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Elastic{ON} 2018 - The State of Geo in Elastics...

Elastic{ON} 2018 - The State of Geo in Elasticsearch

It's everything you ever wanted to know about the latest geo capabilities in Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene — all in one session.

Learn about the data structures that enable geospatial indexing and search, get advice on field mapping strategies, and hear all about existing and upcoming geo aggregations for spatial data analysis. Plus, hear all about new spatial data structures and upcoming geo features being added to Lucene and Elasticsearch.

Nick Knize | Elasticsearch Software Engineer | Elastic
Thomas Neirynck | Software Engineer | Elastic

Elastic Co

March 01, 2018

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  1. Elastic March 1, 2018 @nknize The State of Geo in

    Elasticsearch Nick Knize, Elasticsearch Software Engineer Thomas Neirynck, Kibana Visualization Area Lead
  2. Topics 3 Geospatial Indexing, Search, and Visualization 1 Kibana /

    Elastic Maps Service 2 Geo Field Mappings 3 Geo Indexing, Search, and Lucene Data Structures 4 Geo Aggregations
  3. Kibana Visualizations 5 Out-of-the-box visualizations for geodata in Elasticsearch 2

    types - Coordinate Maps - Region Maps Visualize is built on top of the Elasticsearch aggregations
  4. Coordinate Map Visualization 6 Shows result of geohash_grid aggregations. Shows

    summary of all documents that belong to a single cell. Put location of “summarized” point in the “geo-centroid” (weighted middle). This gives a better approximate location. The more zoomed in, the more precise the location. Different marker-styles (bubbles, heatmap)
  5. Region Maps 9 “Choropleth maps” Thematic maps: color intensity correspond

    to magnitude of metric Shows result of terms aggregations. “Client-side” join between the result of term aggregation and a reference shape layer. - Polygons/Multipolygons (simple feature) - Documents in elasticsearch need to have field that matches a property of the
  6. Vega 1 1 Experimental feature Vega/VegaLite is a domain language

    in JSON to create visualizations. Vega has support for geographic projection.
  7. Dashboard integration 1 2 - Use map for spatial filtering

    of data ... - … and have other filters applied to your map
  8. Elastic Maps Service 1 4 Reference basemapping and reference data

    service hosted by Elastic. “Getting started” experience for mapping. (1) World base map - Base for Coordinate Map, Region Map (2) Shape layers - World countries, US States, Germany States, Canada Provinces, USA zip-codes - Number of identifier fields (name in one or more languages, and ISO-identifiers)
  9. Custom base maps 1 6 - (1) Configure global base-map

    in kibana.yml by using Tile Map Service URL tilemap.url: https://tiles.elastic.co/v2/default/{z}/{x}/{y} - (2) Configure visualization-specific base-map using WMS (web map service) - Requires 3rd party geo-service - Geoserverb - ArcGIS Server - MapServer - ….
  10. Custom shape layers 1 8 - geojson/topojson - Configure in

    kibana.yml -> available in region maps UI regionmap: includeElasticMapsService: false layers: - name: "Departments of France" url: "http://my.cors.enabled.server.org/france_departements.geojson" attribution: "INRAP" fields: - name: "department" description: "Full department name" - name: "INSEE" description: "INSEE numeric identifier" - Use any web-server - Make sure is CORS enabled so Kibana can download the data (!)
  11. Elastic Maps Service - More base layers (satellite, contours) -

    Different stylesheets - On-prem deployments Kibana - Elastic Maps Service integration with Vega - No restriction on number of layers - Support for geo_shape - Visualize individual documents/custom styling - Spatial filtering Upcoming
  12. 23 PUT crime/incidents/_mapping { “properties” : { “location” : {

    “type” : “geo_point”, “ignore_malformed” : true, } } } define geo_point mapping
  13. POST crime/incidents { “location” : { “lat” : 41.12, “lon”

    : -71.34 } } 24 insert geo_point mapping POST crime/incidents { “location” : “41.12, -71.34” } POST crime/incidents { “location” : [[-71.34, 41.12], [-71.32, 41.21]] }
  14. 25 define geo_shape mapping PUT police/precincts/_mapping { “properties” : {

