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Apidays Singapore 2024 - The Nuance of Quantify...

Apidays Singapore 2024 - The Nuance of Quantifying Digital Carbon Emissions by Fershad Irani, GWF Contributor

The Nuance of Quantifying Digital Carbon Emissions
Fershad Irani GWF Contributor | Website Sustainability Consultant - Green Web Foundation

Apidays Singapore 2024: Connecting Customers, Business and Technology (April 17 & 18, 2024)


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  1. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION The Nuance of Quantifying Digital Carbon Emissions

    Green I/O Conference, Singapore - 18 April, 2024 Fershad Irani, Green Web Foundation
  2. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION A little about Fershad Irani • Australian,

    living in Taiwan for 11 years. • Maintainer of the CO2.js JavaScript library. • Creator of the Are my third parties green? testing tool. • Developer & consultant, Green Web Foundation
  3. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION The Green Web Foundation is a non-profit

    working towards a fossil free internet by 2030. We use open source, open data, and open culture to help get there faster. 3
  4. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION Emerging reporting requirements Examples. What do they

    cover? Estimating versus measuring What’s the difference? Why does it matter? Options at each part of the tech stack Frontend, Networks, Backend In the next little while 5
  5. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION Government mandated regulations Many other countries looking

    to legislate reporting Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act (CCDAA) 7
  6. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION The impact of Scope 3 - Google

    75% of Google’s emissions attributed to Scope 3 • Category 1: Purchased goods and services • Category 2: Capital goods • Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution • Category 6: Business travel • Category 7: Employee commuting, incl. teleworking • Category 11: Use of sold products • Category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products Google 2023 Environmental Report
  7. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION The impact of Scope 3 - Google

    75% of Google’s emissions attributed to Scope 3 • Category 1: Purchased goods and services • Category 2: Capital goods • Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution • Category 6: Business travel • Category 7: Employee commuting, incl. teleworking • Category 11: Use of sold products • Category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products Google 2023 Environmental Report
  8. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION The impact of Scope 3 - Mozilla

    98% of Mozilla’s emissions attributed to Scope 3 • Business travel • Employee commuting incl. teleworking • Purchased goods and services • Events • Waste • Upstream transportation & distribution • Use of products Mozilla’s Greenhouse Gas emissions baseline
  9. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION The impact of Scope 3 - Mozilla

    98% of Mozilla’s emissions attributed to Scope 3 • Business travel • Employee commuting incl. teleworking • Purchased goods and services • Events • Waste • Upstream transportation & distribution • Use of products ◦ Includes Firefox Desktop, Firefox Mobile, Pocket, Mozilla Hubs Mozilla’s Greenhouse Gas emissions baseline
  10. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION Defining what you do Estimating • Imperfect

    • Relies on models • Often contains assumptions, uses average figures etc. • Easier to get started with
  11. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION Defining what you do Measuring • Exact

    • Often requires more tooling, setup, and knowledge • Might require multiple steps to reach a “carbon figure” • Steeper barrier to get started
  12. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION Frontend: Estimating • Uses the Sustainable Web

    Design estimation model • Estimates for all three segments • Uses data transfer as a key input to estimate all segments • Includes assumptions about data caching & website visitors. • Can swap in measured figures for a segment if you have them.
  13. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION Frontend: Estimating DIMPACT GreenFrame Scope3 • All

    three segments • Digital media & entertainment • Device segment only • Limited to websites/apps • All three segments • For digital advertising
  14. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION 27 Frontend: Measuring Measure a web page’s

    energy consumption & emissions using Firefox Profiler.
  15. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION Network: Estimation approaches Data Transfer Duration &

    Bandwidth • Predictive • Bottom up • For fixed networks, assumptions need to be made about the number of users/devices on the network. • Attributive • Top down • Widely used, but also heavily debated in research circles.
  16. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION • Cloud Carbon Footprint • Open source,

    public methodology • Works with: ◦ AWS, Google, Azure ◦ AliCloud • Could be extended to other providers Data Center: Estimating
  17. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION • OpenCost • Open source, CNCF project

    • Originally built for Kubernetes cloud native monitoring • Recently announced collaboration with Cloud Carbon Footprint Data Center: Estimating
  18. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION Data Center: Measuring • Scaphandre • Open

    source • Works on: ◦ Bare metal hosts ◦ Certain virtual machines ◦ Kubernetes • Measures power/energy consumption
  19. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION 35 If these ideas interest you …

    Talks. Workshops. Training. Consulting.
  20. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION “ The Green Web Foundation is working

    towards a fossil-free internet by 2030. 39
  21. GREEN WEB FOUNDATION What we do Fellowships and Thought Leadership

    Green Web Studio and Training Data Platform and Partnerships Measure the greening of the web with open data Partner to build services using open green web data Advance the state of the art through prototypes Train web professionals to green their stack Support emerging leaders 40