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Ultra-Wide Band lighting talk at the 11th Conre...

November 18, 2017

Ultra-Wide Band lighting talk at the 11th Conreality Hackathon

An introduction to UWB radio and locationing technology (including Decawave chips and GPS ground stations) presented at the 11th Conreality Hackathon

Find out more about the project - https://conreality.com/


November 18, 2017

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  1. Also known as • Ultra-wideband • UWB • Ultra-wide band

    • Ultraband • formerly known as pulse radio
  2. Conventional Radio • Uses sinusoidal carrier wave – modulation of

    • power/amplitude • phase • frequency – carrier wave can be detected easily • triangulation for position detection
  3. What is UWB Radio Technology? • large bandwidth >500 MHz

    • very low energy • short range/line of sight • high bandwidth • does not interfere with conventional narrowband and carrier wave transmission – share spectrum with other users
  4. Theory • transmission of pulses occupying a large bandwidth –

    modulation of • power/amplitude • Pulse-position/time modulation • polarity • orthogonal pulses – line-of-sight/time of flight • overcome multipath propagation
  5. Theory II • pulses are very short – less than

    60 cm for a 500 MHz-wide pulse – less than 23 cm for a 1.3 GHz-bandwidth pulse – so most signal reflections do not overlap the original pulse – no multipath fading of narrowband signals
  6. Theory III • inter-pulse interference of fast-pulse systems – multipath

    propagation must be mitigated by coding techniques • forward error correction can provide channel performance approaching the Shannon limit – used in high-data-rate UWB pulse systems • stealth some UWB formats (mainly pulse-based) may be made to appear like a slight rise in background noise to any receiver unaware of the signal’s complex pattern
  7. Theory IV • multiple antenna systems can be used to

    – increase range – increase reception reliability – increase transmission rates – spacial multiplexing for multi gigabit rates – MIMO – multiple inputs multiple outputs
  8. Standards • IEEE 802.15 – http://www.ieee802.org/15/pub/TG4.html • IEEE 802.15.3a draft

    PAN standard – Task group dissolved in 2006 – work was completed by the WiMedia Alliance and the USB Implementer Forum • IEEE 802.15.4-2011 – low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs)
  9. Applications • non-cooperative radar imaging – 1 to 100 megapulses

    per second • "see-through-the-wall" precision radar-imaging • sensor data acquisition • precision locating (up to 10cm) • high-data-rate personal area network (PAN) – one to two gigapulses per second – enabling gigabit per second communications
  10. Decawave • DWM1000 – based on IEEE802.15.4-2011 UWB techniques –

    up to 6.8 Mb/s – Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) • precision of 10cm indoors • even while moving at up to 5m/s – range of up to 290m – up to 11,000 tags in a 20m radius – low power
  11. Decawave • DWM1000 Module ~22€ – https://www.digikey.de/product-detail/de/decawa ve-limited/DWM1000/1479-1002-1-ND/4805335 • DWM1001

    Module ~$31 – https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/decaw ave-limited/DWM1001/1479-1004-1-ND/7394535
  12. Decawave • Other source – Preorder DWM1001 Module ~ $20

    • https://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.as p?idproduct=70926 – Preorder DWM1001 DEV ~ $39 • https://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.as p?idproduct=70927
  13. Oshpark PCBs • DWM1000 Breakout board – https://www.oshpark.com/shared_projects/95789Glk • DecaWave

    DWM1000 to Arduino Mini-06-5V – https://www.oshpark.com/shared_projects/2qZiePck
  14. Recommendation • Use STM32F1 board – 3V – much faster

    than the arduino boards – get fast location of multiple tags and anchors • if you are lazy – http://www.localino.net/shop/research/11/localino-v2. 0-kit – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMpzqdVCXow
  15. GPS Alternatives • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7x_Rpe_bzw • Reach RTK GPS $235 -

    $570 - $1094 – one local ground station – RTK = Real Time Kinematik – https://emlid.com/reach/ – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxUinOtjG2U – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqljIDxuGWY • GCPs vs PPK vs RTK explained – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vJqXmQcrC8