AWS Cloud Tokyo (ap-northeast-1) Amazon SNS AWS Personal Health IAM Role ServiceLinkedRole Amazon EventBridge ネストされたスタックの利⽤ AWS::Include の利⽤ 親テンプレート ネストされたテンプレート ネストされたテンプレート 親テンプレート 挿⼊されたテンプレート ネストされたテンプレートは 変更セットを確認できない
IsMultiRegionTrail == true << CloudTrail trails should cover all regions AWS::CloudTrail::Trail EnableLogFileValidation == true << CloudTrail file validation should be enabled AWS::CloudTrail::Trail CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn == /.*/ << CloudTrail trails should be integrated with Amazon CloudWatch Logs AWS::CloudTrail::Trail KMSKeyId == /.*/ << CloudTrail trails should encrypt the logs delivered by it. AWS::DMS::ReplicationInstance PubliclyAccessible == false << DMS instance should not be publicly accessible AWS::EC2::Volume Encrypted == true << EC2 volumes should be encrypted AWS::EC2::Instance BlockDeviceMappings.*.Ebs.Encrypted == true << EC2 volumes should be encrypted AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup WHEN SecurityGroupIngress.*.ToPort == 22 CHECK SecurityGroupIngress.*.CidrIp != AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup WHEN SecurityGroupIngress.*.ToPort == 3389 CHECK SecurityGroupIngress.*.CidrIp != AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain EncryptionAtRestOptions.Enabled == true << Domain encryption should be enabled AWS::GuardDuty::Detector Enable == true << Detector should be enabled AWS::IAM::Role Policies.*.PolicyDocument.Statement.*.Action.* != ¥* << IAM Role should not allow full "*" administrative privileges AWS::KMS::Key EnableKeyRotation == true << Key rotation should be enabled AWS::RDS::DBInstance PubliclyAccessible == false << Databasae should not be publicly accessible AWS::RDS::DBInstance StorageEncrypted == true << Storage encryption should be enabled AWS::S3::Bucket BucketEncryption.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration == /.*/ << S3 bucket encryption should be enabled AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance DirectInternetAccess == Disabled << Notebooks should not have direct internet access GitHub eijikominami/aws-cloudformation-templates