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[DevOpsDays Zurich] Silo-Based Architectures fo...

[DevOpsDays Zurich] Silo-Based Architectures for High Availability Applications

Data redundancy, computing clusters, load balancing, fail-over mechanisms, each of these individually addresses one potential issue, but none treats systems in your organisation holistically for maximising business revenue. You'll learn how to stop hating your existing infrastructure, prepare it for the leap to high availability using simple and intuitive changes that your DevOps team will love. Silos are a clever method of grouping servers in such a way that they can be scaled both horizontally and vertically, depending on the actual application needs. Most importantly, it frees you from over-optimizing the architecture upfront, by allowing fine adjustments easy to integrate in your Agile workflow. And they offer real A/B testing for your infrastructure and backend code. Then we'll look together at the awesome new things that you can do with your new silo superpowers. You'll be able to impress not only your fellow tekkies, but also marketing with helpful new tricks.

Georgiana Gligor

May 03, 2018

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  1. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 2 ✤ Geek. Mother. Do-er. ✤ on

    LAMP/LEMP stack since 2003 ✤ Architecture / DevOps consultant ✤ RomaniaPHP Organizer ✤ PhD Student @gbtekkie
  2. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 3 advantages and disadvantages silos: a possible

    approach the need for high availability what is high availability (HA)? AGENDA
  3. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich master Frontend Business Logic Frontend Frontend Browser

    internet Load balancer slave reads writes 11 ADJUSTING
  4. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich master Frontend Business Logic Frontend Frontend Browser

    internet Load balancer slave reads writes 12 ADJUSTING redundancy
  5. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich master Frontend Business Logic Frontend Frontend Browser

    internet Load balancer slave reads writes 13 ADJUSTING resilience
  6. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 17 Ability to access the system: ✤

    retrieve information ✤ alter information ✤ send new data AVAILABILITY
  7. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 19 THE 9s DANCE Uptime Downtime (per

    year) 90.000 % 36.50 days one nine 99.000 % 3.65 days two nines 99.900 % 8.76 hrs three nines 99.950 % 4 hrs 23 mins 99.990 % 52.56 mins four nines 99.999 % 5.26 mins five nines
  8. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 20 THE 9s DANCE Uptime Downtime (per

    year) 90.000 % 36.50 days 99.000 % 3.65 days 99.900 % 8.76 hrs 99.950 % 4 hrs 23 mins Amazon SLA 99.990 % 52.56 mins four nines 99.999 % 5.26 mins five nines
  9. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 22 USER BEHAVIOUR amazon facebook youtube Alexa

    Rank 6 3 2 daily time on site 12:07 mins 19:27 mins 23:44 mins daily pageviews / visitor 11.83 9.38 12.84 bounce rate 21 % 29 % 33 %
  10. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 31 HA BEST PRACTICES 1. no single

    points of failure 2. stateless application design 3. automate infrastructure for consistency & reliability 4. clever monitoring and alerting 5. geographically distribute your machines 6. keep spare capacity to meet increasing demand
  11. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 35 WHAT IS A SILO? ✤ frontend

    (SPAs, PWAs, etc) ✤ backend (e.g. PHP services) ✤ data (including cache) 1 silo = full setup of servers that deliver the end-to-end functionality
  12. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 42 ADVANTAGES ✤ reuse familiar technology ✤

    real A/B testing ✤ no BHUF requirements ✤ no disruption => brand loyalty ✤ lower Total Cost of Ownership ✤ simplify scalability
  13. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 43 DISADVANTAGES ✤ needs razor-sharp DevOps team

    ✤ small increase in hardware costs on kick-off ✤ adds complexity to the monitoring layer ✤ reconsider traceability ✤ different bug reproducing and hunting
  14. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 45 ✤ build situational awareness with clever

    monitoring ✤ automate outage detection ✤ powerful A/B testing TAKEAWAYS
  15. @gbtekkie DevOpsDays Zürich 46 FURTHER READING ✤ Wikipedia HA page

    ✤ OpenStack’s HA concepts ✤ Merge Hemo report from FDA ✤ USA Presidential Policy Directive 21 ✤ “Beyond Legacy Code” book ✤ TechCrunch’s summary of sites affected by Michael Jackson’s death ✤ Netflix lessons learned after AWS outage ✤ Netflix Chaos Monkey source code ✤ Brian Adler’s talk on “Architecting for High Availability and Multi-Cloud”