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Killer Content & Multichannel Magic: A Chaotic How-to Guide

Killer Content & Multichannel Magic: A Chaotic How-to Guide

We all know content is king. But are you honestly giving your SEO content the crown it deserves? Onpage SEO content sits smack bang in a magic spot right in between brand and performance – but all too often, we’re guilty of throwing a great piece of content up on-site and then standing around poking it until it ‘does some SEO’.

Forget that. In this talk, you’ll learn how writing, auditing, and analysing SEO content can make your job easier, make your services stickier, and help you to sell your strategy to key stakeholders. We’ll talk about how a solid content strategy can connect to PPC, PR, CRO, CRM (and any other acronyms you fancy tbh) and make your brand feel, well, more like a brand.

Wondering why you should listen to the girl in the novelty 50s skirt? Hannah is a Senior Content Strategist with 8 years of experience in multichannel marketing, both in-house and agency-side - so she gets the struggle from both sides. This talk is basically everything she wishes she’d known all along.

Hannah Brady

September 14, 2023

More Decks by Hannah Brady

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  1. big team mom energy! never met a pair of novelty

    earrings I didn’t love! passionate VLOOKUP advocate! ADHD AF! ride or die for Ahrefs! whimsical and wildly impractical!
  2. In-house marketing E-commerce, digital marketing, CRM, onsite SEO and content

    SEO content writer Senior Content Strategist AKA “I worked in e-commerce marketing for four years and all I got was this lousy PowerPoint timeline”
  3. • make your job easier • make your brand better

    • make your services stickier • help you to sell your strategy
  4. If you can prove that your content has a multichannel

    life beyond ranking and organic visibility, it • Makes it easier to get signoff • Helps to connect you to other services • Builds the brand

  6. Your content strategy means you know your brand, your customers,

    and your missed opportunities better than anyone else.
  7. awesome audit insights Look for pages that have a good

    CTR - what’s pulling users onto your site? Which pages drive the most traffic outside of commercial landing pages? If a page you didn’t expect is converting well, why is that? Are you missing an opportunity or an insight? Check GSC for those SUPER relevant small-volume, high- intent long-tail keywords Roleplay your customer journey. Have you got content for each stage of the funnel? attraction traffic conversions intent coverage A K A “ W A I T I S T H I S M Y E N T I R E J O B I N F I V E B U L L E T P O I N T S ? ”
  8. “If content is the lifeblood of your site, then tech

    SEO is the beating heart that moves it where it needs to go.”
  9. Find new SEO opportunities from the macro level Content might

    seem like a big investment, but build it into your SEO strategy from the off and it will pay off SEO content is the brand – it’s not just driving sessions, it’s driving perception too seo pr social paid marketing
  10. Find the topics your customers care about, and drive relevancy

    for your digital PR strategy Create evergreen SEO content that can get you links and passes link equity Use insights from content to help boost your open rates seo pr social paid marketing
  11. B2B? Create case studies and whitepapers using niche insights you’ve

    spotted that no-one else is talking about Use lifestyle & blog content in email marketing to build your brand Turn content into content marketing campaigns seo pr social paid marketing
  12. Use insights from social and content to support each other

    Crosslink your content – add UGC and insights to your blogs to increase EEAT Social search – on- platform and in search engines seo pr social paid marketing
  13. Use content for retargeting audiences Be tactical on your most

    important keywords – focus organic where you’re struggling on CPC and vice versa Tap into content talent to boost your ad copy and messaging seo pr social paid marketing