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API in 5 - Loopback

David Okun
January 26, 2017

API in 5 - Loopback

Web APIs are hard. Now, thanks to Loopback, they don't have to be. In this talk, I'll show you (yes! you!) how you can have a RESTful web service up in minutes to support any application you want to make - mobile, Angular, anything - and how you can build on it to make it do whatever you need it to.

This is the longer version of the lightning talk on the same topic!

David Okun

January 26, 2017

More Decks by David Okun

Other Decks in Programming


  1. API in 5 - Loopback by David Okun (@dokun24), Developer

    Evangelist, Strongloop & Swift@IBM 1
  2. AboutMe.js • I usually do Swift but… • Javascript is

    not my primary language • Joined IBM November 2016 • My first server ran on Parse
  3. What is even a Loopback? • THE easiest & fastest

    way to set up a RESTful web API • Uses Express, Node, and Yeoman • Get an API up with writing zero code
  4. • lb • lb acl • lb app • lb

    boot-script • lb datasource • lb export-api- def • lb middleware • lb model • lb property • lb relation • lb remote-method • lb swagger
  5. • lb • lb acl • lb boot-script • lb

    datasource • lb export-api- def • lb model • lb relation