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INTERFACE by apidays 2023 - Digital Platforms, ...

INTERFACE by apidays 2023 - Digital Platforms, Taking API to production, Microservices patterns, Kanchana Wickremasinghe, WSO2

INTERFACE by apidays 2023
APIs for a “Smart” economy. Embedding AI to deliver Smart APIs and turn into an exponential organization
June 28 & 29, 2023

Digital Platforms, Taking API to production, Microservices patterns
Kanchana Wickremasinghe, VP and GM for API and Integration BU at WSO2


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July 11, 2023

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  1. • What are Digital Platforms? • Taking APIs to production

    • Microservices patterns • Putting it all together ⦿ How they compliment each other • Q & A Talking points 3
  2. Platform 5 “A platform is a support structure that increases

    the effectiveness of a community.” - Dave Grey Source: The Connected Company by Dave Gray, Thomas Vander Wal
  3. Business Enablement Core components of a Digital Platform 7 Digital

    Platform Foundation Services Marketplace Development Operations Governance Digital Core Components APIs Services Integrations Identities Cloud-native Infrastructure Multi Experience (MX) Web Mobile IoT API Products Digital Core APIs Services Integrations Identities
  4. • By utilizing various services of cloud providers e.g: AWS,

    Azure, GCP etc ◦ Source repositories ◦ CI/CD ◦ Container registries ◦ API Gateways ◦ …. • By utilizing Open Source tools for similar services ◦ Git ◦ ArgoCD, Harbor registry ◦ WSO2 API, Kong, Tyk ◦ …. What are some of these Digital Platforms? 8 Build with a toolbox Buy (Hosted)
  5. Most of the time We think of getting an API

    to the production means: • Source and API Management (APIM) software • Configure the APIM • Secure the API • Test the API • Deploy to production 10
  6. Lifecycle of an API to Production 11 Requirements Architecture &

    design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance
  7. What are Microservices? 13 Microservices - also known as the

    microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are: • Independently deployable • Loosely coupled • Organized around business capabilities • Owned by a small team Credits: microservices.io
  8. Microservices Patterns • Decomposition: ⦿ domain, sub-domains, strangler • Integration:

    ⦿ API Gateway, Aggregator, UI Composition • Database ⦿ Database per Service, Shared, Saga, CQRS • Observability ⦿ Tracing, Logging, Healthchecks • Cross-cutting ⦿ External configurations, Service discovery, Blue/green and Canary style deployments, Circuit breakers 14
  9. 19 Requirements Architecture & design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment

    setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance What’s it that this API will deliver ?
  10. 20 Requirements Architecture & design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment

    setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance What’s it that this API will deliver ? Define the architecture and design your API
  11. 21 Requirements Architecture & design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment

    setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance What’s it that this API will deliver ? Define the architecture and design your API Selecting either to build a platform or buy an existing platform
  12. 22 Requirements Architecture & design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment

    setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance What’s it that this API will deliver ? Define the architecture and design your API Setup your environment to develop, build and test Selecting either to build a platform or buy an existing platform
  13. 23 Requirements Architecture & design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment

    setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance What’s it that this API will deliver ? Define the architecture and design your API Setup your environment to develop, build and test Start developing your API Selecting either to build a platform or buy an existing platform
  14. 24 Requirements Architecture & design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment

    setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance What’s it that this API will deliver ? Define the architecture and design your API Setup your environment to develop, build and test Start developing your API Test your API Selecting either to build a platform or buy an existing platform
  15. 25 Requirements Architecture & design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment

    setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance What’s it that this API will deliver ? Define the architecture and design your API Setup your environment to develop, build and test Start developing your API Test your API Configure and deploy your API to production Selecting either to build a platform or buy an existing platform
  16. 26 Requirements Architecture & design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment

    setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance What’s it that this API will deliver ? Define the architecture and design your API Setup your environment to develop, build and test Start developing your API Test your API Configure and deploy your API to production Operate and Run your API in production Selecting either to build a platform or buy an existing platform
  17. How do they all fit together? 27 Requirements Architecture &

    design Technology evaluation & prototyping Environment setup & pipeline Development Testing Deployment, Configuration & CI/CD etc Observe, maintenance Microservices Digital Platform (built or bought) API to Production is the process you follow Emerging