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Scientific Explanation

Scientific Explanation

Twelfth slideshow for a course on science.


January 28, 2017

More Decks by GeorgeMatthews

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  1. To explain is . . . 1. to seek understanding.

    2. to give an account of the causes of events.
  2. To explain is . . . 1. to seek understanding.

    2. to give an account of the causes of events. 3. to clarify and make something more precise.
  3. To explain is . . . 1. to seek understanding.

    2. to give an account of the causes of events. 3. to clarify and make something more precise. 4. to situate the unknown in the context of established knowledge.
  4. To explain is not . . . 1. to acquire

    knowledge of the facts.
  5. To explain is not . . . 1. to acquire

    knowledge of the facts. ARGUMENTS demonstrate what is true or what it is reasonable to believe.
  6. To explain is not . . . 1. to acquire

    knowledge of the facts. ARGUMENTS demonstrate what is true or what it is reasonable to believe. 2. to justify what is explained.
  7. To explain is not . . . 1. to acquire

    knowledge of the facts. ARGUMENTS demonstrate what is true or what it is reasonable to believe. 2. to justify what is explained. JUSTIFICATION shows how what happened is good or necessary.
  8. To explain is not . . . 1. to acquire

    knowledge of the facts. ARGUMENTS demonstrate what is true or what it is reasonable to believe. 2. to justify what is explained. JUSTIFICATION shows how what happened is good or necessary. 3. to rationalize or fit all phenomena into a pre-given storyline.
  9. To explain is not . . . 1. to acquire

    knowledge of the facts. ARGUMENTS demonstrate what is true or what it is reasonable to believe. 2. to justify what is explained. JUSTIFICATION shows how what happened is good or necessary. 3. to rationalize or fit all phenomena into a pre-given storyline. Explanations can challenge our presumed knowledge and deeply held beliefs.
  10. an argument The cat has fleas – you can tell

    because it is scratching itself all of the time.
  11. an explanation The cat has fleas because it was in

    the damp basement where fleas are hatching this time of year.
  12. a justification It was a good idea to wash the

    cat with flea shampoo since it was suffering from all of those flea bites and some were hopping off on us too.
  13. varieties of explanation ! causal: the jar broke because of

    the heat shock caused by pouring hot liquid into it
  14. varieties of explanation ! causal: the jar broke because of

    the heat shock caused by pouring hot liquid into it ! interpretive: Hamlet is a story about the loss of orientation of the individual in modern society
  15. varieties of explanation ! causal: the jar broke because of

    the heat shock caused by pouring hot liquid into it ! interpretive: Hamlet is a story about the loss of orientation of the individual in modern society ! teleological/functional: the brain serves to keep the blood cool
  16. varieties of explanation ! causal: the jar broke because of

    the heat shock caused by pouring hot liquid into it ! interpretive: Hamlet is a story about the loss of orientation of the individual in modern society ! teleological/functional: the brain serves to keep the blood cool ! procedural: to make bread, first you mix the yeast with warm water and sugar
  17. evaluating explanations The best explanations: 1. testable: might be proven

    wrong by evidence inconsistent with them; 2. fruitful: lead to new, unexpected connections and successful but surprising predictions;
  18. evaluating explanations The best explanations: 1. testable: might be proven

    wrong by evidence inconsistent with them; 2. fruitful: lead to new, unexpected connections and successful but surprising predictions; 3. broad in scope: account for many apparently divergent phenomena;
  19. evaluating explanations The best explanations: 1. testable: might be proven

    wrong by evidence inconsistent with them; 2. fruitful: lead to new, unexpected connections and successful but surprising predictions; 3. broad in scope: account for many apparently divergent phenomena; 4. simple: rely on the smallest possible number of assumptions;
  20. evaluating explanations The best explanations: 1. testable: might be proven

