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Apidays New York 2024 - RESTful API Patterns an...

Apidays New York 2024 - RESTful API Patterns and Practices by Mike Amundsen, API Strategist

RESTful API Patterns and Practices
Mike Amundsen, Author of "Design and Build Great APIs", API Strategist & Advisor at amundsen.com, Inc.

Apidays New York 2024: The API Economy in the AI Era (April 30 & May 1, 2024)


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  1. "This guide shows you the rules, routines, commands, and protocols—the

    glue—that integrates individual microservices so they can function together in a safe, scalable, and reliable way." -- O'Reilly Media
  2. Pattern Thinking Inductive reasoning is any of various methods of

    reasoning in which broad generalizations or principles are derived from a body of observations.
  3. Pattern Thinking "Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over

    and over again, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice" -- Christopher Alexander
  4. Design Patterns Design systems so that machines built by different

    people who have never met can successfully interact with each other.
  5. Design Patterns 3.1 Creating Interoperability with Registered Media Types 3.2

    Ensuring Future Compatibility with Structured Media Types 3.3 Sharing Domain Specifics Via Published Vocabularies 3.4 Describing Problem Spaces with Semantic Profiles 3.5 Expressing Domain Actions at Run-time with Embedded Hypermedia 3.6 Designing Consistent Data Writes with Idempotent Actions 3.7 Enabling Interoperability with Inter-Service State Transfers 3.8 Design for Repeatable Actions 3.9 Design for Reversible Actions 3.10 Design for Extensible Messages 3.11 Design for Modifiable Interfaces
  6. Design Patterns 3.1 Creating Interoperability with Registered Media Types 3.2

    Ensuring Future Compatibility with Structured Media Types 3.3 Sharing Domain Specifics Via Published Vocabularies 3.4 Describing Problem Spaces with Semantic Profiles 3.5 Expressing Domain Actions at Run-time with Embedded Hypermedia 3.6 Designing Consistent Data Writes with Idempotent Actions 3.7 Enabling Interoperability with Inter-Service State Transfers 3.8 Design for Repeatable Actions 3.9 Design for Reversible Actions 3.10 Design for Extensible Messages 3.11 Design for Modifiable Interfaces
  7. Design Patterns 3.1 Creating Interoperability with Registered Media Types 3.2

    Ensuring Future Compatibility with Structured Media Types 3.3 Sharing Domain Specifics Via Published Vocabularies 3.4 Describing Problem Spaces with Semantic Profiles 3.5 Expressing Domain Actions at Run-time with Embedded Hypermedia 3.6 Designing Consistent Data Writes with Idempotent Actions 3.7 Enabling Interoperability with Inter-Service State Transfers 3.8 Design for Repeatable Actions 3.9 Design for Reversible Actions 3.10 Design for Extensible Messages 3.11 Design for Modifiable Interfaces
  8. Design Patterns 3.1 Creating Interoperability with Registered Media Types 3.2

    Ensuring Future Compatibility with Structured Media Types 3.3 Sharing Domain Specifics Via Published Vocabularies 3.4 Describing Problem Spaces with Semantic Profiles 3.5 Expressing Domain Actions at Run-time with Embedded Hypermedia 3.6 Designing Consistent Data Writes with Idempotent Actions 3.7 Enabling Interoperability with Inter-Service State Transfers 3.8 Design for Repeatable Actions 3.9 Design for Reversible Actions 3.10 Design for Extensible Messages 3.11 Design for Modifiable Interfaces
  9. Client Patterns Create API consumer apps that make few assertions

    about how they communicate (protocol, message model, and vocabulary) with servers and let the server supply the details (the what) at runtime.
  10. Client Patterns 4.1 Limiting the use of Hard-Coded URLs 4.2

