ σʔλͷऔಘɼલॲཧɼֶशɼධՁͷ entry

    pointΛنఆ͢Δ ⾣σʔλ͸S3 ʹஔ͘લఏ ⾣"1*αʔόͱͯ͠ಈ͔ͨ͢ΊͷtemplateΛఏڙ ⾣ࣾ಺microservices༻utility libraryͷ༻ҙ ⾣యܕతͳDockerfileΛ༻ҙ ⾣*.pyͷத਎ʹ͍ͭͯ͸΄΅੍ݶΛ՝͞ͳ͍
  6. ©2018 Wantedly, Inc. Conclusion ⾣ਪન͸ධՁͱվળ͕ॏཁ ⾣ ͨ͘͞Μࢼͯ͠ධՁ͍ͨ͠ ⾣Microservices ͱ࣮ͯ͠૷ ⾣

    ࡞Γ΍͍ࣺͯ͢΍͍͢ ⾣ lݴޠ͕͕ͪ͏͔ΒzҎ্ͷϝϦοτ͕͋Δ ⾣ ΋ͪΖΜͭΒ͍ͱ͜Ζɾ೰·͍͠ͱ͜Ζ΋ͨ͘͞Μ͋Δ ⾣Project TemplateΛಋೖ ▶ Productivity++ ▶ Reproducibility++