    wrong by evidence inconsistent with them; 2. fruitful: lead to new, unexpected connections and successful but surprising predictions; 3. broad in scope: account for many apparently divergent phenomena; 4. simple: rely on the smallest possible number of assumptions; 5. conservative: do not conflict with well-established beliefs.
  21. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The assassination of President Kennedy

    and subsequent killing of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby.
  22. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The assassination of President Kennedy

    and subsequent killing of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. possible explanations:
  23. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The assassination of President Kennedy

    and subsequent killing of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. possible explanations: 1. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone; Jack Ruby took it upon himself to take revenge.
  24. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The assassination of President Kennedy

    and subsequent killing of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. possible explanations: 1. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone; Jack Ruby took it upon himself to take revenge. 2. Oswald and Ruby were Cuban agents both acting on orders from Fidel Castro.
  25. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The assassination of President Kennedy

    and subsequent killing of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. possible explanations: 1. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone; Jack Ruby took it upon himself to take revenge. 2. Oswald and Ruby were Cuban agents both acting on orders from Fidel Castro. 3. There was a conspiracy reaching to the highest levels of the CIA to have JFK removed; Oswald and Ruby were working for them along with other conspirators.
  26. What’s the best explanation? Facts: NASA claims to have successfully

    completed a mission to land astronauts on the moon. Events are shown on TV as they happen.
  27. What’s the best explanation? Facts: NASA claims to have successfully

    completed a mission to land astronauts on the moon. Events are shown on TV as they happen. possible explanations:
  28. What’s the best explanation? Facts: NASA claims to have successfully

    completed a mission to land astronauts on the moon. Events are shown on TV as they happen. possible explanations: 1. They really did this and the movies and photographs taken on the Apollo 11 mission really show people on the moon.
  29. What’s the best explanation? Facts: NASA claims to have successfully

    completed a mission to land astronauts on the moon. Events are shown on TV as they happen. possible explanations: 1. They really did this and the movies and photographs taken on the Apollo 11 mission really show people on the moon. 2. The moon landing was faked in secret studios in Area 51.
  30. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The destruction of the World

    Trade Center and attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
  31. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The destruction of the World

    Trade Center and attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. possible explanations:
  32. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The destruction of the World

    Trade Center and attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. possible explanations: 1. Members of a militant group led by Osama bin Laden hijacked 4 planes and flew two of them into the WTC and one of them into the Pentagon.
  33. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The destruction of the World

    Trade Center and attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. possible explanations: 1. Members of a militant group led by Osama bin Laden hijacked 4 planes and flew two of them into the WTC and one of them into the Pentagon. 2. Key members of the US government knew ahead of time of this attack and let it happen on purpose.
  34. What’s the best explanation? Facts: The destruction of the World

    Trade Center and attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. possible explanations: 1. Members of a militant group led by Osama bin Laden hijacked 4 planes and flew two of them into the WTC and one of them into the Pentagon. 2. Key members of the US government knew ahead of time of this attack and let it happen on purpose. 3. George W. Bush and his top advisors planned this attack and made it happen on purpose; the buildings came down because explosives were planted in them and were detonated after the impact of the planes.
  35. TESTing theories 1. Clarify the explanandum – what are we

    trying to explain anyway? 2. State THEORY and test for internal and external consistency.
  36. TESTing theories 1. Clarify the explanandum – what are we

    trying to explain anyway? 2. State THEORY and test for internal and external consistency. 3. Assess the EVIDENCE in favor of this theory.
  37. TESTing theories 1. Clarify the explanandum – what are we

    trying to explain anyway? 2. State THEORY and test for internal and external consistency. 3. Assess the EVIDENCE in favor of this theory. 4. SCRUTINIZE alternative theories that might explain the facts.
  38. TESTing theories 1. Clarify the explanandum – what are we

    trying to explain anyway? 2. State THEORY and test for internal and external consistency. 3. Assess the EVIDENCE in favor of this theory. 4. SCRUTINIZE alternative theories that might explain the facts. 5. TEST the theory for adequacy: is it testable, fruitful, broad in scope, simple, conservative?