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Testing in the postapocalyptic future (Munich S...

Testing in the postapocalyptic future (Munich Scala User Group)

One popular way of testing in the Scala community is property-based testing - by generating random, often unexpected test data, it can uncover shortcomings in our implementations. In this talk, you will learn about a completely different approach, _mutation testing_: By mutating your code, it tests your tests and tells you a lot more about the quality of your tests than metrics like code coverage. We're going to cover what mutation testing us, how you can use it in your Scala projects, how it compares to property-based testing, and the challenges of implementing this approach in Scala.

Daniel Westheide

August 21, 2019

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  1. 1 2 1 . 0 8 . 2 0 1

    9 M U N I C H / S C A L A M E E T U P Testing in the postapocalyptic future Daniel Westheide Twitter: @kaffeecoder
  2. Complex logic in need of a test 5 object Math

    { def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = x >= 0 }
  3. 100% branch coverage 6 import minitest._ object MathTest extends SimpleTestSuite

    { import Math.nonNegative test("1 is non-negative") { assert(nonNegative(1)) } test("0 is non-negative") { assert(nonNegative(0)) } test("-1 is negative") { assert(!nonNegative(-1)) } }
  4. Still 100% branch coverage 7 import minitest._ object MathTest extends

    SimpleTestSuite { import Math.nonNegative test("1 is non-negative") { assert(nonNegative(1)) } }
  5. 100% coverage? Holy moly! 8 import minitest._ object MathTest extends

    SimpleTestSuite { import Math.nonNegative test("1 is non-negative") { println(nonNegative(1)) } }
  6. Characteristics of a strong test suite 10 • tests actually

    have assertions • not just the happy path • covers corner cases
  7. More maths 12 object Math { def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean

    = x >= 0 def nonNegativeRatio(xs: List[Int]): BigDecimal = { val count = xs.count(nonNegative) BigDecimal(count) * 100 / xs.size } }
  8. Example-based testing 13 import minitest._ object MathTest extends SimpleTestSuite {

    import Math._ test("100% non-negative ratio") { assertEquals(nonNegativeRatio(List(1, 2, 3)).toInt, 100) } test("0% non-negative ratio") { assertEquals(nonNegativeRatio(List(-5, -3, -2)).toInt, 0) } test("50% non-negative ratio") { assertEquals(nonNegativeRatio(List(-5, 1, 0, -1)).toInt, 50) } }
  9. Property-based testing 14 import minitest.SimpleTestSuite import minitest.laws.Checkers import org.scalacheck.Prop.AnyOperators object

    MathProperties extends SimpleTestSuite with Checkers { import Math._ test("ratios of given numbers and inverted numbers adds up to 100") { check1((xs: List[Int]) => { val ys = xs.map(invert) (nonNegativeRatio(xs) + nonNegativeRatio(ys)).toInt ?= 100 }) } private def invert(x: Int): Int = x match { case 0 => -1 case Int.MinValue => Int.MaxValue case _ => x * -1 } }
  10. Boom! 15 - ratios of given numbers and inverted numbers

    adds up to 100 *** FAILED *** Exception raised on property evaluation. (Checkers.scala:39) > ARG_0: List() > Exception: java.lang.ArithmeticException: Division undefined minitest.api.Asserts.fail(Asserts.scala:103)
  11. Mutation testing 18 How does it work? • It changes

    the code under test • Then runs your test suite against the modified code • Do your tests care?
  12. Mutations 19 Examples: • Replace > with >= • Replace

    > with < • Replace >= with > • Replace >= with <=
  13. From mutation to mutant 20 // function under test: def

    posRange(start: Int, end: Int): Boolean = start > 0 && end > start // mutant 1: def posRange(start: Int, end: Int): Boolean = start >= 0 && end > start // mutant 2: def posRange(start: Int, end: Int): Boolean = start < 0 && end > start // mutant 3: def posRange(start: Int, end: Int): Boolean = start > 0 && end >= start // mutant 4: def posRange(start: Int, end: Int): Boolean = start > 0 && end < start // mutant 5: def posRange(start: Int, end: Int): Boolean = start > 0 || end > start
  14. Detecting a mutant 21 def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = x

    >= 0 // MUTANT 1: def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = x > 0 // MUTANT 2: def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = x < 0 // MUTANT 3: def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = x == 0 import minitest._ object MathTest extends SimpleTestSuite { import Math._ // FAILS FOR MUTANT 1 and 2! test("0 is non-negative") { assert(nonNegative(0)) } // FAILS FOR MUTANT 2 and 3 ! test("1 is non-negative") { assert(nonNegative(1)) } // FAILS FOR MUTANT 2 and 3! test("-1 is negative") { assert(!nonNegative(1)) } }
  15. Missing a mutant 22 def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = x

    >= 0 // MUTANT 1: def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = x > 0 // MUTANT 2: def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = x < 0 // MUTANT 3: def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = x == 0 import minitest._ object MathTest extends SimpleTestSuite { import Math._ // SUCCEEDS FOR MUTANT 1! test("1 is non-negative") { assert(nonNegative(1)) } }
  16. 25 “Okay Daniel, you have convinced me! I need this

    mutation testing thing for my project! Where can I buy it?“ HAYDEN HIPSTER Purchasing Director at Brontosaurus Enterprise Solutions
  17. 27

  18. Salander Mutanderer 28 Ingredients: SBT and Scalameta i. Find all

    Scala source files under test ii. For each source file, yield mutants for applicable mutations iii. Run test suite for each mutant iv. Analyse and log results
  19. Salander Mutanderer 29 def salanderMutanderer(incantation: Incantation)( implicit logger: ManagedLogger): Unit

