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Design Patterns

Chris Coyier
November 10, 2011

Design Patterns

Less than 5 minute presentation to introduce concept of design patterns to co-workers and show our start on implementing them.

Chris Coyier

November 10, 2011

More Decks by Chris Coyier

Other Decks in Design


  1. E X A M P L E D E S

    I G N P A T T E R N Problem: There is too much to fit on one page of a website. Solution: Tabs
  2. E X A M P L E D E S

    I G N P A T T E R N Solution: Dropdown Menus Problem: There is lots of navigation or actions you need to offer users, but can’t dedicate the screen space to show all of them at once (or it would be too overwhelming).
  3. button search form progress bar E X A M P

    L E D E S I G N P A T T E R N collection
  4. They are good for users. 1 There is no confusion.

    They don’t have to “learn” anything.
  5. Very high chance users have used tabs before. If not,

    they are easy to learn. All the affordances are there: rollover, pointer cursor, white-to-white, look like real tabs
  6. Even if a user has to learn, they only need

    to do it once. For example, once you’ve interacted with an accordion in CREATE you’ll know how to use it in ANALYZE. “Accordion”
  7. They are good for development. 2 Speeds up development. Nobody

    repeats each other’s work. Ease of future updates.