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AWS Webinar - cmip6_preprocessing

Julius Busecke
October 14, 2021

AWS Webinar - cmip6_preprocessing

Julius Busecke

October 14, 2021


  1. So what is in the CMIP archive? Model A Model

    B Model C Member i Member j Member k Slightly di ff erent initial conditions, physical parameter … 30+ for some models 88 models - Di ff erent code, grids, physical/biological/chemical parameterizations
  2. Why cmip6_preprocessing? Based on the xarray datamodel Labelled arrays and

    datasets - ‘pandas for n-dimensional arrays’ Integrates with the existing pangeo stack where possible (regionmask, xgcm, xesmf, pint-coming soon) Lightweight, dask friendly Works great in the cloud, but also locally, on HPC...wherever you have xarray really.
  3. Components `preprocessing` for dataset cleaning/homogenization `postprocessing` to combine the model

    data into xarray datasets with e.g. several members or combined historical+forced experiments `regionmask` create basin masks for arbitrary model output `drift_removal` to compute trends for preindustrial control runs and remove that drift from other output.