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Rails Girls San Francisco Introduction slides

Rails Girls San Francisco Introduction slides

Elaine Greenberg and I gave an introduction talk in the morning at Rails Girls, San Francisco.



January 26, 2013

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  1. Photo by Rails Girls co-founder Linda Liukas http://flic.kr/p/8WWw1Y Rails Girls

    was started a few years ago in Helsinki, Finland, as a free, all-ages event to get more women interested in technology and development.
  2. HELSINKI, FINLAND Photo by tuutipiippo http://flic.kr/p/aqEZtY it was supposed to

    be a one-time thing, but it was so popular that it grew.
  3. GLOBAL EVENTS Last year at a Rails conference in Europe,

    Rails Girls open sourced their event - sharing their materials and guides with everyone so that the event could be held by organizers across the world.
  4. BERLIN Photo by langziehohr http://flic.kr/p/c1MWKo Since then - there have

    been dozens of events, each with their own city’s community of developers
  5. GET EXCITED AND MAKE THINGS Our goal is that you

    will walk away with quite a few things. - A better understanding of the vocabulary of the web and development. - Coding basics, and the tools used to build web apps. Over the course of the day, you will build a basic web application by following along with a guide and your table’s coaches. - Our hope is that you will take away ideas for how you can move forward into the programming world after the day is over.
  6. WE NEW DEVELOPERS All of the coaches and organizers are

    volunteers. We are all here because we remember what it was like to be new to programming and new to Ruby and Rails, and we want to help you take those first steps. We would also love to have more women join the coding community, and hope to do so by showing what’s exciting about our field and about being a developer. In addition to being able to help you with your technical questions, feel free to ask your coaches about their jobs, why they love doing what they do.