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Lighting and LookDev environment with physical ...

Lighting and LookDev environment with physical units

This document is the English version of the GAME CREATORS CONFERENCE '20 presentation.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AujTwi6L4OM

Bandai Namco Studios Inc.

November 13, 2020

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  1. Self-introduction • Main projects that I have been involved: Ace

    Combat 6: Fires of Liberation (2007) Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (2011) Tales of Card Evolve (2012) THE IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE! (2013) Pokkén Tournament (2015) Pokkén Tournament DX (2017) • Past talks: Continuous integration of ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON: CEDEC2011 In-game camera production example in “ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON” in-game camera production example”: CEDEC2011 Game editor design and implementation in Pokkén: CEDEC2015 Basic design of game editor and stable and fast asset management in console video game development : CEDEC2019 Implementation of Light Baker using DirectX Raytracing: CEDEC2019 • In the current game team, I’m in charge of programming of graphics, tools, systems and assets
  2. Concept of improving rendering quality • Other industries such as

    the film, and photography industries have a much longer history than the video game industry and have accumulated technology to improve quality • Workflows built to apply other industry technologies to the game, and to improve the quality of the rendering using techniques that have been developed over a long history of use. • The tool applies various units such as luminance (cd/㎡) and other industry terms such as exposure (EV) directly to the game
  3. Subdivision of the rendering flow • As with real-world shoots,

    a segmented and specialized rendering flow improves the quality of the individual areas of responsibility, thereby improving the quality of the rendering Shader Model Lighting Color grading Object Lighting Shooting Color grading Photography Rendering
  4. Professionalization and scope of responsibility • Each position has a

    defined scope of responsibility for quality → They don't have responsibilities outside of their charge E.g. Character artists are not responsible for lighting Responsibility Asset Position Shader Shader code, Shader parameter definition Technical artist Model Model shape, Shader parameter, Texture Character artist Environment artist Lighting Light parameter, EV Lighting artist Color Grading LUT Colorist
  5. Tools Shader editor Scenery editor DCC tools Model editor Scenery

    editor DaVinci Resolve Basic design of game editor and stable and fast asset management in console video game development : CEDEC2019 • The workflow is a combination of in-house editor and DCC tools Shader Model Lighting Color grading
  6. Shader editor • Technical artists create a shader (HLSL) and

    default values for the shader parameters by connecting the nodes Shader Model Lighting Color grading
  7. Model editor • Artists set the shader parameters and textures

    for the model output from the DCC tool • They preview the model with lighting presets prepared by the lighting artist Shader Model Lighting Color grading
  8. Scenery editor • The editor that removes gameplay-related functions from

    the level editor and focuses on lighting settings • Artists build the background level, sets up the lighting and bakes in real-time using DirectX Raytracing Shader Model Lighting Color grading Implementation of Light Baker using DirectX Raytracing: CEDEC2019
  9. DaVinci Resolve • Software from Blackmagic Design • Colorist uses

    Resolve Live to perform color grading and create LUT Shader Model Lighting Color grading
  10. Introduction of physical units • This method applies PBR and

    physical units to the rendering in order to apply lighting techniques used in film and photography to the rendering • Textures such as Base Color are in the range of real-world values • Artists use the game editor to enter values in physical units • The render target is drawn with the value of the physical units Photo Rendering
  11. Rendering flow Pixel shader draws a 16-bit float render target

    with a luminance of 1000 as 1 in the GPU Post-effects apply an exposure to the render target Color grading adjusts the color • The rendering flow is designed to take exposure into account, just like a real-world camera • Examples of Forward Rendering
  12. Introduction of physical units • Pixel shader renders the render

    target with a luminance of 1000 as the value 1 in the GPU 1000cd/㎡ = 1 • Why 1000cd/㎡? 1. It is possible to keep the real-world luminance within the precision range of a 16-bit float 2. Lighting artists can easily replace the light input values in the editor with real-world luminance When an artist references a pixel value, they can see the luminosity →
  13. Luminance and floating point • The pixel shader draws a

