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Remotely Abusing Android - Ryan Welton / Blackh...

Remotely Abusing Android - Ryan Welton / Blackhat 2015

Ryan Welton

June 16, 2015

Other Decks in Research


  1. ➜ ~ whoami ! Ryan  Welton   ! Security  Research

     @  NowSecure   ! Twitter:  @fuzion24   ! Github:  github.com/fuzion24
  2. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Zip Directory Traversal    A  specially  crafted  zip  file  can   allow  an  attacker  an  arbitrary   file  write
  3. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Zip  Directory  Traversal  -­‐  Concept Our directory tree looks as follows
  4. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Zip  Directory  Traversal  -­‐  Concept We have a zip file with a single file in it and extract it The zip extracts exactly as we expect inside the unzip_directory
  5. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Zip  Directory  Traversal  -­‐  Concept Here’s a list of files inside our specially crafted Zip
  6. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Zip  Directory  Traversal  -­‐  Concept When we extract our specially crafted zip, it extracts outside of the intended directory (unzip_directory) A file was written one directory higher than where we asked the zip library to unzip
  7. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Zip Directory Traversal ! We can inject a file into a zip whose name is prefixed with an arbitrary number of “ ../ “ ! If the zip library does not take care to properly handle this case, it would allow us to write outside of the intended extraction directory ! If the zip file is untrusted, this gives the attacker an arbitrary write vulnerability
  8. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Remote  Attack  Surface ! Many  apps  download  resources  in  the  form  of  a   .zip  file   ! Injecting  a  directory  traversal  into  a  .Zip  file,   you  can  gain  an  arbitrary  file  write  primitive   ! Android’s  ZIP  APIs  allow  this  behavior  by   default EXAMPLE: “Vungle  products  provide  necessary  infrastructure  for   app  monetization  through  video  ads.  More  than  200   million  people  worldwide  see  Vungle  ad  each  month”
  9. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Arbitrary  File  Write  to  Remote  Code  Execution ! Android’s  Dalvik  Executable  format  (.dex  files)  has  limitations  on  the  amount  of  classes  a  .dex  file   can  have   ! To  overcome  this,  Google  built  the  MultiDex  Support  library  (Android  5.x  has  built  in  support)   ! MultiDex  writes  executable  code  where  the  app  can  change  it   ! Secondary  .dex  files  are  stored  in  the  data  directory  of  the  application,  writable  by  the  app  user EXAMPLE:
  10. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    How  Do  We  Exploit? Process   1. Modify  network  traffic  to  inject  our  payload   2. Overwrite  secondary  .dex   3. ???   4. Profit mitmproxy  is  a  very  effective   tool  for  this  type  of  attack  
  11. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    My  Talking  Remote  Code  Execution Link:    https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9XqWuY0WG8
  12. Next Victim Samsung Keyboard by Swift runs as System user!

    (Why?) Now that we know zip files on Android can be very dangerous, let’s look for other targets: +
  13. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Attempt 1 ! Injecting  into  these  zips  failed  because  the  hash  of  the  zip  is  validated  before  extraction   ! The  server  sends  a  manifest  that  includes  the  zip  location  and  the  correct  sha1  of  the  zip
  14. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Manifest  is  Malleable,  Too Precompute  the  hash  of  the  payload,  change  the  manifest  —  Arbitrary  File  Write  as  System  User
  15. Choosing a File Write Target ! We can inject a

    directory traversal and overwrite some Dalvik cache ! The cache we choose to overwrite should run as system and be present on most/all Samsung Devices. Modifying the framework cache is hard, let’s avoid that ! This is a good target because it is not critical. It contains a Broadcast receiver which is executed on boot
  16. ! Flow: ◦ Write our payload in Java :: FactoryTestBroadcastReceiver,

    the class declared in our target’s manifest, contains our payload ◦ Generate our .dex file with the ‘dx’ tool ◦ Run ‘dalvikvm’ from the shell on target device, so that Android generates our cache. Use this file to overwrite our target. ! Overwriting an .odex has some caveats that we need to deal with:
 ! We can build a script to patch our generated cache to match the target cache Generating Our Dalvik-Cache Target
  17. dalvik-­‐cache  Caveats  (cont’d) ! Each  .odex  file  contains  a  reference

