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apidays Australia 2023 - Powering A Net Zero Fu...

October 24, 2023

apidays Australia 2023 - Powering A Net Zero Future With APIs, Tereze Gaile, MuleSoft

apidays Australia 2023 - Platforms, Products, and People: The Power of APIs
October 11 & 12, 2023

Powering A Net Zero Future With APIs
Tereze Gaile, Technical Architect at MuleSoft


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apidays Australia 2023 - Powering A Net


October 24, 2023

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  1. Powering a Net Zero Future with APIs Tereze Gaile (she/her)

    Technical Architect & Sustainability Champion
  2. We’re in the middle of a climate emergency… … but

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  5. Regular survey to select and share relevant sustainability metrics with

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  6. Supplier visibility through API-led Connectivity Net Zero Cloud Emissions API

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  10. Optimising underlying infrastructure Using the principle of energy proportionality to

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  11. Key Takeaways & Last Words • We as technologists have

    a role to play in achieving a net zero future ◦ APIs for Sustainablity ◦ Sustainability of APIs • Interested in learning more? ◦ Trailhead- Sustainability Trails ◦ Apidays - Sustainability tracks on Youtube (eg. API Green Score) ◦ Green Software Foundation