    luminance of 1000 as 1 in the GPU, so everything else can be represented except the sun • The sun is drawn as a circular sprite Name Luminance cd/㎡ Sun 1650000000 16bit float render target maximum value 65504 65504000 100W bulb 280000 LED Lamps 60000 Sky 8000 Moon 2600 16bit float render target minimum value 0.000061 0.061 https://www.tlt.co.jp/tlt/lighting_design/design/basic/data/1_3.pdf
  14. Exposure • Post-effects fit on the display by multiplying the

    value of a render target drawn in physical units by the exposure • The lighting artist enters the exposure in EV values, just like a real camera They have created a formula for EV value to Exposure Exposure = 2^(9.96578f + 0.32956f - EV) 9.96578f = log2(1000) : Since we set the luminance 1000 [cd/㎡] to 1.0 0.32956f = log2(π/2.5) : If the above is left as it is, the luminance 1.0[cd/㎡] will be rendered at 1.0 when EV0 is used, as defined by the camera, EV0 should be rendered with a luminance of 0.796 [cd/㎡] at 1.0(2.5/π) float3 color = RenderTarget.Sample(sampler,uv).xyz; return color * Exposure;
  15. Exposure control • This method incorporates exposure, so just like

    a real camera, we can change the result of the drawing by changing the exposure →EV is a real-world value, so an artist who is familiar with the camera can control the exposure as intended • The debug rendering uses the inverse of the exposure in pixel shader to avoid exposure effects EV 12 EV 14 EV 18
  16. Model preview • Artists use the model editor to preview

    a single model • Lighting is 1 parallel light source (sunlight) + SH lighting (indirect light) so that the material itself can be checked • The color (intensity) of light is entered into physical units of luminance ← Backlight Brightness for Emissive ← Value on GPU (1000cd/㎡ = 1) ← Color for artist identification ← Intensity
  17. One parallel light source? • Before the programmable shader was

    introduced, multiple parallel light sources were used as a substitute for indirect light, but nowadays, only one parallel light source (the sun or the moon) is needed to represent indirect light, such as SH • If additional lighting is needed, such as three-point lighting, use a reflector or surface light source, as in reality → Artists can bring their photography skills to the game
  18. Comparison with reference photos • As a result of the

    incorporation of physical units, it is now possible to compare them with reference photographs Reference photo Rendering Luminance Luminometer Calculated from pixel values EV EV of the camera at the time of shooting EV on the editor Reference photo Rendering
  19. The result of incorporating physical units • The lighting and

    real-world values in the game can now be used interchangeably • Lighting artists use photos taken by the camera (HDRI) for lighting • This method defines lighting units as lighting presets for mutual use of lighting Reality (Photo) Game (Level data) Lighting presets
  20. Lighting Presets • This method defines a lighting environment to

    be displayed in the model editor as a lighting preset • Lighting presets are provided by the lighting artist →Other artists can only preview models with the lighting artist's set lighting Lighting Preset Direction and color of the parallel light source SH Value(float x 12) Background image for preview Specular environment map EV LUT
  21. Creating Lighting Presets 1. A lighting artist takes a picture

    of the outdoors with a camera, creates a panoramic image, then opens the panoramic image in Photoshop and calculates the position of the sun 2. They input the EV and sun direction and color into an Excel file and submit it to Perforce 3. A build PC creates a lighting preset
  22. Workflow Panorama image taken by the camera (.hdr) An Excel

    file with the angle and intensity of the sun and EV SH Value (Created by DirectX::SHProjectCubeMap) Cube map (.dds) for background rendering in the model editor Specular environment map (.dds) (Created by IBLBaker) Thumbnails for display in the model editor (.tga) Build PC Direction and color of parallel light sources, EV (Retrieved from an Excel file)
  23. Lighting Presets switching • Models (materials) need to be drawn

    correctly for various lights so that lighting artists can experiment with them →The lighting presets can be switched with a single click using a dedicated dialog so artists can see different lighting
  24. Result • Artists can now check their models with a

    variety of lighting prepared by lighting artists Lighting Presets for debugging
  25. Quality check • The model editor uses a photo as

    the background for model previews • By comparing the model to the background photo, the artist can find quality defects Photo Model The model editor can blur or darken the background for lighting validation
  26. Rotation of the light • When rotating lights for preview,

    the model editor always rotates the parallel light, SH, and background image at the same time → Because in reality, sunlight and indirect light rotate at the same time
  27. Lighting in the scenery editor • When the model is

