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PostgreSQL and Kubernetes: DBaaS without a vend...

PostgreSQL and Kubernetes: DBaaS without a vendor-lock

PostgreSQL and Kubernetes presentation delivered on PGSessions 10 conference in Paris, France.

Oleksii Kliukin

November 22, 2018

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  1. PostgreSQL and Kubernetes Database as a Service without a Vendor

    Lock-in Oleksii Kliukin PostgreSQL Sessions 10 Paris, France
  2. About me • PostgreSQL Engineer @ Adjust • PostgreSQL Contributor

    • Organizer of PostgreSQL Meetup Group in Berlin • Worked on Patroni, Postgres Operator, Spilo and other Zalando projects.
  3. PostgreSQL advantages • Designed for reliability • SQL Standard Conformance

    • Actively developed by the community • Scalable (physical/logical replication, sharding) • Performant • Extensible (custom types, indexes, wal records, background workers, planner/executor hooks)
  4. PostgreSQL is open-source • Source code is available in git

    • Learn how your database works • Implement new features (or pay someone to do it) • Fix bugs and test fixes without waiting for new release • No license costs, no price per core or per server
  5. PostgreSQL is open-source • Source code is available in git

    • Learn how your database works • Implement new features (or pay someone to do it) • Fix bugs and test fixes without waiting for new release • No license costs, no price per core or per server
  6. Multiple PostgreSQL clusters • Smaller databases • Simpler maintenance •

    Simpler security model • One database per application • Hundreds of smaller databases with microservices
  7. Managing multiple PostgreSQLs • Manual way: DBAs do everything by

    themselves (using shell scripts, ssh, …) • Semi-automated way. DBAs run Ansible/Rex/Puppet/… scenarios to converge the cluster/clusters to the desired state • Automated way: End-users create new clusters directly using Database as a Service (DBaaS)
  8. Database as a Service • End-user initiated: • Create cluster

    • Update database configuration • Add resources to the cluster (replicas, disk, CPU, memory) • Delete cluster
  9. Database as a Service • Automatically handled: • Management of

    resources • Export data to monitoring • Service discovery • Disaster recovery
  10. How to get DBaaS • Pay someone (Google, AWS, Amazon)

    • Vendor-lock • Not always community PostgreSQL (i.e. Amazon RDS or Aurora) • You may not have all features (i.e. no superuser, logical replication, …) • Build it yourself • Expensive and requires a lot of expertise outside of the database world • Duplication of efforts between different companies • Tied to your existing infrastructure • Embrace the open-source
  11. What is Kubernetes • Set of open-source services • Running

    on one or more servers • Physical or cloud based (AWS, GCE, Azure, Digital Ocean etc) • Automating deployment • Scaling and management • Container-based applications
  12. Kubernetes provides • Unified API abstraction for multiple different infrastructure

    providers (i.e. AWS, GCP, Azure) • Declarative based deployments of resources and applications • Repeatable deployments with containers • Extensible services to define and manage user-specified resources
  13. Master API server Controller Mgr Job Scheduler ETCD Node Pod

    Pod Pod Kubelet Kube-proxy Node Pod Pod Pod Kubelet Kube-proxy Inter-node networking
  14. Building blocks: Pods • Group one or more related containers

    • On the same host • Share host resources (i.e network) • Usually one instance of the app • Scheduled to run on nodes based on memory, cpu requirements metadata: name: my pod labels: application=myapp, version=v1, environment=release spec: containers: AppContainer, Sidecar volumes: volumeA App container Sidecar Volume
  15. Building blocks: Metadata • Labels (i.e. app=postgres, name = shop,

    role=master, environment=production) • Selectors to choose objects based on labels • Annotations to attach arbitrary key-value metadata (i.e image_version=p42) • Attached to most objects (nodes, pods, persistent volumes, services, endpoints, etc)
  16. Building blocks: Nodes • A physical or virtual server (i.e.

    EC2 or GCE instance) • Running as many pods as it provides resources by Kubelet • Container runtime (i.e. docker) • kube-proxy to route requests to pods Pod A Pod B Pod C Docker runtime kube-proxy
  17. Building blocks: Services and Endpoints • Define how do clients

    connect to pods • Endpoints contain actual addresses • Services can create endpoints • Services may pick pods to connect using selectors role: master role: replica pgsql: shop.svc.local service: shop.svc.local selector: role=master endpoint addresses:
  18. Building blocks: Persistent Volumes • A storage volume that persists

    between pod terminations • Examples: EBS, GCE PD, NFS • Managed by Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) • PVC may request storage, size and access mode • Storage is controlled with StorageClasses Storage class: EBS kind: PersistentVolumeClaim storage: 100Gi accessMode: ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: GP2 PVC request POD Container Volume PVC satisfied mount
  19. Building blocks: StatefulSets • Controller that binds pods and persistent

    volumes together • Each pod gets attached a persistent volume • On restart, the same volume and IP address is attached to a pod • Statefulset manages the defined amount of pods (killing excessive, starting missing) StatefulSet Name: app Replicas: 3 pv app-data-1 pod app-1 pod app-2 pod app-3 pv app-data-2 pv app-data-3
  20. Building blocks: CRD • Custom user-user-defined controllers • Read YAML

    manifests submitted by users with custom-custom-defined schema (custom-resource definition instance) • Create and maintain Kubernetes objects based on the CRD instance manifest apiVersion: "acid.zalan.do/v1" kind: postgresql metadata: name: acid-minimal-cluster namespace: test spec: teamId: "ACID" volume: size: 1Gi numberOfInstances: 2 users: zalando: - superuser - createdb foo_user: databases: foo: zalando postgresql: version: "10"
  21. Building blocks: ConfigMaps • Key-value storage of text string •

