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Things Your Application Does While You're Not L...

Things Your Application Does While You're Not Looking (Lone Star PHP 2015)

Josh Butts

April 17, 2015

More Decks by Josh Butts

Other Decks in Technology


  1. About  Me • VP  of  Engineering
 at  Offers.com   •

    Austin  PHP  Organizer   •            github.com/jimbojsb                               •              @jimbojsb 2
  2. About  Offers.com • We  help  people  save  money   •

    Launched  in  2009   • 50k  line  ZF1  application   • Millions  of  Uniques  /  Month 3
  3. Agenda • What  is  application  health?   • How  can

     we  collect  data  to   determine  if  our  application  is   healthy   • How  can  we  make  this  data   actionable? 4
  4. What  is  application  health? • Depends  on  who  you  ask

      • Combination  of  performance  and   quality   – Uptime   – Response  time   – Error  rate 5
  5. Uptime • Set  realistic  expectations  -­‐  no  one   is

     up  100%  of  the  time   • How  many  9’s  can  you  tolerate?   • Measure  uptime  monthly   • Planned  maintenance  counts! 6
  6. Up  isn’t  good  enough,  but  it’s  a  start • Ping

     monitoring  is  an  absolute  minimum   • ICMP  ping  is  not  good  enough   • Need  to  at  least  check  the  status  code   • Should  really  check  for  a  content  snippet   • You  should  outsource  this   – Pingdom   – UptimeRobot 7
  7. Error  Rate • Number  of  requests  that  generate  an  

    E_WARNING  or  above  /  total  requests   • Uncaught  exceptions:  E_Fatal   • What’s  acceptable?   – 0%  is  not  realistic   – 1%  is  a  good  place  to  start   – 0.5%  is  what  we  use 8
  8. Why  Error  Rate  is  Hard • PHP  error  handlers  are

     terrible   • You  really  need  an  extension   • There  are  a  few  third  party  tools   that  do  this,  but  they  aren’t  cheap 9
  9. Silent  Killers • Does  a  caught  exception  count  as  

    towards  your  error  rate?   • How  many  times  do  you  drop  the   exception?   • Would  you  even  know  if  your  password   reset  page  was  throwing  a  500  error?   • Even  the  best  testing  can’t  fix  stupid   users 10
  10. Application  Logs • Logs  are  your  best  source  for  

    debugging  production  errors   • Log  facts   • Speak  to  your  future  self   • Use  a  service  or  tool  to  aggregate   logs 12
  11. Log  Highlights • Be  wordy,  but  avoid  pointless   words

      • Take  advantage  of  log  levels   • Take  advantage  of  different   application  environments   • Keep  your  logs  to  “one-­‐liners” 13
  12. Log  Levels • DEBUG     • INFO   •

  13. DEBUG • Most  detailed  and  verbose  level   • Database

     queries   • “per-­‐item”  information  in  a  loop   • Probably  turn  this  off  in  production 15
  14. INFO • This  is  the  “default”  for  most  things  

    • General  events   – user  logins   – application  state  changes   – material  domain  object   modifications 16
  15. NOTICE • Like  INFO  but  slightly  more   important  

    • You  might  actually  care  about  these   • Transactions  with  values  that  are   normal  but  higher  or  lower  than   expected   • Might  review  these  weekly 17
  16. WARN • Undesired  behavior  that  isn’t   necessarily  wrong  

    • Calling  deprecated  APIS   • Unexpected  null  result  sets 18
  17. ERROR • Runtime  logic  errors   • Unexpected  invalid  arguments

      • Caught  exceptions   • Doesn’t  require  immediate   attention   • Look  at  these  daily 19
  18. CRITICAL • First  level  where  you  should   consider  real-­‐time

     notifications   • Unable  to  connect  to  a  3rd  party   service   • Connection  timeouts   • High  latency 20
  19. ALERT • Application  is  partially  down  or   non-­‐functional  

    • Failed  to  connect  to  a  critical   internal  resource   • This  should  send  SMS  messages,   wake  people  up   • Recommend  a  time  threshold 21
  20. EMERGENCY • Everything  has  gone  to  hell   • Hardware

     failures   • Wake  everyone  up,  keep  calling   until  someone  acknowledges   • Rare  to  see  this,  because  logging   has  probably  also  failed 22
  21. PHP  Logging  Software • Monolog     • Pretty  much

     everyone  uses  this   one   • Log4PHP   • Pretty  much  no  one  uses  this  one   • The  one  that  comes  with  your   favorite  framework 23
  22. Useful  Monolog  Setup 25 <?php $loggerName = 'myapp'; $logger =

    new \Monolog\Logger($loggerName); $file = __DIR__ . '/app.log'; touch($file); chmod($file, 0666); $logger->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler($file));
  23. SAPI-­‐aware  Monolog 26 $sapi = php_sapi_name(); $loggerName = php_sapi_name() ==