    complete, environment artists place the model in the scenery editor to create the level data, and lighting artists set up the lighting • The scenery editor has real-time light baking with DirectX Raytracing
  28. Light baker • The light baker was created using Arnold

    as a reference, baking lightmaps, shadows , and light probes at the same time Implementation of Light Baker using DirectX Raytracing: CEDEC2019 Photo Arnold Model editor(no baking) Scenery editor(with baking) Indirect light preview
  29. Lighting settings • Lighting artists use the scenery editor to

    set up lighting settings for real-time and baking at the same time Name Realtime Baking Note EV ◦ Direction and color of the parallel light source ◦ ◦ Only one light can be used Sky texture for baking ◦ Same as Arnold's Sky dome light Emissive object ◦ Same as Arnold's Mesh light Lighting contributions per model (diffuse, emissive, shadow, etc.) ◦ Light map resolution, shadow resolution ◦ Diffuse Boost ◦ Same as Lightmass's Diffuse Boost Ray's culling direction ◦ One-sided polygon models are used for baking
  30. Creating Lighting Presets from level data • When lighting artists

    submit the level data to Perforce, the build PC creates a lighting preset Level data(.json) SH Value (Created by baking) Cube map (.dds) for background rendering in the model editor (Created by capturing a render target) Specular environment map (Created by saving the render target as DDS) Direction and color of parallel light sources, EV (Reference from level data) HDRI(.hdr) used for baking is generated by Terragen or HDR LightStudio Build PC Thumbnails for display in the model editor (.tga)
  31. Selecting a Lighting Preset • The build PC was able

    to create lighting presets from level data, so artists can now select in-game and real-life lighting presets in the same list Lighting Preset from photos Lighting Preset from level data
  32. Workflow summary Artists create models in the model editor using

    real-world lighting presets Environment artists place models in levels in the scenery editor Lighting artists set up lighting settings and bake in the scenery editor with real-world units Artists can select lighting presets from the level in the model editor to see the lighting in game
  33. Color grading in video games • The game applies a

    color transformation information called a LUT (lookup table) as a 3D texture • The LUT format has been standardized as .cube (Adobe Cube LUT)
  34. Past LUT creation flow • Colorist was taking screenshots and

    creating LUTs in Photoshop, so it was a lot of work to apply them to the game Game Screenshots PhotoShop LUT Game
  35. Past rendering flows • Colorist takes a long time to

    create a LUT, so they created a tone mapping so they could control it with simple parameters • They also used tone mapping to handle values above 1.0, since the normal LUT is up to 1.0 Render target Tone mapping Color grading with LUT Display output
  36. Introduction of color grading software • At the Game Creators

    Conference 2019, Seo from Sledgehammer Games talked about using Blackmagic's software for color grading • I talked to some of our in-house video production artists and they advised me that Blackmagic's DaVinci Resolve is a good choice for color grading, so I decided to use it to apply technology from the film industry to my games
  37. Real-time color grading • DaVinci Resolve has a feature called

    Resolve Live, which allows for real-time color grading and a preview of the input signal, which can be used for video game development • DaVinci Resolve uses a Blackmagic DeckLink capture card Cameras, etc DaVinci Resolve DeckLink capture card Display PC HDMI cable Color grading
  38. Display output Game DaVinci Resolve Color space:Rec.709(sRGB) OETF:HLG Name Value

    Reason SwapChain format DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM In DaVinci Resolve's preview screen, to increase tonality and reduce moiré SwapChain color space DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G2084_ NONE_P2020 To use R10G10B10A2 Shader output color space Rec.709(sRGB) Since the color space in the game is Rec.709 OETF HLG(Calculations inside the shader) To perform color grading in high-intensity areas • This method uses the following settings for color grading
  39. Video capture card • Using DeckLink Mini Recorder 4K •

