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[My personal, biased view of the] Software Engi...

[My personal, biased view of the] Software Engineering's Greatest Hits

Gustavo Pinto

May 10, 2018

More Decks by Gustavo Pinto

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  1. Research questions for • How do scientific software developers learn

    programming? • How do scientific software developers find bugs? fix bugs? • Do scientific software developers follow coding best practices? Scientific Software Development @gustavopinto
  2. Preliminary results for Sci devs work mostly alone They learn

    programming by themselves Scientific Software Development @gustavopinto
  3. Preliminary results for Sci devs work mostly alone They learn

    programming by themselves Scientific Software Development Undergrad students do not last much @gustavopinto
  4. Diversity in Software Engineering @gustavopinto She has more chance to

    have a PR accepted if she is not recognized as a woman
  5. Diversity in Software Engineering @gustavopinto She has more chance to

    have a PR accepted if she is not recognized as a woman
  6. Diversity in Software Engineering Research questions for • Are contributors

    from North Americans more likely to be accepted than contributions from Africans? • Do women or LGBTQ+ members receive less support from open source mentors? • Are students more likely to drop off in open source projects? @gustavopinto
  7. Diversity in Software Engineering Preliminary results for Volunteers face 26x

    more rejections than employees Patches from employees are processed 5x fasters than volunteers @gustavopinto
  8. Diversity in Software Engineering Preliminary results for Volunteers face 26x

    more rejections than employees Africans have little to no popular OSS projects Patches from employees are processed 5x fasters than volunteers @gustavopinto
  9. Research questions for • How could we improve practitioners’ decision-

    making based on empirical evidence? • Hoe could we conduct research more aligned with practitioners needs’? • How could we convince practitioners to consume software engineering research? Knowledge Transfer in Software Engineering @gustavopinto
  10. Knowledge Transfer in Software Engineering Preliminary results for Practitioners consider

    evidence briefing as reliable and easy to find information @gustavopinto
  11. Knowledge Transfer in Software Engineering Preliminary results for Practitioners consider

    evidence briefing as reliable and easy to find information SLRs have low connection with SE practice search strings @gustavopinto
  12. Knowledge Transfer in Software Engineering Preliminary results for Practitioners consider

    evidence briefing as reliable and easy to find information SLRs have low connection with SE practice search strings Rapid Reviews reduce time and effort, and are more focused on practitioners’ issues @gustavopinto
  13. From Quasi to Casual Contributors K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, Y.

    Nishinaka, K. Kishida, and Y. Ye. Evolution patterns of open-source software systems and communities. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution, 2002, The “onion” patch @gustavopinto
  14. From Quasi to Casual Contributors The “onion” patch Core developers

    Active developers Peripheral developers @gustavopinto
  15. From Quasi to Casual Contributors Research questions for • How

    common are casual or quasi contributors? • How do maintainers perceive casual or quasi contributors? • Why casual contributors do not become more active? @gustavopinto
  16. From Quasi to Casual Contributors Preliminary results for ±50% of

    the population of OSS contributors are casual contributors @gustavopinto
  17. From Quasi to Casual Contributors Preliminary results for In some

    projects there are more quasi than actual contributors Quasi contributors have tried many, many times @gustavopinto ±50% of the population of OSS contributors are casual contributors
  18. From Quasi to Casual Contributors Preliminary results for In some

    projects there are more quasi than actual contributors Quasi contributors have tried many, many times Rejections could lead to demotivation @gustavopinto ±50% of the population of OSS contributors are casual contributors
  19. From Quasi to Casual Contributors Preliminary results for In some

    projects there are more quasi than actual contributors Quasi contributors have tried many, many times Rejections could lead to demotivation @gustavopinto ±50% of the population of OSS contributors are casual contributors
  20. From Proprietary to Open Source Software Research questions for •

    What software companies need to do when open sourcing a proprietary software project? • How do software companies curate open source communities? • How to assess the success of the transition to open source? @gustavopinto
  21. From Proprietary to Open Source Software Preliminary results for @gustavopinto

    Most of the proprietary software deleted the commit history
  22. From Proprietary to Open Source Software Preliminary results for @gustavopinto

    Most of the proprietary software deleted the commit history Some of them maintain two commit histories
  23. From Proprietary to Open Source Software Preliminary results for @gustavopinto

    Most of the proprietary software deleted the commit history Some of them maintain two commit histories Newcomers “wave”
  24. From Proprietary to Open Source Software Preliminary results for @gustavopinto

    Most of the proprietary software deleted the commit history Some of them maintain two commit histories Newcomers “wave” ~500 new issues in two months