    'cli' ? "myapp-cli" : "myapp-web"; $logger = new \Monolog\Logger($loggerName); if ($sapi == 'cli') { $logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler("php:// stdout")); } else { // file setup here, touch, chmod, etc $logger->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler($file)); }
  24. Logging  to  a  Service 28 $handler = new Monolog\Handler\SyslogUdpHandler('data.logentries.com', 12345);

    $handler->setFormatter(new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter()); $logger->pushHandler($handler);
  25. Environment-­‐Aware  Log  Levels 29 if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'production') { $udpHandler

    = new Monolog\Handler \SyslogUdpHandler('data.logentries.com', 12345, \Monolog\Logger::INFO); $udpHandler->setFormatter(new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter()); $emailHandler = new Monolog\Handler\SwiftMailerHandler($swiftMailer, \Monolog\Logger::ALERT); $logger->pushHandler($udpHandler); $logger->pushHandler($emailHandler); }
  26. Sample  Log  File 30 [2015-03-27 14:49:21] orca-web.DEBUG: {“type”:”view”,”data":{"buoy": 1496827310190429296,"path":"\/sears\/" [2015-03-29

    22:30:05] orca-web.INFO: orca.pages.all.render_time: 0.12709784507751|ms|@1.000 [] [“vagrant-ubuntu 
 [2015-03-29 22:30:05] orca-web.INFO: orca.pages.all.views.anonymous:1| c|@1.000 [] [“vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64"] 
 [2015-03-30 15:40:26] orca-web.INFO: Captcha failed for; Requested [] [“vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64"] 
 [2015-03-30 15:52:59] orca-web.INFO: Captcha Passed:; Requested [] [“vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64"] 
 [2015-03-30 15:53:00] orca-web.ALERT: ELASTICSEARCH ERROR With Path: / error: {"error":"IndexMissingException[[o
  27. Metrics  Collection • Everyone  likes  graphs   • Data  visualizations

     help  you  spot   outliers  in  real-­‐time   • Create  a  dashboard  that  displays   them 32
  28. Example  Baseline  metrics • PHP  execution  time   • PHP

     memory  usage   • Number  of  database  queries  per   request   • Job  queue  length   • Time  to  process  jobs   • Emails  sent 33
  29. Application  Metrics • User  logins  /  failed  logins   •

    Password  resets   • Page  views  for  key  pages   • Deployments   • Caught  exceptions   • Overall  page  views 34
  30. Statsd  /  Graphite • Statsd  is  a  node.js  app  that

     collects   stats  from  your  application   • Graphite  is  a  visualization  tool  that   lets  you  access  information  from   Statsd  in  graph  form 35
  31. Examples  of  Counters • Count  every  request   • Count

     every  transactional  email   sent   • Count  every  job  from  your  job   queue  by  type   • Count  every  caught  exception 39
  32. Examples  of  Timers • Time  your  index.php  at  the  top

     and   bottom   • Time  your  crontabs,  especially   overnight  ones   • You  can  even  submit  timers  for   multi-­‐page  events  (conversion   funnels,  etc) 40
  33. Metric  Naming • .  delimited  names   • Think  of

     it  like  namespaces   • Plan  ahead   • Use  a  top-­‐level  namespace  per-­‐app   (client-­‐side) 41
  34. Time  your  “Page  Render” 43 <?php $connection = new Domnikl\Statsd\Connection\UdpSocket('localhost');

    $client = new Domnikl\Statsd\Client($connection, ‘orca'); $client->startTiming(‘render_time'); $application = new Application(); $response = $application->dispatch(); echo $response; $client->endTiming('render_time');
  35. Count  Your  Pageviews 45 $connection = new Domnikl\Statsd\Connection\UdpSocket('localhost'); $client =

    new Domnikl\Statsd\Client($connection, 'orca'); $client->startTiming('render_time'); $application = new Application(); $response = $application->dispatch(); echo $response; $client->increment('pageviews'); $client->endTiming('render_time');
  36. Job  Queue  Example 47 class Worker { protected $statsd; public

    function run($job) { try { $this->processJob($job); $this->statsd->increment("worker.success"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->buryJob($job); $this->statsd->increment("worker.buried"); } } }
  37. Logs  vs  Stats • Why  not  both?   • Logs

     are  searchable   • Stats  are  graph-­‐able,  visual   • Make  sure  you  can  correlate  logs   and  stats 49
  38. Make  it  Actionable • You  have  to  actually  look  at

     this   stuff   • Identify  problems  with  stats   • Investigate  problems  with  logs   • Revisit  your  data  collection  when   you  encounter  anything  serious   • Get  tools  to  help  you 50