    The input signal can be transmitted to DaVinci Resolve without applying EOTF • Capture cards capture the game output of the same PC • DeckLink Mini Recorder 4K's input is YCbCr, not RGB, so change the video card's settings Game DaVinci Resolve HDMI cable DeckLink Mini Recorder 4K Color space:Rec.709(sRGB) OETF:HLG Color space:Rec.709(sRGB) OETF:HLG YcbCr
  40. DaVinci Resolve settings • In this approach, I've aligned the

    input color space with the timeline color space to avoid problems with Resolve Live, which allows Resolve Live to color grade the game screen in real-time Real-time game display output (colors are displayed after color grading) Primaries wheels Scopes Node editor
  41. Converting the LUT • DaVinci Resolve outputs .cube format LUTs

    in HLG OETF space • The converter reads the .cube file with OpenColorIO and converts it to a 3D texture with DirectXTex • The format is 33x33x33 pixel or 65x65x65 pixel, same as .cube, uncompressed Float16 .cube .dds OpenColorIO+ DirectXTex
  42. HLG color grading • The LUT space for this method

    is HLG, because the title under development is SDR output, so we're focusing on compatibility in the SDR space • To take advantage of the accuracy of the render target, the LUT is applied before converting to R8G8B8 • A color that is zero will remain zero no matter how much you multiply it, so try to keep it as accurate as possible Lighting Frame buffer Linear Float16 HLG Float16 HLG conversion Linear Float16 LUT HLG LUT Linear conversion sRGB R8G8B8 Shader
  43. Linear transformation in the LUT • To reduce the processing

    load on the shader, the converter calculates the change from HLG to Linear at the time of LUT conversion • DaVinci outputs the LUT of HLG OETF, so multiplying the LUT by HLG EOTF (inverse curve of OETF) results in Linear LUT HLG LUT Linear conversion float Lut3D::HybridLogGammaToLinear(float value) { float E1 = 4 * value*value; float E2 = 0.284669f + std::expf(5.59182f*(value - 0.559911f)); value = Lerp(E1, E2, Step(0.5f, value)); return value; }
  44. Application of the LUT • The pixel shader reads a

    value from a 3D texture LUT by shifting the UV float3 ApplyLookUpTable(float3 inputColor) { float LutSize = 33; float3 scale = (LutSize - 1.0) / LutSize; float3 offset = 1.0 / (2.0 * LutSize); float3 outputColor = LUT.Sample(LookUpTableSampler, scale * inputColor + offset).xyz; return outputColor; } GpuGems2 Using Lookup Tables to Accelerate Color Transformations 0 0.33 0.66 1.0 LUT Value Texture fetch Texture Value
  45. Result • Colorists can now color grade game screen in

    real-time with DaVinci Resolve • The color grading results can be applied to the game via the LUT • Using the DaVinci Resolve dedicated controller increased the speed of color grading • Tone mapping is no longer used (included in the LUT) • We use the same tools as the film industry, so we can now ask the film industry Colorist to do the color grading for us
  46. Data debugging • If there is a problem with the

    rendering result, the artist isolates the problem • This data debugging needs to be done in a short period of time Shader Model Lighting Color grading
  47. LUT • The artist can enable or disable the LUT

    in the editor to determine if the problem is a LUT Shader Model Lighting Color grading LUT ON LUT OFF Switching LUT
  48. Lighting • In the model editor, the artist switches between

    lighting presets to determine if the problem is lighting or modeling Shader Model Lighting Color grading Lighting Preset switching
  49. Shader parameters • The artist can change the shader parameters

    in the model editor to isolate whether the rendering problem is in the shader parameters or the shaders themselves Shader Model Lighting Color grading Changing shader parameters
  50. Pixel Inspector • Pixel Inspector draws on a small 7x7

    render target near the mouse cursor and gets the pixel value from the CPU • Since the method renders luminance on the render target, it is possible to calculate luminance from pixel values
  51. NVIDIA Nsight • For data debugging, I'm trying to get

    the runtime to connect to the NVIDIA Nsight, but it requires knowledge of the drawing program, so few people use it
  52. Summary • I've introduced physical unit support and color grading

    tools to incorporate technology from other industries into video game rendering • Lighting artists and colorists have a very important role to play in improving rendering quality There's a lot of information
  53. References • International System of Units • GDC 2017 High

    Dynamic Range color grading and display in Frostbite • Digital Doragons 2018 HDR in Call of Duty • Cube LUT Specification • OpenColorIO
  54. Thank you • Questions? • Acknowledgements Masayuki Suzuki(Lighting Artist, Technical

    Artist) Naoki Kawata(Video Production Artist) Yuko Mizoguchi(Environment Artist) Shohei Yamaguchi(Technical Artist)