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Rob Sewell - Continuous Delivery to the PowerSh...

Rob Sewell - Continuous Delivery to the PowerShell Gallery for your Modules and Scripts

Continuous Delivery To The PowerShell Gallery For Your Modules And Scripts

Can I teach you to do Continuous Delivery to the PowerShell Gallery for your PowerShell Modules in 5 minutes?

Why would this talk be a good fit for the DevOpsDays audience?
Relational databases are further behind in the DevOps cycle than many other areas of the industry and this talk will add in a light hearted fashion some excellent points to think about. (also I am presenting a pre-con and sessions at PSConfAsia)

DevOpsDays Singapore

October 25, 2017

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  1. Continuous Delivery to the PowerShell Gallery in 5 minutes Rob

    Sewell @sqldbawithbeard https://sqldbawithAbeard.com RobSewell.Info
  2. TODAY’s TO DO LIST 1. GET UP 2. Drink Coffee

    3. Create Continuous Delivery Process for Delivering Modules to the PowerShell Gallery 4. In only 5 minutes J Rob Sewell @sqldbawithbeard https://sqldbawithAbeard.com RobSewell.Info
  3. Why Modules? • Ps1 scripts EVERYWHERE!! • Use them in

    other scripts • Share them • Modularity • Only export functions user needs Rob Sewell @sqldbawithbeard https://sqldbawithAbeard.com RobSewell.Info
  4. Why PowerShell Gallery? • Public or Private Nuget Repository •

    Share your Modules • Centralise deployment of Modules • PowerShell Gallery is safe and secure Rob Sewell @sqldbawithbeard https://sqldbawithAbeard.com RobSewell.Info
  5. What do we need? • Plaster – Install-Module Plaster •

    Pester – Install-Module Pester -Force (even though it is installed by default) Rob Sewell @sqldbawithbeard https://sqldbawithAbeard.com RobSewell.Info
  6. What do we need? We won‘t have time for much

    detail!! • Plaster – Install-Module Plaster • Pester – Install-Module Pester -Force (even though it is installed by default) • GitHub Account • VSTS account Rob Sewell @sqldbawithbeard https://sqldbawithAbeard.com RobSewell.Info
  7. Pester Write Test Run Test Fail Test Write Code Run

    Test Pass Test Repeat Rob Sewell @sqldbawithbeard https://sqldbawithAbeard.com RobSewell.Info
  8. Summary Continuous Delivery of PowerShell Module to the Gallery is

    easy Plaster can template your module framework Pester is a Unit Testing Framework for PowerShell VSTS is free Have Fun – Create some modules today Rob Sewell @sqldbawithbeard https://sqldbawithAbeard.com RobSewell.Info