Figure 2. Illustration on the 1-D torus. (top, left) histograms whose translations form B1 , associated to the singular vectors B1 , B2 , B3 for varying values of ⌧ ; (top, right) functio right) convergence rate of the power iterations for ⌧ = 0.1, according to the d H metric. proposition, proved in Appendix C, states that for large enough regularization, uniqueness and linear convergence are maintained. Proposition 2.6. For ⌧ large enough, the singular vectors are unique and the power iterations (4) converge linearly for k·k1 . When ⌧ ! 1, the singular vectors converge to Convergence ra scale the conve to the Hilbert m kZkV := max(Z suggesting that singular vectors Translated histograms: M i,j = h(i − j) Unsupervised Ground Metric Learning Using Wasserstein Singular Vectors 0 20 40 60 80 Figure 2. Illustration on the 1-D torus. (top, left) histograms whose translations form B1 , B2 , B3 ; (bottom, left) distance associated to the singular vectors B1 , B2 , B3 for varying values of ⌧ ; (top, right) functions h1 , h2 , h3 generating the dat right) convergence rate of the power iterations for ⌧ = 0.1, according to the d H metric. α 0 α i i c(0,⋅) Input histograms Singular vector c are singular vectors of ( 1 A , 1 B ), with singular value 2 2. This proposition shows that for " = +1 a set of positive singular vectors is obtained as simply squared Euclidean distances over 1-D principal component embeddings of the data. Entropic regularization thus draws a link between our novel set of OT-based metric learning techniques and classical dimensionality reduction methods. This frames Sinkhorn singular vectors as a well-posed problem regard- less of the value of ". 5. Metric Learning for Single-Cell Genomics between precomputed Gene2Vec (Du et al., 2019) embed- dings. (Huizing et al., 2021) use a Sinkhorn divergence with a cosine distance between genes (i.e. vectors of cells) as a ground cost. In the present paper we compute OT distances using the Python package POT (Flamary et al., 2021). Dataset A commonly analyzed scRNA-seq dataset is the “PBMC 3k” dataset produced by 10X Genomics, obtained through the function pbmc3k of Scanpy (Wolf et al., 2018). Details on preprocessing and cell type annotation are given in Appendix H. The processed dataset contains m = 1030 genes and n = 2043 cells, each belonging to one of 6 immune cell types: ‘B cell’, ‘Natural Killer’, ‘CD4+ T cell’, ‘CD8+ T cell’, ‘Dendritic cell’ and ‘Monocyte’. The cell populations are heavily unbalanced. In addition, for each cell type we consider the set of canonical marker genes given by Azimuth (Hao et al., 2021), i.e. genes whose expression is characteristic of a certain cell type. Evaluation We use the annotation on cells (resp. on marker genes) to evaluate the quality of distances between cells (resp. between marker genes). We report in Table 1 and Table 2 the Average Silhouette Width (ASW), computed us- ing the function silhouette score of Scikit-learn (Pe- Unsupervised Ground Metric Learning Using Wasserstein Singular Vectors RNA-seq expression data : W Singular vector on cells c Singular vector on genes d genes genes and to a single-cell RNA sequencing dataset. In all cases, the ground metric learned iteratively is intu- itively interpretable. In particular, the ground metric learned on biological data not only leads to improved clustering, but also encodes biologically relevant infor- mation. Theoretical perspectives include further results on the existence of positive eigenvectors, in particular for ⌧ = 0 and for " > 0. 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