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Enterprise DDD - Designing Business Processes a...

Enterprise DDD - Designing Business Processes and Customer Journeys

This talk is for you if: 1) you already use Domain-Driven Design to ease collaboration between developers and subject matter experts, and 2) you need to convince a greater audience across the enterprise of DDD's value proposition. Together we'll go through two "killer use cases" that can help increase adoption. We will first look at business process re-engineering and workflow migration to the Cloud, then dive into customer journey design and how to improve UX and user paths across systems and APIs. We will use Event Storming and introduce some extra notations to turn DDD concepts into dynamic workflows.

François Royer

October 18, 2019

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  1. About me • Academic background (biology) • 12 years in

    the Space industry • Startup founder & CEO • 3 years at PwC as Director of Data & Analytics • Founder Guanxi Labs • Mentor in “value chain startups” Txime, Basequant, Toomata...
  2. What we’ll talk about The Value Chain Wardley Maps Business

    Processes Process Mining Customer Journeys Job to be done
  3. >25M€ (and up to 1 billion €) You are part

    of the German 10 000 “Mittelstand” ranking!
  4. Strategy & management consulting is serious business - and tech

    is now a business partner. The “MBB” The “Big 4”
  5. Wardley Maps offer a sound way to think about linking,

    ranking and moving. Credits: S. Wardley
  6. Proposition #0 Business and tech people are not that different

    (we just like to start counting from zero)
  7. Activities are linked together through flows of goods, cash and

    information Two-way linkage One-way (fire and forget) upstream/downstream Credits: B2U
  8. Proposition #2 “A company will only function as well as

    the linkages between its core and supporting domains”
  9. Because it worked in the past “PERT” was developed by

    the United States Department of Defense for complex military projects It stands for “Program Evaluation and Review Technique”
  10. “Modern” processes have their own notation: BPMN! • The living

    (?) memory of the Enterprise • Focused on Activities and Documents • BPMN is a NOTATION • Many engines to instantiate and execute a BP • Extremely popular with integrators of complex, highly configurable systems • If the spec is executable = win for highly regulated industries (e.g. banks)
  11. There is a dense ecosystem of BPM engines to execute

    your BPMN diagrams Open source Proprietary
  12. The reality: BPM is also in the core domain •

    In practice BPM tends to “invade” core domains quite easily • Vendors have built strong strategies to land and expand • DDD to the rescue!
  13. BPMN vs Event-based Model Focused on Tasks and Documents Pathways

    are explicit (Loops, branches) Data is implicit Committee-oriented (work sessions) The output is the artefact Can be executed as is (many vendors) Formal underlying representation possible Focused on flow of Events and naming Good at happy paths Data is explicit Workshop friendly No artefacts apart from doc (scribe needed) Dev team needed No formal target or intermediary
  14. Petri Nets as a formal bridge between BPMN and DDD

    Ideal intermediate representation Not fit for direct manipulation Simpler representation than BPMN for implementation Maps very well to function signatures and CQRS/ES
  15. Proposition #4 “The event log is the true representation of

    a process” BPMN is a design document