    = { val results = for { sourceFile <- scalaSourceFiles(incantation) mutant <- summonMutants(sourceFile) } yield runExperiment(incantation, mutant) val stats = analyseResults(results) logResults(stats) }
  20. Scalameta 30 • library for reading, analysing, transforming, and generating

    Scala code • Tree – syntax tree representation of Scala code – pattern matching – comparison – traversal
  21. Defining a mutation 32 type Mutation = SourceFile => PartialFunction[Tree,

    List[Mutant]] val `Change >= to > or ==` : Mutation = sourceFile => { case original @ Term.ApplyInfix(_, Term.Name(">="), Nil, List(_)) => List( Mutant(UUID.randomUUID(), sourceFile, original, original.copy(op = Term.Name(">")), "changed >= to >"), Mutant(UUID.randomUUID(), sourceFile, original, original.copy(op = Term.Name("==")), "changed >= to ==") ) }
  22. The spellbook 33 val spellbook: List[Mutation] = List( `Change >=

    to > or ==`, `Replace Int expression with 0` )
  23. Summoning mutants 34 private def summonMutants(sourceFile: SourceFile): List[Mutant] = sourceFile.source.collect(Mutations.in(sourceFile)).flatten

    object Mutations { def in(sourceFile: SourceFile): PartialFunction[Tree, List[Mutant]] = spellbook .map(_.apply(sourceFile)) .foldLeft(PartialFunction.empty[Tree, List[Mutant]])(_.orElse(_)) }
  24. Result of an experiment 35 sealed trait Result extends Product

    with Serializable final case class Detected(mutant: Mutant) extends Result final case class Undetected(mutant: Mutant) extends Result final case class Error(mutant: Mutant) extends Result
  25. Running an experiment 36 private def runExperiment(incantation: Incantation, mutant: Mutant)(

    implicit logger: Logger): Result = { val mutantSourceDir = createSourceDir(incantation, mutant) val settings = mutationSettings( mutantSourceDir, incantation.salanderTargetDir / mutant.id.toString) val newState = Project .extract(incantation.state) .appendWithSession(settings, incantation.state) Project.runTask(test in Test, newState) match { case None => Error(mutant) case Some((_, Value(_))) => Undetected(mutant) case Some((_, Inc(_))) => Detected(mutant) } }
  26. $ sbt salanderMutanderer 38 object Math { def nonNegative(x: Int):

    Boolean = x >= 0 } [info] Passed: Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 1 [info] Total mutants: 2, detected mutants: 0 (0%) [info] Undetected mutants: [info] /home/daniel/projects/private/salander/src/main/scala/lib/Math.scala:5:38: changed >= to == [info] /home/daniel/projects/private/salander/src/main/scala/lib/Math.scala:5:38: changed >= to > [success] Total time: 8 s, completed 6 Jun 2019, 11:24:13 import minitest._ object MathTest extends SimpleTestSuite { import Math._ test("-1 is non-negative") { assert(!nonNegative(-1)) } }
  27. Weaknesses 39 • very limited set of mutations • only

    basic console reporting • performance
  28. 41 “The future is already here — it‘s just not

    very evenly distributed.“ WILLIAM GIBSON
  29. Supported mutations 42 • boolean literal: e.g. replace true with

    false • conditional expression: e.g. if (x < 3) ... => if (false) ... • equality operator: e.g. replace > with >= • logical operator: e.g. replace && with || • method expression: e.g. a.take(b) => a.drop(b) • string literal: e.g. replace “Magic” with “”
  30. Performance 44 • there are faster compilers than scalac •

    potentially great number of mutants – mutate source file – compile – run tests
  31. Mutation switching 45 def nonNegative(x: Int): Boolean = sys.env.get("ACTIVE_MUTATION") match

    { case Some("0") => x > 0 case Some("1") => x <= 0 case Some("2") => x == 0 case _ => x >= 0 }
  32. Usage 46 • available as a plugin for SBT or

    Maven • addSbtPlugin(“io.stryker-mutator” % “sbt-stryker4s” % “0.6.1”) • sbt stryker • configuration using stryker4s.conf file – disable certain mutations – narrow down source files to be considered for mutation – change base directory – set threshold for detection rate
  33. Usage patterns 47 • do not put this into your

    delivery pipeline • do not enforce a minimum detection rate • run either – locally from time to time – in a scheduled job • plan time to go through the report and improve your test suite
  34. Non-compiling mutants 49 • having a filter method doesn‘t guarantee

    that there is a filterNot method • even operators are just methods, e.g. > and >= • problem: no type information available • compile errors cause the whole mutation test run to fail
  35. Other issues 50 • Infinite loops caused by mutations cannot

    be stopped • no native support for multi module projects • performance: running the complete test suite for each mutant
  36. Ideas and plans 51 • Performance: – keeping the test

    process alive – ignore mutants without test coverage – for each mutant, only run tests hitting the respective code • Robustness – rolling back mutations causing compile errors – exploring feasability of type analysis using SemanticDB
  37. Thank you! Questions? 54 Daniel Westheide [email protected] Twitter: @kaffeecoder Website:

    https://danielwestheide.com Krischerstr. 100 40789 Monheim am Rhein Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Ohlauer Str. 43 10999 Berlin Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Ludwigstr. 180E 63067 Offenbach Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Kreuzstr. 16 80331 München Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Hermannstrasse 13 20095 Hamburg Germany +49 2173 3366-0 Gewerbestr. 11 CH-6330 Cham Switzerland +41 41 743 0116 innoQ Deutschland GmbH innoQ Schweiz GmbH www.innoq.com