    Code Clients to be HTTP-Aware 4.3 Coding More Resilient Clients With Message-Centric Implementations 4.4 Coding Effective Clients to Understand Vocabulary Profiles 4.5 Negotiate for Profile Support at Runtime 4.6 Managing Representation Formats At Runtime 4.7 Using Schema Documents as a Source of Message Metadata 4.8 Every Important Element Within a Response Needs an Identifier 4.9 Relying on Hypermedia Controls In the Response 4.10 Supporting Links and Forms for Non-Hypermedia Services 4.11 Validating Data Properties At Runtime 4.12 Using Document Schemas to Validate Outgoing Messages 4.13 Using Document Queries to Validate Incoming Messages 4.14 Validating Incoming Data 4.15 Maintaining Your Own State 4.16 Having A Goal In Mind
  11. Client Patterns 4.1 Limiting the use of Hard-Coded URLs 4.2

    Code Clients to be HTTP-Aware 4.3 Coding More Resilient Clients With Message-Centric Implementations 4.4 Coding Effective Clients to Understand Vocabulary Profiles 4.5 Negotiate for Profile Support at Runtime 4.6 Managing Representation Formats At Runtime 4.7 Using Schema Documents as a Source of Message Metadata 4.8 Every Important Element Within a Response Needs an Identifier 4.9 Relying on Hypermedia Controls In the Response 4.10 Supporting Links and Forms for Non-Hypermedia Services 4.11 Validating Data Properties At Runtime 4.12 Using Document Schemas to Validate Outgoing Messages 4.13 Using Document Queries to Validate Incoming Messages 4.14 Validating Incoming Data 4.15 Maintaining Your Own State 4.16 Having A Goal In Mind
  12. Client Patterns 4.1 Limiting the use of Hard-Coded URLs 4.2

    Code Clients to be HTTP-Aware 4.3 Coding More Resilient Clients With Message-Centric Implementations 4.4 Coding Effective Clients to Understand Vocabulary Profiles 4.5 Negotiate for Profile Support at Runtime 4.6 Managing Representation Formats At Runtime 4.7 Using Schema Documents as a Source of Message Metadata 4.8 Every Important Element Within a Response Needs an Identifier 4.9 Relying on Hypermedia Controls In the Response 4.10 Supporting Links and Forms for Non-Hypermedia Services 4.11 Validating Data Properties At Runtime 4.12 Using Document Schemas to Validate Outgoing Messages 4.13 Using Document Queries to Validate Incoming Messages 4.14 Validating Incoming Data 4.15 Maintaining Your Own State 4.16 Having A Goal In Mind
  13. Client Patterns 4.1 Limiting the use of Hard-Coded URLs 4.2

    Code Clients to be HTTP-Aware 4.3 Coding More Resilient Clients With Message-Centric Implementations 4.4 Coding Effective Clients to Understand Vocabulary Profiles 4.5 Negotiate for Profile Support at Runtime 4.6 Managing Representation Formats At Runtime 4.7 Using Schema Documents as a Source of Message Metadata 4.8 Every Important Element Within a Response Needs an Identifier 4.9 Relying on Hypermedia Controls In the Response 4.10 Supporting Links and Forms for Non-Hypermedia Services 4.11 Validating Data Properties At Runtime 4.12 Using Document Schemas to Validate Outgoing Messages 4.13 Using Document Queries to Validate Incoming Messages 4.14 Validating Incoming Data 4.15 Maintaining Your Own State 4.16 Having A Goal In Mind
  14. Client Patterns 4.1 Limiting the use of Hard-Coded URLs 4.2

    Code Clients to be HTTP-Aware 4.3 Coding More Resilient Clients With Message-Centric Implementations 4.4 Coding Effective Clients to Understand Vocabulary Profiles 4.5 Negotiate for Profile Support at Runtime 4.6 Managing Representation Formats At Runtime 4.7 Using Schema Documents as a Source of Message Metadata 4.8 Every Important Element Within a Response Needs an Identifier 4.9 Relying on Hypermedia Controls In the Response 4.10 Supporting Links and Forms for Non-Hypermedia Services 4.11 Validating Data Properties At Runtime 4.12 Using Document Schemas to Validate Outgoing Messages 4.13 Using Document Queries to Validate Incoming Messages 4.14 Validating Incoming Data 4.15 Maintaining Your Own State 4.16 Having A Goal In Mind
  15. Service Patterns 5.1 Publishing at Least One Stable URL 5.2

