functionality • Packages with incompatible licenses Adhere to Astropy coding, testing, and docs guidelines Use Astropy wherever possible (avoid duplication) Astropy affiliated packages (original definition)
Interface to many web services/archives Gamma-ray data analysis CCD image reduction Interfaces to ds9 Spectroscopic analysis ‘Big’ spectral cube analysis (e.g. ALMA, etc.) Spectral cube slicing <your package here!> etc. Currently 41 affiliated packages
meeting in 2017) Packages that are actually managed by the project and would thus be assigned a ‘role’ - showing long-term committment Proposed list: astropy-healpix, astroplan, astroquery, ccdproc, photutils, regions, reproject, specutils These are packages that would live inside the astropy GitHub organization Astropy affiliated packages
for astropy and affiliated packages Meta-package for documentation-building dependencies Contain small custom project-specific extensions (sphinx, astropy-sphinx-theme, numpydoc, sphinx-automoadpi, sphinx-gallery, pillow) (e.g linking to issues in changelog)