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Kontextfrei: A new approach to testable Spark a...

Kontextfrei: A new approach to testable Spark applications

Scalar 2017, 08.04.2017

Apache Spark has become the de-facto standard for writing big data processing pipelines. While the business logic of Spark applications is often at least as complex as what we have been dealing with in a pre-big data world, enabling developers to write comprehensive, fast unit test suites has not been a priority in the design of Spark. The main problem is that you cannot test your code without at least running a local SparkContext. These tests are not really unit tests, and they are too slow for pursuing a test-driven development approach. In this talk, I will introduce thekontextfrei library, which aims to liberate you from the chains of the SparkContext. I will show how it helps restoring the fast feedback loop we are taking for granted. In addition, I will explain how kontextfrei is implemented and discuss some of the design decisions made and look at alternative approaches and current limitations.

Daniel Westheide

April 08, 2017

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  1. Recap: Spark in a nutshell > framework for distributed processing

    of big and fast data > core abstraction: RDD[A]
  2. IO actions import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD val sparkContext = new

    SparkContext("local[1]", "test-app") val rawRepoStarredEvts = sparkContext.textFile("test-data/repo_starred.csv")
  3. Testing Spark apps > Does it succeed in a realistic

    environment? > Does it succeed with real-world data sets? > Is it fast enough with real-world data sets? > Is the business logic correct?
  4. Property-based testing > good fit for testing pure functions >

    specify properties that must hold true > tested with randomly generated input data
  5. Testing business logic > fast feedback loop > write test

    ~> fail ~> implement ~> succeed > sbt ~testQuick
  6. Testing RDDs > always requires a SparkContext > property-based testing:

    functions are tested with lots of different inputs
  7. Coping strategies > global SparkContext for all tests > unit

    testing only the functions you pass to RDD operators > being lazy about testing
  8. > kontextfrei – adjective | kon·text–frei: of, relating to, or

    being a grammar or language based on rules that describe a change in a string without reference to elements not in the string; also: being such a rule1 > other meanings: the state of being liberated from the chains of the SparkContext 1: see https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/context-free
  9. kontextfrei resolvers += "dwestheide" at “https://dl.bintray.com/dwestheide/maven", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.danielwestheide"

    %% "kontextfrei-core-spark-2.1.0" % "0.5.0", "com.danielwestheide" %% "kontextfrei-scalatest-spark-2.1.0" % "0.5.0" ) https://github.com/dwestheide/kontextfrei https://dwestheide.github.io/kontextfrei/
  10. kontextfrei > abstracts over RDD > business logic and test

    properties without RDD dependency > execute on RDD or local Scala collections
  11. Design goal > as close to Spark as possible >

    execution model > user API > extensible
  12. Business logic import com.danielwestheide.kontextfrei.DCollectionOps class JobLogic[DCollection[_]: DCollectionOps] { import com.danielwestheide.kontextfrei.syntax.Imports._

    def usersByPopularity(repoStarredEvts: DCollection[RepoStarred]) : DCollection[(String, Long)] = { repoStarredEvts .map(evt => evt.owner -> 1L) .reduceByKey(_ + _) .sortBy(_._2, ascending = false) } }
  13. class RDDOps extends DCollectionOps[RDD] { override final def map[A: ClassTag,

    B: ClassTag](as: RDD[A])( f: A => B): RDD[B] = as.map(f) } trait RDDOpsSupport { implicit def rddCollectionOps( implicit sparkContext: SparkContext): DCollectionOps[RDD] = new RDDOps(sparkContext) }
  14. Glue code import com.danielwestheide.kontextfrei.rdd.RDDOpsSupport import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD object Main

    extends App with RDDOpsSupport { implicit val sparkContext = new SparkContext("local[1]", "test-app") try { val logic = new JobLogic[RDD] val repoStarredEvts = logic .parseRepoStarredEvents( sparkContext.textFile("test-data/repo_starred.csv")) val usersByPopularity = logic.usersByPopularity(repoStarredEvts) logic .toCsv(usersByPopularity) .saveAsTextFile("target/users_by_popularity.csv") } finally { sparkContext.stop() } }
  15. Test support > base trait for tests (highly optional) >

    generic Gen[DCollection[A]] and Arbitrary[DCollection[A]] instances > generic Collecting instance
  16. App-specific base spec trait BaseSpec[DColl[_]] extends KontextfreiSpec[DColl] with DCollectionGen with

    CollectingInstances with Generators with PropSpecLike with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks with MustMatchers
  17. Test code import com.danielwestheide.kontextfrei.syntax.Imports._ trait UsersByPopularityProperties[DColl[_]] extends BaseSpec[DColl] { def

    logic: JobLogic[DColl] property("Total counts correspond to number of events") { forAll { starredEvents: DColl[RepoStarred] => val result = logic.usersByPopularity(starredEvents).collect().toList result.map(_._2).sum mustEqual starredEvents.count() } } }
  18. Verify that it works ;) import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD class UsersByPopularityIntegrationSpec extends

    IntegrationSpec with UsersByPopularityProperties[RDD] { override val logic = new JobLogic[RDD] }
  19. Workflow > local development: > sbt ~testQuick > very fast

    feedback loop > CI server: > sbt test it:test > slower, catching more potential runtime errors
  20. Alternative design > Interpreter pattern > Describe computation, run it

    with a Spark or local executor > implemented by Apache Crunch: Hadoop pipeline, Spark, and in-memory pipelines
  21. Shortcomings > only supports RDD > sometimes in Spark, business

    logic cannot be cleanly isolated > not all RDD operators implemented (yet) > no support for broadcast variables or accumulators > API exposes advanced Scala features
  22. Summary > Spark doesn’t really support unit testing > kontextfrei

    restores the fast feedback loop > early stage, but successfully used in production > looking for contributors