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AI On the Microsoft Stack

AI On the Microsoft Stack

-- Workshop AI -- AI Live Orlando --

Henk Boelman

November 17, 2019

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  2. What the user says (utterances) What LUIS returns { "query":

    "Do I have any comments?", "topScoringIntent": { "intent": "Comment", "score": 0.9716354 } } Do I have any comments? Are there new comments?
  3. What the user says (utterances) What LUIS returns { "query":

    "Do I have any negative comments?", "topScoringIntent": { "intent": "Comment", "score": 0.9716354 }, "entities": [ { "entity": "negative", "type": "sentiment", "startIndex": 13, "endIndex": 21, "resolution": null, "score": 0.9664536 } ] } Are there negative comments? Are there positive comments? Are there [sentiment] comments?
  4. "scores": { "anger": 0.664905846, "contempt": 1.86186708E-06, "disgust": 0.000709029962, "fear": 0.00859892648,

    "happiness": 0.140421152, "neutral": 6.258191E-05, "sadness": 1.07471142E-05, "surprise": 0.18528983 }
  5. { "name": "JOHN TRAVOLTA", "faceRectangle": { "left": 516, "top": 152,

    "width": 206, "height": 206 }, "confidence": 0.9996151 } { "name": "SAMUEL L. JACKSON", "faceRectangle": { "left": 1107, "top": 172, "width": 203, "height": 203 }, "confidence": 0.988874555 }