deploy web applications Automation of common activities performed in web development For example, providing libraries for database access, templating frameworks, session management, often focusing on code reuse
deploy web applications Automation of common activities performed in web development For example, providing libraries for database access, templating frameworks, session management, often focusing on code reuse
deploy web applications Automation of common activities performed in web development For example, providing libraries for database access, templating frameworks, session management, often focusing on code reuse
simple setup Installing flyctl command For example, via homebrew for mac os brew install flyctl Creating an account flyctl auth signup Launching the app cd taskify fly launch Stopping the app fly scale count 0
agnostic to upgrade their systems, such as Blue/Green deployments, Canary deployments, Rolling deployments, and others, hot upgrades are rarely a viable option"
generators ➔ Introduction to Ecto: migrations, Ecto schema and validations, Ecto queries ➔ Introduction to authentication with mix phx.gen.auth ➔ An overview of data integrity :) ➔ Deployment with