The story of how Enterprise adoption has spread through Node.js, why it is important and how NodeSource is specifically targeting the needs of the enterprise with products, services and support.
CTO and Co-Founder of NodeSource. Node.js startup veteran: Storify, Spreecast, Voxer, ClassDojo. Podcast host of NodeUp. Created NodeBots Day, NodeBots SF, SFNode, and EnterpriseJS. Before Node.js did large-scale contracting in Defense, Health Care and Education. Primarily Java backend and JavaScript frontend.
[Node] story for us is still about enabling UI engineers to be more productive, by using the same language on the client and server-side. This, coupled with the focus on small modules and reusability and has been a huge boost in productivity.” -- Netflix Director of UI Engineering, Chris Saint-Amant
production and “growing every month” • 800 active Node.js application developers • From 0% to 51% of all website traffic is all handled by Node.js in just over 2 years • Developer satisfaction is incredible amongst Node.js teams
Node shop • Built an efficient, scalable and usable Node-based CMS for all Conde Nast publications • “Call Me Caitlin” article saw 50x more traffic than previous all time high for - not a single node server went down
to break up a monolithic 20-year old app. Moving to back-end services [was] not enough. Node provided the ability to inject vertical slices of new functionality, slowly replacing the monolith from the inside.” -- Intuit Chief Architect Alex Balazs
more productive developing in JavaScript and Node, as opposed to compile/ deploy model of Java services • 30 million customers have already run through Node.js front-end • This year, Intuit is rewriting 4x more user experience [code] then ever before in a single season, with higher quality “thanks to Node”
almost that Enterprise! "At NASA, mission-critical code is the rule, not the exception. Our astronauts put their lives in the hands of our software on every mission. As we transition from a legacy environment to a modern Node-based architecture, N|Solid, along with the support of NodeSource, is proving invaluable by allowing us to scale rapidly while staying focused on our core mission.” Collin Estes, Chief Architect MRI Technologies Inc. - NASA
Helps Reduce Risk We work with companies in every vertical, of every size and any position along the Node Maturity Curve to help them remove the risk associated with bringing in a new technology to drive change.