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CSIndexbr: A Brazilian Computer Science Index (...

CSIndexbr: A Brazilian Computer Science Index (EVCOMP 2019)


February 20, 2019

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  1. Scholarly Communication Tools 2 Kramer, Bianca; Bosman, Jeroen (2015): 101

    Innovations in Scholarly Communication - the Changing Research Workflow. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1286826.v1
  2. CSIndexbr is a experimental scholarly communication tool, with two goals:

    - Discovery e.g. What are the "best" Brazilian papers in my area? - Assessment e.g. What are the "best" Brazilian CS depts in my area? 3
  3. Index of recent papers published by Brazilian CS professors in

    selected conferences and journals in the last five years (2014-today) - Transparent - Open - but "unofficial" 4
  4. Primary data source: DBLP (dblp.org) - High-quality metadata about CS

    papers - Covers all relevant CS venues - Open-license - Very reliable API 5
  5. If you miss a name (or for any other question):

    https://goo.gl/forms/kz3F1fZIKtubWYiu1 or from csindexbr.org 12
  6. Conferences - 15 conferences / area (max) - Only full,

    main-track papers (10 pages) - short, tool, workshop etc papers are not indexed - Criteria: - submitted > 100 papers - acceptance < 30% - h5-index > 20 14
  7. Exceptions: - Many areas: full papers < 10 pages -

    Computer Networks: 18 confs - Algorithms & Complexity: accept. ~ 40% - etc 15
  8. Journals - 15 journals / area (max) - Criteria: -

    Indexed by JCR - h5-index > 25 18
  9. Top-Journals - 3 top-journals / area (max) - Criteria: -

    ACM Transactions or IEEE Transactions (or similar) 19
  10. Department Rankings - 1.0: paper in top-conference or top-journal -

    0.40: paper in journals - 0.33: paper in - conference - magazines - journals with short papers - mega-journals - journals with normalized-h5-index < 0.2 27
  11. arXiv popularity (worldwide): 23% 40 Popularity of arXiv.org within Computer

    Science. Charles Sutton and Linan Gong, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.05225.pdf
  12. CrossRef Citations - Crossref is an official DOI registration agency

    - They maintain a database of citations - used by ACM DL, IEEE DL, Dimensions etc - Has a public API (unlike Google Scholar) 42
  13. Future Work 1. Internal improvements, scripts, refactorings etc 2. Update

    conferences and journals statistics (2018) 3. Extend data collection to more than 5 years 4. Integration with CNPq: link to Lattes 5. (?) "Global" depts ranking (all areas) 6. (?) Adjust scores by number of authors 7. Other countries 44
  14. Quiz [para incentivar acesso ao sistema] 45 1. Em qual

    área o DCC tem mais pesquisadores? 2. Em qual área o DCC tem menos pesquisadores? 3. Qual o paper do DCC tem mais citações? 4. Qual o journal aceita o maior número de papers BR? 5. Em qual área o BR tem mais pesquisadores? 6. Qual o dept BR tem mais pesquisadores? 7. Qual o paper BR tem mais citações? 8. Qual a participação BR nos papers da área X?