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Adtech & PPC Tool Adoption - How to Bring Order...

Adtech & PPC Tool Adoption - How to Bring Order to Chaos - HeroConf London 2022

Guidance on how to best set up for success for identifying the type of tech you need in a business & selecting the best vendor to achieve your goals. Ensuring usage remains high 6 months down the line and the tool isn't forgotten about!


July 15, 2022

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  1. Adtech & PPC tool adoption - how to bring order

    to chaos! Inderpaul Rai Head of Performance Marketing ufurnish.com
  2. What are your customer needs across the buying funnel? 6

    Awareness Consideration Purchase Service Loyalty I want to be inspired I want to see choice I want to see value Make it easy to stay I want connection Phase Need State
  3. Which marketing channels and tech currently support this funnel? 7

    Awareness Consideration Purchase Service Loyalty I want to be inspired I want to see choice I want to see value Make it easy to stay I want connection Phase Need State Touchpoints Display Paid Social Search Engines Search Engines Affiliates Personalisation Retargeting Email Organic Social
  4. #HEROCONF Captivate the audience Community Growth Phase Need State Channels

    Display / Media Search (SEO & PPC) Social Website Email / CRM Map your challenges in your channels against the funnel 9 I want to be inspired I want to see choice I want to see value Make it easy to stay I want connection Challenges? Inability to target right audience at scale Inability to segment CRM data Highly manual processes to target engaged users No onsite personalisation Limited unified data tracking across contacts
  5. #HEROCONF Captivate the audience Community Growth Phase Need State Channels

    Display / Media Search (SEO & PPC) Social Website Email / CRM Map your challenges in your channels against the funnel 10 I want to be inspired I want to see choice I want to see value Make it easy to stay I want connection Challenges? Inability to target right audience at scale Inability to segment CRM data Highly manual processes to target engaged users No onsite personalisation Limited unified data tracking across contacts
  6. #HEROCONF Business Goal Alignment 12 Business Goals 1. Grow Subscribers

    2. Increase Gross Margin (GM) Marketing Goals Ensure we’re able to target the right audience and lead to relevant web pages Deliver efficient marketing in online channels through optimising Paid Media to deliver higher margin on conversions acquired Tech Initiatives 1. Invest in SEO/Industry monitoring/optimisation tools to understand search demand and behaviour 2. Invest in a CDP 1. Feed management tool 2. DataLayer improvements to track (GM) in conversions Measurability Improve traffic to website, subscription rate by 10% and cost per conversion Improve Gross Margin from Paid Media channels by 5% whilst, at minimum, maintaining conversion volume
  7. At larger organisations different departments are responsible for different stages

    of the marketing funnel, including technologies utilised… 15 illustration by Marc Hughes for PlannersWeb
  8. 24% growth in Martech tools in just the last 24

    months! 17 https://chiefmartec.com/2022/05/marketing-technology-landscape-2022-search-9932-solutions-on-martechmap-com/
  9. #HEROCONF Adtech Architecture 18 Website Display Advertising Social Affiliate Advertising

    Data Visualisation Tool Search Engines Social Management Tool PPC Bid Management Tool SEO Keyword tool DSP Affiliate Network Feed Management Tool
  10. #HEROCONF Martech Architecture 19 Analytics Website Audience segmentation & data

    modelling Recommendations, Personalisation and testing tools CRM + Data Warehousing Display Advertising Social Email Affiliate Advertising CMS Data Visualisation Tool Search Engines Social Managem ent Tool PPC Bid Management Tool SEO Keyword tool DSP Affiliate Network Feed Management Tool Email Managem ent Tool
  11. #HEROCONF Use cases • Now you know your business objectives,

    your channel objectives, your tech objectives and your ecosystem - formulate use cases to start engaging vendors with 21 • Capture key info of the business challenge Use Case #1 Use Case #2 • Make it clear what success looks like Use Case #3 • Provide real examples of what you are trying to solve for
  12. What’s the minimum level of business sign off that I

    need? 22 Paid Media CMO Finance Legal Procur ement
  13. Who are the key stakeholders I need to keep informed?

    Paid Media CMO Legal Procurement Analytics Finance Marketing SEO Data & Engineering
  14. Who are the key stakeholders from these teams that will

    be part of the decisioning committee? 24 Paid Media CMO Legal Procurement Analytics Finance Marketing SEO Data & Engineering
  15. Proof of concept testing 26 POC 3-6 month test with

    one of your use cases to prove business value
  16. Team Structure Responsible – Person working on activity Accountable –

    Person with decision authority and outcome Consult – Key stakeholder who should be included in decision or work activity Inform – Needs to know of decision or action R A C I
  17. #HEROCONF • Run a gap analysis on your full funnel

    marketing 31 • Understand what your marketing and business goals are, how you measure moving the dial on these and how tech can potentially help you do this • Map out your current Marketing Technology architecture in your company, if you don't know how this looks across the different teams responsible for marketing and website experience work with them to understand this! • Ensure key teams and stakeholders are fully warmed up and involved in the process • Create a vendor scoring system • Plot down your pitch process, send RFIs to ensure you have all the information you need and send RFPs so all vendors are fully aware of the process, your challenges and what success looks like • Ensure everyone in your business knows what they're responsible and accountable for, and who needs to be consulted/informed along the way • Formulate your use cases for your tech initiatives • Once the tech is decided on, have an agreed robust training programme with the vendor!