    Preventing Internal Model Leaks 5.3 Converting Internal Models to External Messages 5.4 Expressing Internal Functions as External Actions 5.5 Advertising Support for Client Preferences for Responses 5.6 Supporting HTTP Content Negotiation 5.7 Publishing Complete Vocabularies for Machine Clients 5.8 Supporting Shared Vocabularies in Standard Formats 5.9 Publishing Service Definition Documents 5.10 Publishing API Metadata 5.11 Supporting Service Health Monitoring 5.12 Standardizing Error Reporting 5.13 Improve Service Discoverability with a Runtime Service Registry 5.14 Increasing Throughput with Client-Supplied Identifiers 5.15 Improving Reliability with Idempotent Create 5.16 Providing Runtime Fallbacks for Dependent Services 5.17 Using Semantic Proxies to Access Non-Compliant Services
  16. Service Patterns 5.1 Publishing at Least One Stable URL 5.2

    Preventing Internal Model Leaks 5.3 Converting Internal Models to External Messages 5.4 Expressing Internal Functions as External Actions 5.5 Advertising Support for Client Preferences for Responses 5.6 Supporting HTTP Content Negotiation 5.7 Publishing Complete Vocabularies for Machine Clients 5.8 Supporting Shared Vocabularies in Standard Formats 5.9 Publishing Service Definition Documents 5.10 Publishing API Metadata 5.11 Supporting Service Health Monitoring 5.12 Standardizing Error Reporting 5.13 Improve Service Discoverability with a Runtime Service Registry 5.14 Increasing Throughput with Client-Supplied Identifiers 5.15 Improving Reliability with Idempotent Create 5.16 Providing Runtime Fallbacks for Dependent Services 5.17 Using Semantic Proxies to Access Non-Compliant Services
  17. Service Patterns 5.1 Publishing at Least One Stable URL 5.2

    Preventing Internal Model Leaks 5.3 Converting Internal Models to External Messages 5.4 Expressing Internal Functions as External Actions 5.5 Advertising Support for Client Preferences for Responses 5.6 Supporting HTTP Content Negotiation 5.7 Publishing Complete Vocabularies for Machine Clients 5.8 Supporting Shared Vocabularies in Standard Formats 5.9 Publishing Service Definition Documents 5.10 Publishing API Metadata 5.11 Supporting Service Health Monitoring 5.12 Standardizing Error Reporting 5.13 Improve Service Discoverability with a Runtime Service Registry 5.14 Increasing Throughput with Client-Supplied Identifiers 5.15 Improving Reliability with Idempotent Create 5.16 Providing Runtime Fallbacks for Dependent Services 5.17 Using Semantic Proxies to Access Non-Compliant Services
  18. Service Patterns 5.1 Publishing at Least One Stable URL 5.2

    Preventing Internal Model Leaks 5.3 Converting Internal Models to External Messages 5.4 Expressing Internal Functions as External Actions 5.5 Advertising Support for Client Preferences for Responses 5.6 Supporting HTTP Content Negotiation 5.7 Publishing Complete Vocabularies for Machine Clients 5.8 Supporting Shared Vocabularies in Standard Formats 5.9 Publishing Service Definition Documents 5.10 Publishing API Metadata 5.11 Supporting Service Health Monitoring 5.12 Standardizing Error Reporting 5.13 Improve Service Discoverability with a Runtime Service Registry 5.14 Increasing Throughput with Client-Supplied Identifiers 5.15 Improving Reliability with Idempotent Create 5.16 Providing Runtime Fallbacks for Dependent Services 5.17 Using Semantic Proxies to Access Non-Compliant Services
  19. Data Patterns "Your data model is not your object model

    is not your resource model is not your representation model." -- Amundsen's Maxim
  20. Data Patterns 6.1 Hiding Your Data Storage Internals 6.2 Making

    All Changes Idempotent 6.3 Hide Data Relationships for External Actions 6.4 Leveraging HTTP URLs to Support “Contains” and “And” Queries 6.5 Returning Metadata for Query Responses 6.6 Returning HTTP 200 vs. HTTP 400 for Data-Centric Queries 6.7 Using Media Types for Data Queries 6.8 Ignore Unknown Data Fields 6.9 Improving Performance with Caching Directives 6.10 Modifying Data Models In Production 6.11 Extending Remote Data Stores 6.12 Limiting Large Scale Responses 6.13 Using Pass-Through Proxies for Data Exchange
  21. Data Patterns 6.1 Hiding Your Data Storage Internals 6.2 Making