    Useful for storing configuration apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: postgres-operator data: watched_namespace: "*" cluster_labels: application:spilo cluster_name_label: version pod_role_label: spilo-role workers: "4" docker_image: spilo-cdp-10:1.5-p35 super_username: postgres aws_region: eu-central-1 db_hosted_zone: db.example.com pdb_name_format: "postgres-{cluster}-pdb" api_port: "8080" ...
  22. Building blocks: Secrets • Key-value storage of text string •

    Values are base64 encoded • Usually restrictive access • Useful for storing logins-passwords apiVersion: v1 data: # user batman with the password justice batman: anVzdGljZQ== kind: Secret metadata: name: postgresql-infrastructure-roles namespace: default type: Opaque
  23. Operator pattern • Custom controller to process user-supplied resources •

    Register CRDs • Perform CRUD operations via the API • Encapsulate custom knowledge about the domain (i.e. databases)
  24. Zalando Postgres Operator • Implements the custom controller to manage

    Postgres HA clusters • Watches CRD objects of type postgresql • Creates and deletes clusters • Updates Kubernetes resources and Postgres configuration • Periodically validates running Kubernetes objects against manifest definitions
  25. Zalando Postgres Operator actions OPERATOR kubectl create -f clustera.yaml kubectl

    update -f clusterb.yaml kubectl delete -f clusterc.yaml
  26. OPERATOR Postgres statefulset ConfigMap Infrastructure roles Cluster secrets reads reads

    creates reads creates creates creates service endpoint deploys manifest
  27. Postgres Dockerized • Containerized binaries • Data directory on an

    external volume mount • Configuration controlled by environment variables • Many extensions (contrib, pgbouncer, postgis, pg_repack) installed together with multiple versions of PostgreSQL. • Zalando own open-source extension: pam_oauth2 and bgmon • Compressed to save space and speedup pod startup • Patroni-based automatic failover for HA clusters
  28. Automatic Failover with Patroni • Patroni is a Python daemon

    that manages one PostgreSQL instance. • Patroni runs alongside PostgreSQL on the same system (needs access to the data directory) • Instances are attributed to the HA cluster based on the cluster name in Patroni configuration. • At most one instance in the HA cluster holds the master role, others replicate from it.
  29. Managing cluster state • Patroni keeps its cluster state in

    a distributed and strongly-consistent key-value system aka DCS (Etcd, Zookeeper, Consul or Kubernetes native API) • A leader node name is set as a value of the leader key /$clustername/leader that expires after pre-defined TTL • The leader node updates the leader key more often than expiration TTL, preventing its expiration • A non-leader node is not allowed to update the leader key with its name (CAS operation). • Each instance watches the leader key • One the leader key expires, each remaining instance decides if it is “healthy enough” to become a leader • The first “healthy” instance that creates the leader key with its name becomes the leader.
  30. Avoiding split-brain • Becoming a leader: first write the key

    in DCS, then promote. • Demoting: first demote, then delete the leader key • Member is never healthy if the old master is still running • Member connects directly to other cluster members to get most up-to- date information • Member is never healthy if its WAL position is behind some other member or too far behind the last known master position.
  31. /leader: “A”, TTL: 30 PATRONI PATRONI PATRONI Node A: primary

    Node B: replica Node C: replica streaming streaming ETCD 1 ETCD 2 ETCD 3 Update(“/leader”, “A”, TTL=30, prevValue=“A”) Success watch (“/leader”) watch (“/leader”)
  32. /leader: “A”, TTL: 17 PATRONI PATRONI PATRONI Node A: primary

    Node B: replica Node C: replica ETCD 1 ETCD 2 ETCD 3 watch (“/leader”) watch (“/leader”)
  33. /leader: “A”, TTL: 0 PATRONI PATRONI Node B: readonly Node

    C: readonly ETCD 1 ETCD 2 ETCD 3 notify(/leader, expired=true) notify(/leader, expired=true)
  34. /leader: “A”, TTL: 0 PATRONI PATRONI Node B: readonly Node

    C: readonly ETCD 1 ETCD 2 ETCD 3 PATRONI Node B: GET A:8008/patroni -> timeout GET C:8008/patroni -> wal_position: 100 Node C: GET A:8008/patroni -> timeout GET B:8008/patroni -> wal_position: 100
  35. /leader: “B”, TTL: 30 PATRONI PATRONI Node B: readonly Node

    C: readonly ETCD 1 ETCD 2 ETCD 3 Create(“/leader”, “B”, TTL=30, prevExists=false) Create(“/leader”, “C”, TTL=30, prevExists=false) SUCCESS FAIL
  36. /leader: “B”, TTL: 30 PATRONI PATRONI Node B: primary Node

    C: replica ETCD 1 ETCD 2 ETCD 3 watch(/leader) PROMOTE streaming
  37. From Kubernetes to Postgres HA • Postgres Operator creates a

    StatefulSet • A StatefulSet creates N identical pods • Each pod runs Postgres docker image with Patroni • Patroni initiates leader election, one pod is elected as primary • Rest of the pods find the primary in the same cluster as they are and stream from it
  38. Operator maintenance tasks • Operator acts on manifest updates •

    Configuration changes • Resources changes (memory, disk, number of instances) • Kubernetes cluster updates with minimum downtimes
  39. Open-source • Patroni: https://github.com/zalando/patroni • Spilo (Postgres docker image): https://github.com/zalando/spilo

    • PG Operator: https://github.com/zalando-incubator/postgres-operator • Pam oauth: https://github.com/CyberDem0n/pam-oauth2 • bg_mon (background worker for top-like monitoring) https://github.com/ CyberDem0n/bg_mon