    “coverage” : { “type” : “geo_shape”, “ignore_malformed” : false, “tree” : ”quadtree”, “precision” : “5m”, “distance_error_pct“ : 0.025, “orientation” : “ccw”, “points_only” : false } } }
  15. 26 insert geo_shape mapping POST police/precincts/ { “coverage” : {

    “type” : “polygon”, “coordinates” : [[ [-73.9762134, 40.7538588], [-73.9742356, 40.7526327], [-73.9656733, 40.7516774], [-73.9763236, 40.7521246], [-73.9723788, 40.7516733], [-73.9732423, 40.7523556], [-73.9762134, 40.7538588] ]] } }
  16. • Shapes are parsed using OGC and ISO standards definitions

    • OGC Simple Feature Access • ISO Geographic information — Spatial Schema (19107:2003) • Supports the following geo_shape types • Point, MultiPoint • LineString, MultiLineString • Polygon (with holes), MultiPolygon (with holes) • Envelope (bbox) geo_shape mapping 27 insert
  17. 33 geo_point indexing 2.x term/postings encoding term postings (doc ids)

    1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 10 1, 2, 4 11 3, 5 100 1 101 2, 4 111 3, 5 1000 2 1010 4 1011 3 1110 3 1111 5
  18. 37 geo_shape indexing current - terms/postings encoding • Max tree_levels

    == 32 (2 bits / cell) • distance_error_pct • “slop” factor to manage transient memory usage • % of the diagonal distance (degrees) of the shape • Default == 0 if precision set (2.0) • points_only • optimization for points only shape index • short-circuits recursion
  19. 38 geo_shape indexing 7.0+ - “ranges” encoding (Bkd-tree) • Dimensional

    Shapes represented using Minimum Bounding Ranges (MBR) ‒ Ranges (1D) - Available from 5.1+ for numerics, dates, and IP (v4 and v6) ‒ Rectangles (2D) - LatLonBoundingBox Available in Lucene 7.1+ ‒ Cubes (3D) ‒ Tesseract (4D) Quad Cells Indexed as LatLonBoundingBox
  20. 41 geo_point search Pre 5.0 - terms/postings encoding • Spatial

    Queries • BoundingBox, Distance, DistanceRange, Polygon • PRECISION_STEP controls number of query terms (must match with index) • TwoPhaseIterator • Delays boundary confirmation so other query (filters, conjunctions) can pre-filter
  21. 42 geo_point search 5.0+ - “points” encoding (Bkd-tree) Leaf cell

    is fully within polygon (salmon) - return all docs Leaf cell crosses the boundary (gray) - two-phase check 1 2
  22. 44 geo_shape search capabilities • Supports the following geo_shape types

    ‒ Point, MultiPoint ‒ LineString, MultiLineString ‒ Polygon (with holes), MultiPolygon (with holes) ‒ Envelope (bbox) • Supports relational queries ‒ INTERSECTS, DISJOINT, WITHIN, CONTAINS
  23. 45 geo_shape search current - terms/postings encoding Recursively Traverse Query

    terms 1 2 Collect DocIDs from Postings based on requested relation
  24. ‹#› 50 GeoDistance Agg { "aggs" : { “sf_rings" :

    { "geo_distance" : { "field" : "location", "origin" : [32.95, -96.82], "ranges" : [ { "to" : 50 }, { "from" : 50, "to" : 100 }, { "from" : 100, "to" : 300} ] } } } }
  25. ‹#› 52 GeoGrid Agg { "aggs" : { “crime_cells" :

    { "geohash_grid" : { "field" : "location", "precision" : 8 } } } }
  26. ‹#› 54 GeoCentroid Agg "query" : { "match" : {

    "crime" : "burglary" } }, "aggs" : { "towns" : { "terms" : { "field" : "town" }, "aggs" : { "centroid" : { "geo_centroid" : { "field" : “location" } } } } }
  27. 57 Geo Aggregations more available, and coming soon... • matrix_stats

    - (Matrix Aggs) plugin ‒ kurtosis/skewness ‒ variance-covariance matrix ‒ pearson’s product correlation matrix • geo_stats - Future? ‒ Moran’s I - measuring spatial auto-correlation ‒ Getis-Ord - spatial hot spot analysis