    All Changes Idempotent 6.3 Hide Data Relationships for External Actions 6.4 Leveraging HTTP URLs to Support “Contains” and “And” Queries 6.5 Returning Metadata for Query Responses 6.6 Returning HTTP 200 vs. HTTP 400 for Data-Centric Queries 6.7 Using Media Types for Data Queries 6.8 Ignore Unknown Data Fields 6.9 Improving Performance with Caching Directives 6.10 Modifying Data Models In Production 6.11 Extending Remote Data Stores 6.12 Limiting Large Scale Responses 6.13 Using Pass-Through Proxies for Data Exchange
  22. Data Patterns 6.1 Hiding Your Data Storage Internals 6.2 Making

    All Changes Idempotent 6.3 Hide Data Relationships for External Actions 6.4 Leveraging HTTP URLs to Support “Contains” and “And” Queries 6.5 Returning Metadata for Query Responses 6.6 Returning HTTP 200 vs. HTTP 400 for Data-Centric Queries 6.7 Using Media Types for Data Queries 6.8 Ignore Unknown Data Fields 6.9 Improving Performance with Caching Directives 6.10 Modifying Data Models In Production 6.11 Extending Remote Data Stores 6.12 Limiting Large Scale Responses 6.13 Using Pass-Through Proxies for Data Exchange
  23. Data Patterns 6.1 Hiding Your Data Storage Internals 6.2 Making

    All Changes Idempotent 6.3 Hide Data Relationships for External Actions 6.4 Leveraging HTTP URLs to Support “Contains” and “And” Queries 6.5 Returning Metadata for Query Responses 6.6 Returning HTTP 200 vs. HTTP 400 for Data-Centric Queries 6.7 Using Media Types for Data Queries 6.8 Ignore Unknown Data Fields 6.9 Improving Performance with Caching Directives 6.10 Modifying Data Models In Production 6.11 Extending Remote Data Stores 6.12 Limiting Large Scale Responses 6.13 Using Pass-Through Proxies for Data Exchange
  24. Workflow Patterns 7.1 Designing Workflow-Compliant Services 7.2 Supporting Shared State

    for Workflows 7.3 Describing Workflow as Code 7.4 Describing Workflow as DSL 7.5 Describing Workflow as Documents 7.6 Supporting RESTful Job Control Language 7.7 Exposing a Progress Resource for Your Workflows 7.8 Returning All Related Actions 7.9 Returning Most-Recently Used Resources (MRUs) 7.10 Supporting Stateful Work-In-Progress 7.11 Enabling Standard List Navigation 7.12 Supporting Partial Form Submit 7.13 Using State-Watch to Enable Client-Driven Workflow 7.14 Optimizing Queries With Stored Replays 7.15 Synchronous Reply for Incomplete Work with 202 Accepted 7.16 Short-Term Fixes with Automatic Retries 7.17 Supporting Local Undo/Rollback 7.18 Calling for Help 7.19 Scaling Workflow with Queues and Clusters 7.20 Using Workflow Proxies to Enlist Non-Compliant Services
  25. 7.1 Designing Workflow-Compliant Services 7.2 Supporting Shared State for Workflows

    7.3 Describing Workflow as Code 7.4 Describing Workflow as DSL 7.5 Describing Workflow as Documents 7.6 Supporting RESTful Job Control Language 7.7 Exposing a Progress Resource for Your Workflows 7.8 Returning All Related Actions 7.9 Returning Most-Recently Used Resources (MRUs) 7.10 Supporting Stateful Work-In-Progress 7.11 Enabling Standard List Navigation 7.12 Supporting Partial Form Submit 7.13 Using State-Watch to Enable Client-Driven Workflow 7.14 Optimizing Queries With Stored Replays 7.15 Synchronous Reply for Incomplete Work with 202 Accepted 7.16 Short-Term Fixes with Automatic Retries 7.17 Supporting Local Undo/Rollback 7.18 Calling for Help 7.19 Scaling Workflow with Queues and Clusters 7.20 Using Workflow Proxies to Enlist Non-Compliant Services Workflow Patterns
  26. Workflow Patterns 7.1 Designing Workflow-Compliant Services 7.2 Supporting Shared State