     to  all  of  the  other  .odex  files  it  was  built  against.  Even  on   different  models  of  the  same  device,  these  can  be  different   ! This  means  that  we  are  going  to  have  to  serve  up  a  specific  payload  to  each  device  that   requests  it.     ! How  do  we  know  what  we  should  be  serving  for  each  request  then?  The  User-­‐Agent  string   from  the  HTTP  request  of  the  keyboard  let’s  us  know  what  payload  we  should  send  it   ◦ 'User-Agent': 'Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; SM-G900T Build/KOT49H)’ ! We  just  pre-­‐generate  all  our  dalvik-­‐cache  payloads  and  send  the  correct  one  off,  when   requested
  18. Attack Payload Structure ! Pre-generated dalvik-cache payload(s) injected into the

    original language pack !During startup, the payload is injected into every zip for each device available !We can support exploitation of many devices models at once by properly routing requests based on the User-Agent
  19. Swift  Keyboard  Update  Semantics ! Every  time  the  device  is

     rebooted,  the  first  time  the  keyboard  is  open,  the  manifest  is   requested.    This  is  when  we  feed  it  our  manifest  with  the  hashes  of  the  modified  .zip  files.     Additionally,  every  few  hours  the  keyboard  asks  the  server  for  a  manifest  update.   ! If  the  current  language  in  use  has  a  ‘live’  directive,  the  keyboard  automatically  downloads  the   zip  file  and  extracts  it.  We  make  sure  that  all  languages  have  this  ‘live  directive  and  that  our   payload  is  injected  into  it.
  20. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Samsung  Keyboard  -­‐  RCE  Demo Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvvejToiWrY
  21. Remotely Owning Samsung Devices ! Completely Stealth — No user

    interaction or indication the device was owned ! Exploit is very portable — The access complexity for this exploit is very low, not requiring any kind of memory corruption and works reliably across many devices ! Runs in a very privileged context — In Android, the system user has many more capabilities than a normal user app is granted. This gives allows us to have a much greater impact on the things we can do once we have taken control of the device About  this  vulnerability
  22. Accessibility of Exploit ! If you can take control of

    your victims network traffic, you win ! Geographically proximate attacks include : DNS Hijacking, Rogue WiFi AP or cellular base station, ARP poisoning, etc.. ! Completely remote attacks could be performed by stronger adversaries. Examples include: ISP packet injection (Verizon), Quantum insert (NSA), National Firewall (ex. Used to DOS Github) ! My test setup consisted of a Linux VM running hostapd in which I transparently redirected HTTP traffic to mitmproxy. In this way, a vulnerable device only has to connect to the WiFi access point to get owned.
  23. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    What  about  Knox? ! Toted as an “enterprise security solution” ! Helps in some cases; generally making exploitation harder ! It does help restrict the impact once code execution is gained here. This exploit can be easily chained with a kernel vulnerability that affects these devices like Towelroot/PingpongRoot to further sidestep Knox
  24. Zip Ownage ! This vulnerability was tested on a fully

    updated Sprint Galaxy S6 on June 15th, 2015 — Still vulnerable. The VZW S6 shipped vulnerable and likely still is ! There many “one-off” instances of applications insecurely downloading .zip files ! Zip directory traversal appears to be handled the same way on iOS leaving the Swift Keyboard vulnerable to the same attack sans code execution Bonus
  25. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Patching Cycle ! All software has bugs. It’s most important how these issues are dealt with that makes all the difference ! Samsung was notified in November 2014 and they asked for *at least* a year to fix this issue ! Patch for this vulnerability has supposedly been applied to devices running Android 5.0 and back ported to some older devices ! It’s still up to the discretion of the carriers as to how and when these patches are applied ! 1+ year patch cycle is an issue and needs to be addressed
  26. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    Contributors  and  Acknowledgements ! Special  thanks  to  Jake  Van  Dyke  —  helped  with  many  ideas  and  the  implementation  of  the  exploit   ! Greetings  to  the  NowSecure  Research  Team   ◦ Sergi  Alvarez   ◦ Sebastian  Guerrero   ◦ Marco  Grassi   ◦ Pau  Oliva   ◦ Ole  André  Vadla  Ravnås   ◦ David  Weinstein
  27. © Copyright 2015 NowSecure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Proprietary information.

    THANK  YOU   Ryan  Welton   Security  Researcher,  NowSecure   [email protected]   @fuzion24   github.com/fuzion24