the user, look up the relevant tax rates, and apply them to product if the tax rates are inclusive (ex. European pricing). • We store the product price including the tax as a transient • We display the product with the price to the user • The problem is when someone has 1,000 products and users from 20 different countries visiting their store. You can easily grow the transients table to 20,000 records slowing all queries.
asked question • 60,000+ of products • 100,000+ of orders • We list four examples: products-can-woocommerce-handle/
pricing discounts, discounts for users, discounts for X products in the cart ◦ Not great for combining all of the above ^ • Bookings ◦ Great for booking an hour long massage ◦ Not great for for booking Santa photos (an available slot every 5 minutes)
handler. ◦ ◦ Won't store each user’s cart in the options table. ◦ Will be stored in its own indexed table for speed enhancements • REST API ◦ Taxes endpoint ◦ Product taxonomy (tags, categories, shipping classes) • WP-CLI commands ◦
WooCommerce System Status Report that they are using the latest version of plugins/themes/WordPress • Check the affected pages with something like Firebug or Chrome Dev Tools for errors that can help you pinpoint the issues. • Check with another browser if possible.
payment gateways included in core, which can log things for you (what is sent out, and received in) • Use WP_DEBUG for bigger issues. WooCommerce acts like any other WordPress plugin. • If there’s a fatal error, then it would typically display the path to the file causing the issue.
see that are from “WooCommerce” are not actually issues with WooCommerce. • Typically they are caused by either hosting issues/variations, or from other code. • It’s not necessarily bad code, it’s just not compatible.
debug the issues is to narrow it down. • You should be working on a test/development site that is an exact copy of the customer’s sites. • Then you go back to the beginning. Go back to default, where we know it works.
to make sure that it’s not an issue with the customer site itself. • I like to have a vanilla WordPress site (local or online) that I can use. • You can ping us or log an issue on GH
We have a list: • Sometimes customizations break stuff, especially if done wrong. • Templates are an easy way to get a specific look, but tend to be a bit more risky as far as breaking stuff.
know most things. • We have a ton of resources that are available to you, including docs. http://docs. • You can get better with WooCommerce, but you won’t know everything.