    for Workflows 7.3 Describing Workflow as Code 7.4 Describing Workflow as DSL 7.5 Describing Workflow as Documents 7.6 Supporting RESTful Job Control Language 7.7 Exposing a Progress Resource for Your Workflows 7.8 Returning All Related Actions 7.9 Returning Most-Recently Used Resources (MRUs) 7.10 Supporting Stateful Work-In-Progress 7.11 Enabling Standard List Navigation 7.12 Supporting Partial Form Submit 7.13 Using State-Watch to Enable Client-Driven Workflow 7.14 Optimizing Queries With Stored Replays 7.15 Synchronous Reply for Incomplete Work with 202 Accepted 7.16 Short-Term Fixes with Automatic Retries 7.17 Supporting Local Undo/Rollback 7.18 Calling for Help 7.19 Scaling Workflow with Queues and Clusters 7.20 Using Workflow Proxies to Enlist Non-Compliant Services
  27. Workflow Patterns 7.1 Designing Workflow-Compliant Services 7.2 Supporting Shared State

    for Workflows 7.3 Describing Workflow as Code 7.4 Describing Workflow as DSL 7.5 Describing Workflow as Documents 7.6 Supporting RESTful Job Control Language 7.7 Exposing a Progress Resource for Your Workflows 7.8 Returning All Related Actions 7.9 Returning Most-Recently Used Resources (MRUs) 7.10 Supporting Stateful Work-In-Progress 7.11 Enabling Standard List Navigation 7.12 Supporting Partial Form Submit 7.13 Using State-Watch to Enable Client-Driven Workflow 7.14 Optimizing Queries With Stored Replays 7.15 Synchronous Reply for Incomplete Work with 202 Accepted 7.16 Short-Term Fixes with Automatic Retries 7.17 Supporting Local Undo/Rollback 7.18 Calling for Help 7.19 Scaling Workflow with Queues and Clusters 7.20 Using Workflow Proxies to Enlist Non-Compliant Services
  28. Goals • Make designs composable • Make clients adaptable •

    Make services modifiable • Make data portable • Make workflow flexible
  29. Goals • Make designs composable • Make clients adaptable •

    Make services modifiable • Make data portable • Make workflow flexible
  30. Goals • Make designs composable • Make clients adaptable •

    Make services modifiable • Make data portable • Make workflow flexible
  31. Goals • Make designs composable • Make clients adaptable •

    Make services modifiable • Make data portable • Make workflow flexible
  32. Goals • Make designs composable • Make clients adaptable •

    Make services modifiable • Make data portable • Make workflow flexible
  33. Goals • Make designs composable • Make clients adaptable •

    Make services modifiable • Make data portable • Make workflow flexible
  34. The RESTful Web API Principle "Leverage global reach to solve

    problems you haven’t thought of for people you have never met."
  35. The RESTful Web API Principle "Leverage global reach to solve

    problems you haven’t thought of for people you have never met."
  36. The RESTful Web API Principle "Leverage global reach to solve

    problems you haven’t thought of for people you have never met."
  37. The RESTful Web API Principle "Leverage global reach to solve

    problems you haven’t thought of for people you have never met."
  38. The RESTful Web API Principle "Leverage global reach to solve

    problems you haven’t thought of for people you have never met."
  39. The RESTful Web API Principle "Leverage global reach to solve

    problems you haven’t thought of for people you have never met."
  40. Pattern Thinking -- and Models "Everything we think we know

    about the world is a model." -- Donella Meadows, 2008
  41. Pattern Thinking "The difference between the novice and the teacher

    is simply that the novice has not learnt, yet, how to do things in such a way that they can afford to make small mistakes." -- Christopher Alexander
  42. Pattern Thinking "The difference between the novice and the teacher

    is simply that the novice has not learnt, yet, how to do things in such a way that they can afford to make small mistakes." -- Christopher Alexander