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Monitoring OpenStack at Lithium (OpenStack Summ...

Monitoring OpenStack at Lithium (OpenStack Summit Austin 2016)

Ilan Rabinovitch

April 26, 2016

More Decks by Ilan Rabinovitch

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  1. How is OpenStack is used at Lithium? • Production public-facing

    communities to major brands (SaaS) ◦ Redis, Java, Node,js, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Cassandra • Infrastructure services ◦ Kubernetes + Docker ◦ Chef ◦ DNS ◦ Consul • Development environments • R&D services • Random VMs because it’s easy to use
  2. • Kilo (EU) & Icehouse (US) ◦ Keystone, Nova, Cinder,

    Swift, Glance, Neutron, Heat, Horizon • ~60 hypervisors • ~1000 instances • ~10 TB RAM (~6 TB used) • Contrail for SDN • Ceph & SolidFire (provisioned iOps) for Cinder • Managed by a team of 3 engineers OpenStack @ Lithium
  3. Tools are available out of the box • Horizon ◦

    Difficult to create cross-tenant and/or rollup reports ◦ Multi-region compounds the cross-tenant issues ◦ Not very user friendly for all teams involved (Ops, DevOps, Dev, Finance, Mgmt, etc.) ◦ Doesn’t have time-based metrics to show usage over time • Nova APIs ◦ Rolling your own? Who really has time for that? ◦ Need to run graphite (or similar) to represent the data ◦ Push metrics into statsd or similar service using Python We used a combination of both before using Datadog’s integration Ugh… : (
  4. • Our users want graphs & dashboards • Time series

    graphs tell the real story • Incredibly easy to implement • Easy to add/extend functionality ◦ Open Source code on GitHub ◦ Able to extend with our own custom enhancements • Open source is important to us • Able to see OpenStack metrics side-by-side with our application metrics Why we went with Datadog Photo credits: Google Images - The Indian Government encourages adoption of OSS http://news.softpedia.com/news/Use-of-Open-Source-Software-Is-Now- Mandatory-In-Indian-Government-Offices-477052.shtml
  5. •SaaS based infrastructure and app monitoring •Open Source Agent •Time

    series data (metrics and events) •Processing nearly a trillion data points per day •Intelligent Alerting •We’re hiring! (www.datadoghq.com/careers/) Datadog Overview
  6. How much to measure measure? 1 node • 30 metrics

    from OpenStack 1 operating system (e.g., Linux) • 100 metrics per instance Custom Applications • 50~ metrics
  7. How much to measure measure? 1 VM • 30~ metrics

    from OpenStack 1 operating system (e.g., Linux) • 100 metrics per instance Custom Applications • 50~ metrics Containers 150*N
  8. How much to measure measure? 1 VM • 30~ metrics

    from OpenStack 1 operating system (e.g., Linux) • 100 metrics per instance Custom Applications • 50~ metrics Containers 150*N Metrics Overload!
  9. Perspective Matters By Mysid - Self-made in Inkscape, contours from

    en:Image:Perspective-foreshortening.png., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2562161 By Katri - Flickr: On the road, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15967705
  10. • You are no longer monitoring an infrastructure stack ◦

    It’s a set of applications that provide your infrastructure • You need to start monitoring not just server stats (cpu, memory, disk) but also how the applications work together • Servers may look fine even if the services are not responding properly • Probably have > 1 network providing the network to the running instances Important concepts to remember https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia OpenStack service
  11. How do you know what to compare? By Sandy Austin

    - originally posted to Flickr as Snack time again, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10003672
  12. Examples: Nova - Metrics Work Metrics: • hdd_read_req • running_vms

    • Resource Metrics: • hypervisor_up • vcpus available • free_disk_gb • free_ram_mb
  13. Examples: Nova - Events • Configuration Change • Code Deployment

    • Service Started / Stopped • Instance Migrations • Instance Creation • Adding / Removing Nodes